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  • The Perfect Church Series

    Contributed by Shawn Drake on Feb 4, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    This is the 5th sermon in the 1 Timothy series, "Order".

    Series: Order [#5] THE PERFECT CHURCH 1 Timothy 3:1-16 Introduction: I have really prayed about how I was going to handle today’s service and sermon. I thought about just acting as nothing has happened this week that could have a huge negative impact on our Church. Then, I started studying our more

  • Reality Is Not A Show Series

    Contributed by Shawn Drake on Feb 25, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    This is the 7th sermon in the 1 Timothy series, "Order".

    Series: Order [#7] REALITY IS NOT A SHOW 1 Timothy 5:1-25 Introduction: This is the week where many young men break up with their girlfriends. The reason I know that is because Valentine’s Day is this week. Now, I’m not saying that is acceptable behavior; but it does save money. Valentine’s more

  • What Are Your Priorities PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Jan 6, 2024
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon explores how to prioritize God's presence, pursue His peace, and place His purpose above all else, using the story of Mary and Martha.

    Good morning, beloved congregation. It's a joy to gather with you today, in this sacred space, to delve into the divine wisdom of God's Word. As we gather in fellowship, let us remember the words of Charles Spurgeon who once said, "Visit many good books, but live in the Bible." Our focus today is more

  • Zeal For Our Father's House PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Jan 30, 2024
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon explores the power of belief, the significance of Jesus' words, and the importance of maintaining balance in accordance with divine order.

    Welcome, dear friends, to this gathering of hearts and minds, united by the common thread of faith, hope, and love. We are here, not by happenstance, but by divine appointment. As we gather under the canopy of God’s grace, let us remember the words of the great Charles Spurgeon: “Nobody ever more

  • A God Of Order, Not Confusion Series

    Contributed by Jeffery Anselmi on May 7, 2001
    based on 305 ratings

    God wants to bring order in our lives as He did with the universe. Without God, there is nothing but chaos.

    INTRODUCTION  A couple had two little boys, ages 8 and 10, who were excessively mischievous. They were always getting into trouble and their parents knew that, if any mischief occurred in their town, their sons were probably involved. The boys’ mother heard that a clergyman in town had been more

  • A New World Order Series

    Contributed by Chris Appleby on May 11, 2002
    based on 11 ratings

    Jesus coming has brought in a new world order. His obedience to God means we are no longer tied down by the death that came from Adam’s rebellion

    If you can remember back 2 weeks ago to Rom 5:1-11 you’ll recall that we discovered there that the gospel brings us peace with God. That’s because Jesus has reconciled us to God through his death and resurrection. What’s more, we also discovered that a proper understanding of the gospel gives us more

  • The New World Order Series

    Contributed by Manuel Amparo on Mar 26, 2006
    based on 7 ratings

    It is significant that all human attempts to hold the nations together have failed: Dan 2:43

    THE NEW WORLD ORDER ISAIAH 21:11 A. OUR PRESENT WORLD IS WITHOUT PARALLEL IN THE HISTORY OF THE NATIONS 1. Scientific development: a. Harnessing the Atom b. The intercontinental missile c. Space travel 2. Things that were new, but yesterday, are more

  • God's Marching Orders

    Contributed by Bramwell Hayes on Jul 20, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    A sermon pointing out the wisdom of God after a popular pastor was moved unexpectedly by the denominational leadership, to the surprise of both the pastor and the Church

    Acts 8:4-8,26 13:1-4 The length of stays of Salvation Army officers in appointments has gradually increased over the years. In the early days it would just be a few months or weeks before they were moved again. William Booth even said at one time that no officer should stay in a corps for more more

  • The Superior Order Of Melchizedek Series

    Contributed by Dan Neary on Feb 5, 2007
    based on 7 ratings

    The appearance of Melchizedek in Hebrews 7 is there to draw us not to this mysterious figure Melchizedek, but there to draw us to God through Jesus Christ.

    Superior Order Questions, questions, questions. As far as I’m concerned, it is good for us to come to moments like these and ask our questions. We should bring our really big questions, right? Who – What – Where – When – Why – How? If we’re going to get to the bottom of things, we’re taught that more

  • Divine Side Orders Series

    Contributed by Fredrick Harris on Jan 29, 2005
    based on 11 ratings

    A side order is an unexpected situation or thing that may arise throughout the course of a day. It is that thing that comes up that puts your day 2 hours behind. *The child is sick at school and needs to be picked up *The car got a flat overnight and yo

    NEW CORINTHIAN B.C. of PASADENA An Inspiring Sermon Series “More Than Conquerors” By: Pastor F. Demond Harris Divine Side Orders Mark 5: 25-34 *INTRODUCTION A side order is an unexpected situation or thing that may arise throughout the course of a day. It is that thing that comes up that puts more

  • Order My Steps

    Contributed by Ray Ellis on May 17, 2004
    based on 43 ratings

    This sermon tells how God wants to order a person’s steps according to the Word of God.

    “Order My Steps” Psalm 119:133 Psalm 37:23-24 Last year the theme song for the choir was “Lord Listen to Your Children Praying.” This year’s theme song is “Order My Steps According to God’s Word, Order My Heart, Order my Talk according to God’s Word.” During the past couple of months I have more

  • Orders From The Top Series

    Contributed by Shawn Drake on Nov 26, 2003
    based on 17 ratings

    This is the 4th study in the study "War On Terror".

    ORDERS FROM THE TOP Jude 1:20-25 As we complete this study on Jude, we need to notice that the focus is taken off of the false prophets, false teachers, and counterfeit Christians; and placed upon the Christian’s life. In these last five verses of Jude we are given instructions concerning more

  • Divine Marching Orders

    Contributed by Jay Mcphearson on Dec 23, 2003
    based on 21 ratings

    We have nothing to fear when God is on our side

    ¡§Divine Marching Orders¡¨ Joshua 1:1-9 02.02.03 Sunday Morning Sermon ¡§We have nothing to fear when God is on our side.¡¨ Intro: Start with Blank Young people can be mean to each other. I wasn¡¦t good at sports in Jr. High or High school. Our small school would get a new coach and all the more

  • Order Out Of Chaos

    Contributed by Dean Morgan on Sep 10, 2004
    based on 24 ratings

    I want us to take a trip through the Bible and see that God is a God who can bring order, peace and glory out of chaotic, confused and hopeless situations. The devil has been trying to bring disorder and chaos to our lives since creation.

    TEXT: Genesis 1:1-3a TITLE: ORDER OUT OF CHAOS Chaos – (Web.) (1) The disorder of formless matter and infinite space, supposed to have existed before the ordered universe. (2) Extreme confusion or disorder. A state of utter confusion. Verse 2 could be translated that the earth was waste. TLB – more

  • Setting Things In Order

    Contributed by Jerry Flury on Jul 2, 2004
    based on 59 ratings

    Death’s inevitable reality demands the need for each of us to make sure that we have set things in order.

    SETTING THINGS IN ORDER II KINGS 20:1-6 INTRODUCTION: King Hezekiah was a great ruler who sought to faithfully follow God. Judea prospered under Hezekiah’s reign. Concerning Hezekiah, 2 Kings 18:5 states, “He trusted in the LORD God of Israel; so that after him was none like him among all the more

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