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  • The Battle For The Truth Series

    Contributed by Darrell Tomasek on Aug 20, 2005
    based on 7 ratings

    This is the opening sermon in a series through the book of Galatians that takes a close look at salvation.

    The Battle for the Truth Galatians 1:1-10 1. The Authority of Paul (1) A. Not sent by man. B. Sent by Jesus Christ and God the Father. 2. The Gospel Basics (3-6) A. Christ gave himself for our sins. B. He will rescue us from this evil age. C. This was done according to the will of more

  • Lord, Give Me!"

    Contributed by Eston Williams on Aug 24, 2005
    based on 4 ratings

    Patience is a gift of the Spirit to be openned each day, not a form of self discipline to be mastered.

    On Tuesday mornings at 7 a.m., I meet with a group of six men where we offer each other support, encouragement and accountability as each of us seek to live like Jesus lived and love like Jesus loved. Last Tuesday one of the men in the group asked us all to pray for him to be more patient. The more

  • Galatians Part 5 - "“Be Free And Live By The Spirit!” Series

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Oct 4, 2005
    based on 14 ratings

    Freedom opens up the one thing that helps us to keep in step with the Spirit.

    Galatians Part 5 – “Be free and live by the Spirit!” Thesis: Freedom opens up the one thing that helps us to keep in step with the Spirit. Opening thought about chapter 5: Paul tells the Galatia church to be free, to remember the one thing which is “faith is to express itself through love” and more

  • "Yes We Can"

    Contributed by Ken Sauer on May 15, 2004
    based on 31 ratings

    God opens and closes doors so that we can do His will.

    Acts 16:9-15 “Yes We Can” By: Rev. Kenneth Emerson Sauer, Pastor of Parkview United Methodist Church, Newport News, VA What were the chances that Jeanne and I would ever meet each other? Jeanne was born in Arkansas. I was born in Ohio. Jeanne grew up in Georgia and more

  • New Paths, New Lessons, And New Commitments

    Contributed by Jerry Falwell on Mar 17, 2006
    based on 40 ratings

    Opening Convocation of the new semester Spring 2006 at Liberty University, Lynchburg, VA

    Welcome back young people! Welcome to Liberty University, the world’s most exciting University. And you 700 new students from all over the nation and the world we welcome you to this hallowed campus. This is our 35th year, we started with 154 students, four faculty members (Dr. Elmer Towns, our more

  • Beginnings Series

    Contributed by David Dewitt on Jan 6, 2008

    This is the opening message for the Essential 100 reading campaign. The message goes with the first reading

    Beginnings Essential 100 Message Series Genesis 1:1 January 6, 2008 Morning Service Introduction A year ago I had the privilege of going to the Gathering, the first national Wesleyan pastors conference. The experience was incredible and it was without a doubt the best pastor’s conference I have more

  • Getting Ready For Christmas

    Contributed by Terry Cavanaugh on Dec 18, 2004
    based on 18 ratings

    The shepherds learn the only way to get ready for Christmas is to be open to the Christmas miracle.

    Getting Ready for Christmas Luke 2:8-16 This morning I would like to ask you how do you prepare for Christmas? At the Cavanaugh house Christmas preparation begins with putting up the Christmas Tree and dragging down the boxes of Christmas decorations from their places of storage where they more

  • Ready, Set, Grow!

    Contributed by Daniel Haas on Apr 5, 2008

    Are we as a congregation ready to open our hearts and minds to the needs of today and tomorrow?

    Grace to you and peace from him who is and who was and who is to come. Amen. Listen for the Word of God in the Acts of the Apostles Chapter 2, Verses 14a and 36 through 41: But Peter, standing with the eleven, raised his voice and addressed them: "Men of Judea and all who live in Jerusalem, let more

  • Seven Powerful Words

    Contributed by Roger Thomas on Jun 14, 2005
    based on 81 ratings

    Phil 4:13 opens a door to confident, faithful living through Christ.

    The Seven Most Powerful Words Philippians 4:13 Dr. Roger W. Thomas, Preaching Minister First Christian Church, Vandalia, MO Introduction: Magicians perform amazing feats with just a word—“abracadabra.” That’s not for real. Ali Baba in the Arabian Nights opened the door to the robbers’ cave with more

  • What Will You Do For Love?

    Contributed by C Vincent on Aug 18, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    The church has become lukewarm, but why should we open the door to the groom?

    What will you do for love? Song of Songs 5 Marriages in the ancient Near East were usually sanctioned through civil contracts rather than through religious ceremonies As Christians we enter a covenant with God to the marriage of the Lamb Love between Israel and God, Jesus and the Church Bride more

  • Idols, A Levite And A Concubine Series

    Contributed by Bruce Rzengota on Dec 28, 2009
    based on 7 ratings


    Idols, a Levite and a Concubine Judges 17-19 9/13/09 INTRODUCTION „X As head of the Iraqi Olympic Committee, Uday oversaw the imprisonment and torture of Iraqi athletes who were deemed not to have performed to expectations. According to widespread reports, torturers beat and caned the soles of more

  • The Day Of The Lord Begins

    Contributed by Larry Wolfe on Jun 25, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    The opening of the seventh seal reveals the judgment within the scroll beginning the Day of the Lord

    ‘God’s Wrath/Day of the Lord Begins’ Revelation Chapter 8 I. The Seventh Seal Opened (v.1) A. Silence in Heaven(Zephaniah 1:7) [Unprecedented from the Dawn of Time: Praise & Worship/God Stops] B. Space of Half an Hour more

  • Honor God Financially

    Contributed by Jeff Maness on Jun 19, 2013
    based on 2 ratings

    You have no idea what opening the window of heaven will do for your life.

    We are continuing our Man Series today. And out of all the messages we’ve done, this is the one that worried me the most. We’ve talked about some sensitive issues in this series. We’ve called out our manhood, we’ve taken on marriage, and we’ve tackled sexual sin. more

  • Security To Stupidity

    Contributed by Bala Samson on Feb 19, 2014

    The book of Ruth opens gloomily with a husband and wife transgressing the Word of God! Eerie!

    Security to stupidity! Ruth 1:2”They were Ephrathites from Bethlehem in Judah. They went into the country of Moab and remained there.” We think of fun coupons, rewards points, holiday fun, air lines extra miles, travel awards and what not; yet we have little or zero knowledge of the more

  • Beautiful Repentance

    Contributed by Brady Boyd on Apr 28, 2011

    Repentance opens the door for God Himself to enter into the messy places of our hearts.

    Okay, let’s open up our Bibles this morning to Luke chapter three. If you know we started the series on Luke back in December. We spent the first three or four weeks of December talking about the arrival of Jesus; the Advent, the Birth of Jesus, the Grand Invasion; what that meant to all of more