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  • Know Your Adversary Series

    Contributed by Seth Alexander on Apr 2, 2015

    To fight the Battle you must first know who you are fighting against.

    We are starting a series of Sermons on Spiritual Warfare. One of the most important things that we can do as we prepare for all-out war, is to understand the force that we will be fighting against. 1. Satan is the Father of Lies a. Even before time began i. From a couple of Old Testament more

  • Two Dogs Inside Of Us

    Contributed by Gary Christensen on Mar 15, 2016

    What's wrong with me? I want to serve God, but, instead, I sin! I want to Live in the Spirit, but, instead, I'm still living in The Power of my Flesh! Maybe it's because i have Two Dogs living inside of me! The story of the two dogs. (Our Two Natures)

    Shortly after I first became a Christian, I was told of this story of The Two Dogs, and it made a lot of sense. It helped me to understand why I was, the way that I was, and it helped me to understand what I needed to do, to be better than I had been. Every believer has a Dual Nature. more

  • A Fundamental Church Problem: Pride Series

    Contributed by Perry Greene on Feb 10, 2020

    Pride is a personal issue but it can also effect congregations.

    1. The NT letters often address certain issues and problems of congregations. Corinth had major problems such as: a. Divisions b. Immorality c. Abuses of the Lord’s Supper d. Temptation e. Marriage f. Spiritual Gifts and Love g. Resurrection 2. We could talk about modern issues but in reality, more

  • The Enigmatic Concept Of Spiritual Unity

    Contributed by Dr. Phillip Paschal on Oct 17, 2019
    based on 4 ratings

    The United Body of Christ

    THE ENIGMATIC CONCEPT OF SPIRITUAL UNITY EPHESIANS 4:1-3 The opening of chapter 4 marks the principal transition of the entire Epistle. As is his custom in other writings, Paul turns from the doctrinal to the practical. Paul recognizes the value of spiritual unity in the church because he had a more

  • Moments Of Personal Transfiguration

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Aug 3, 2019

    The words of Mary in John’s Gospel are a clear call: “do whatever Jesus tells you.” But to know what that is, we must really listen.

    Feast of the Transfiguration 2019 The visions of the prophet Daniel pertain to a community under persecution by a vicious, almost atheistic state. To encourage and console that community, Daniel pulls the curtain on what is really happening, to show the divine power and judgement on those more

  • Chirstmas Eve: Born To Die

    Contributed by Troy Borst on Dec 19, 2023

    Christmas Eve Sermonette focusing on salvation for communion

    CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICE MESSAGE BORN TO DIE LUKE 2:21-32 We are coming to our time of Communion tonight, I would like to share with you a passage of Scripture and a few thoughts. This Scripture and these thoughts will prepare our minds and hearts and emotions well to remember that Jesus was born to more

  • The Fall Of Lucifer Series

    Contributed by Shaila Touchton on May 29, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    Lucifer, also known as the devil or Satan, is a prominent figure in the Bible, known for his rebellion against God and his subsequent fall from heaven.

    Lucifer, also known as the devil or Satan, is a prominent figure in the Bible, known for his rebellion against God and his subsequent fall from heaven. This sermon will explore who Lucifer was, what he did, and his ultimate fate, as revealed in Scripture. Who was Lucifer? Lucifer, whose name more

  • The Cross Of Jesus Christ

    Contributed by Apostle Tonya on Jun 9, 2022

    In this revelatory teaching on The Cross of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the Holy Spirit teaches through Apostle Tonya some of the events which manifested at the Cross of our Savior.

    The placement of the Cross of Yeshua HaMashiach, in the center, would seemingly point to be the focal point of the Crucifixion of our Blessed Redeemer. John 19:18 In the Holy Scriptures, we read of the Lord Jesus’ earthly Ministry and the warfare He endured as the jealously of the Jewish leaders more

  • God Is In Control

    Contributed by Luther Sexton on Jun 29, 2021

    An extensive look at Psalm 2

    Psalm 2- God Is In Control I. Psalm 2:1-3 1 Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? 2 The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed, saying, 3 Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away more

  • Faith And Failure Series

    Contributed by Chris Appleby on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 70 ratings

    Introduction to Exodus

    Today we begin a new series of sermons on Exodus. (Outline available) As I said in that outline the story of the Exodus is the story of the people of God. What we find here is a precursor to what we find in the gospels and in a sense is a mirror of our own experience of being part of the people of more

  • Lord, Pick Me! Series

    Contributed by Rick Duncan on Jun 29, 2005
    based on 11 ratings

    Most of us are willing to admit that a makeover would help. But we don’t know how to make the makeover happen.

    This past week, I went online to learn how to apply to be on Extreme Makeover: Home Edition! They ask, “Does your home desperately need some attention?” You are encouraged to print out an application and send it in. They also require each application to have a video tour of the home. Include more

  • Gentleness Series

    Contributed by D. Greg Ebie on Jul 15, 2005
    based on 60 ratings

    The Fruit of The Spirit (Part 10) How is gentleness developed in our lives? Sometimes we learn gentleness through God’s tender touch, and at other times we learn gentleness through difficult situations. (See sermons in Word format at

    GENTLENESS The Fruit of The Spirit (Part 10) Galatians 5:22-23 • Galatians 5:22-23 (NIV) [22] But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, [23] gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. INTRODUCTION: Fragile: Handle with more

  • A Case For Seatbelts And Airbags Series

    Contributed by Jeffrey Stratton on Nov 14, 2002
    based on 44 ratings

    Learning how to become strong for the off-road times of life from 1 Timothy.

    August 31 and September 1, 2002 2 Timothy 3:1-9 A Case For Seatbelts and Air Bags How many public warnings do you think you have either seen or heard since you were a little child? I am not talking about the warnings you got from parents, grand-parents, pastors or Sunday School teachers that more

  • Be Strong, Do Not Fear

    Contributed by Timm Meyer on Sep 11, 2002
    based on 79 ratings

    Pentecost 16(B) - SEPTEMBER 8, 2002 - Isaiah reminds believers to BE STRONG, DO NOT FEAR because Christians have a divine deliverer, One who refreshes and renews.

    BE STRONG, DO NOT FEAR ISAIAH 35:4-7a September 8, 2002 Isaiah 35:4-7a 4 Say to those with fearful hearts, "Be strong, do not fear; your God will come, he will come with vengeance; with divine retribution he will come to save you." 5 Then will the eyes of the blind be opened and the ears of more

  • An Open Door

    Contributed by Joey Nelson on Jun 10, 2002
    based on 31 ratings

    The apostle Paul would call this “An Open Door.” He refers to this thought in his first letter to the Corinthians. Today, we will be equipped in how to know a new opportunity or an open door when we see it and how to make a proper decision.

    INTRODUCTION Opening Statement: I remember applying to graduate school back in 1994. I submitted all of the necessary papers and finally received my acceptance letter. I was so excited that June day as I read my letter of acceptance. That letter meant so much to me that I kept it. [Read a portion more

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