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  • Onward

    Contributed by Scott Carroll on May 21, 2011

    perseverance enduring to the end

    ONWARD Phil 3:1-15 1 Finally, my brethren, rejoice in the Lord. To write the same things to you, to me indeed is not grievous, but for you it is safe. 2 Beware of dogs, beware of evil workers, beware of the concision. 3 For we are the circumcision, which worship God in the spirit, and rejoice in more

  • Onward! Upward!

    Contributed by Jeremiah Parker on Feb 23, 2008

    The road to heaven is uphill the whole way.

    Onward! Upward! Intro: Door prize at K.A.R.M thrift store. Text: Philippians 3:13-16 I. Flee complacency a. Don’t count yourself to have already attained i. Examples of Paul’s glorious past 1. v. 5,6 2. Equal with greatest apostles (2 Cor. 11:5) 3. Gifts of the Spirit a. Prophecy (I Cor. more

  • Onward And Upward

    Contributed by Mike Rickman on Nov 14, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    Spiritual maturity means moving forward in the Spirit on a daily basis.

    November 15, 2009 Morning Worship Text: Philippians 3:12-21 Subject: Spiritual Growth Title: Onward and Upward When I married into Charlotte’s family I married into a really close family that liked to spend a lot of time together. Almost every Sunday was spent at Charlotte’s Mom and Dad’s more

  • Moving Onward And Upward Series

    Contributed by Shine Thomas on Dec 19, 2023

    Moving Onward and Upward to a better condition or higher level.

    INTRODUCTION Moving Onward and Upward to a better condition or higher level. After wandering in the wilderness for 40 years, the people of Israel came finally to the plains of Moab on the east side of the Jordan River opposite Jericho. As we come to the Book of Joshua, a new generation stands on more

  • The Onward Christian Soldier

    Contributed by Marty Hopkins on Oct 17, 2005
    based on 15 ratings

    God has equipped the believer with His armor to use in the spiritual battles we face every day.

    The Onward Christian Soldier (Ephesians 6:10-20) Well folks, it’s great to be back with you tonight. It’s a real joy to be with those who love the Lord Jesus and love each other. I believe when we come to God’s house that this should be a place where we can enjoy each other’s company and more

  • Onward Christian Soldiers

    Contributed by Ryan Davis on Sep 22, 2005
    based on 14 ratings

    Being a good Soldier for the Lord

    “ONWARD CHRISTIAN SOLDIERS” Eph. 6:10 A person is saved without any effort whatsoever on his part. However, once a person is saved, he finds that he is in a battle. He has three big enemies: the world, the flesh, and the devil. Every man, woman, boy, and girl who is saved needs to learn to be a more

  • Pressing Onward And Upward

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Jun 19, 2003
    based on 36 ratings

    Remember how God used affliction in the lives of the Godly prophets. James writes, "Brothers, as an example of patience in the face of suffering, take the prophets who spoke in the name of the Lord. As you know, we consider blessed those who have persever

    Pressing Onward and Upward (James 5:10-12) Press onward for the upward call of God in Christ Jesus... (Phil. 3:8-10) Know that the Lord allows adversity to make you stronger, better and not bitter or discouraged. Illustration: I’ll say this for adversity: people seem to be able to stand it, more

  • Onward, Christian Soldiers

    Contributed by Dr. Ronald Shultz on Nov 10, 2001
    based on 40 ratings

    Keep on the firing line!

    Onward, Christian Soldiers We love to sing the song, "Onward Christian Soldiers", but do we have a clue as how to prepare and fight a spiritual war? Do we have the commitment and intestinal fortitude to fight to the death like our forefathers? I have many doubts that we are or would. more

  • "Onward, Christian Soldier"

    Contributed by Andy Grossman on Jun 7, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    The Christian soldier is not born into it - he must enlist. leave the old world, live up to the new standards and learn and do his new job.

    “Onward, Christian Soldier!” June 12, 2011 Ephesians 6:11-16 “Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of more

  • Onward Christian Soldiers

    Contributed by Melvin Newland on Sep 11, 2023

    We are in a war between God & Satan; the God of peace & light versus the prince of darkness.

    MELVIN M. NEWLAND, MINISTER RIDGE CHAPEL, KANSAS, OK TEXT: Ephesians 6:11-12; 17:6; Mark 16:16 INTRO. We sometimes sing the hymn that begins with these words: more

  • Onward Christian Soldiers Marching As To War

    Contributed by Howard Gunter on Nov 5, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    clarifying misconceptions about the hymn Onward Christian Soldiers

    Devotion Weekly Message November 10, 2019 Ephesians 6:12 Onward Christian Soldiers Marching AS TO War Sermon Prayer: “Heavenly Father, I stand before Your people, to deliver Your message. Though the words are mine and I prepared this message, I pray that this message is Your message in its more

  • Onward Christian Soldiers (Hix)

    Contributed by Jimmy Haile on Nov 3, 2013

    We have to carry on, just like Joshua had to carry on what Moses had started, we are carry on and carry out the Great Commission!

    Joshua 1:1-2-After the death of Moses the servant of the Lord, it came to pass that the Lord spoke to Joshua the son of Nun, Moses’ assistant, saying: “Moses My servant is dead. Now therefore, arise, go over this Jordan, you and all this people, to the land which I am giving to them—the children of more

  • There's Nothing Back There

    Contributed by Delray Lentz on Nov 13, 2023

    We can’t change our past, but we can learn from it

    THERE’S NOTHING BACK THERE Just want to look at several passages of scripture with you about dealing with what is behind us. Gonna go through them kind of fast, you may want to just write them down, instead of trying to turn to them. Obviously up to you. 1) PSALM 103:12 NKJV “as far as the east is more

  • Pulling Up Stakes

    Contributed by William Nieporte on Nov 17, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    God is always calling us onward.

    Have you ever been camping? I do not mean camping in a cabin or camper. I mean camping in the great outdoors, bundled up in a sleeping bag, with nothing but a tent between you and the wild creatures that roam the woods. I have only been once been once and I hated it. Knowing what you know more

  • Trials And Persecutions Drive Us Onward.

    Contributed by Howard Strickland on Jul 6, 2022

    In Acts 13, Paul and Barnabas Are Sent to the Gentiles. They travel through the Antioch region. I call it, “The Antioch calling.” Paul preaches while going back into history, He points out how men and women of God were terribly mistreated. But they kept living...

    Trials and Persecutions Drive Us Onward. Acts 14:1-25TPT In Acts 13, Paul and Barnabas Are Sent to the Gentiles. They travel through the Antioch region. I call it, “The Antioch calling.” Paul preaches while going back into history, He points out how men and women of God were terribly mistreated. more

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