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  • The Way Of Salvation

    Contributed by Mitchell Skelton on Aug 14, 2004
    based on 25 ratings

    When you look around at the religious world one soon learns that there are many ideas concerning the way of salvation. Some people encourage you to "Choose the Church of Your Choice," but do we really have that choice? The bible teaches that when one co

    The Way of Salvation Ephesians 2:8¡X10 INTRODUCTION When you look around at the religious world one soon learns that there are many ideas concerning the way of salvation. Some people encourage you to "Choose the Church of Your Choice," but do we really have that choice? The bible teaches that more

  • Unity, Peace And Love

    Contributed by Michael Koplitz on Dec 5, 2023

    Unity, Peace and Love are the way of Christ. That is one of the missions.

    Unity, Peace and Love Christmas 2023 Matthew 1:18-25 Rev. Dr. Michael H. Koplitz Matthew 1:18 Now the birth of Jesus 1Christ was as follows: when His amother Mary had been 2betrothed to Joseph, before they came together she was bfound to be with child by the Holy Spirit. 19 And Joseph her more

  • A Messiah On A Mission Series

    Contributed by Mark Schaeufele on Dec 2, 2010
    based on 5 ratings

    To be like Jesus we have to be completely dedicated to our mission.

    A Messiah on a Mission Text: Matt. 16:21-28 Introduction 1. Illustration: “[Most people] act as if they were simply dropped down in creation and have to entertain [them] selves until [they] die. But we [Christians] were sent into the world by God, just as Jesus was. Each of us has a more

  • Made For A Mission Series

    Contributed by Pat Damiani on Aug 6, 2019

    The mission of the church is to make disciples who make disciples

    NOTE: This is a manuscript, and not a transcript of this message. The actual presentation of the message differed from the manuscript through the leading of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, it is possible, and even likely that there is material in this manuscript that was not included in the live more

  • Mission Possible Series

    Contributed by Brian Bill on Sep 21, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    We’re called to witness where we are, but not stay where we are.

    Mission Possible Rev. Brian Bill Acts 1:6-11 September 21-22, 2019 Sermon Bumper: Tell Me A witness is simply someone who speaks from personal experience about what is true. How are you doing at telling people the truth about Jesus? A first-hand witness reports what was personally seen, heard more

  • Mission: This Is For Everybody Series

    Contributed by Paul Decker on May 17, 2002
    based on 9 ratings

    We have a message of grace.

    “MISSION: THIS IS FOR EVERYBODY” I Timothy 2:3-6 S: Four Marks of Church: Mission Th: A Place for Grace Pr: We have a message of grace. ?: What? KW: Qualities of God TS: We will find in our study of I Timothy 2:3-6, three qualities of God that point us to this message of grace. The _____ quality more

  • People On A Mission Series

    Contributed by Chris Appleby on Aug 31, 2009

    Being a disciple means being called to mission. This isn’t an optional extra.

    By Rev Bill Stewart Can I begin by asking you to cast your mind back? For some of us it will only be a short time for others it may be somewhat longer. Cast your mind back to the first time your Christian faith really came alive for you. When was it? Why was it? When I was in primary school my more

  • Mission: Possible Series

    Contributed by Todd Stiles on Mar 29, 2007
    based on 7 ratings

    Learn what the Ascencion means to our mission as a church, and see how Luke uses it in both his books to motivate us towards action.

    “Mission: Possible” Luke 24:50-53 Let’s take our Bibles and turn to Luke 24…as you’re turning, what if I just started levitating? You’d be somewhat WOWED, eh? Imagine the disciples here in this text…Christ is giving his final words and mission, and then he starts rising. It’s the ascension! Let’s more

  • The Lost Mission

    Contributed by Scott Bradford on Jun 2, 2008
    based on 2 ratings

    This sermon is about recovering the lost mission of reaching the lost!

    Ever notice how things, especially meanings of words, change?: Just look at the computer age/and internet (1)… A “cursor was a person with foul language” A “mouse was a rodent you trapped”. “Logging on was the job of a lumberjack”; “a monitor was the guy who asked you what you were doing roaming more

  • Made For A Mission Series

    Contributed by David Flowers on Dec 1, 2007

    Part 6 in series The Purpose-Driven Life, this message looks at Evangelism, the fifth of God’s five principal purposes for our lives.

    Made for a Mission The Purpose-Driven Life, part 6 Wildwind Community Church David K. Flowers November 18, 2007 Well, today we come to the fifth of God’s five purposes for our lives. For those of you who are newcomers today, I want to welcome you. We have spent the last few weeks learning, or more

  • Living In Mission

    Contributed by Clair Sauer on Aug 13, 2014

    Because of the sacrifice that Christ has made for us, we can do no less than to sacrifice for others through mission.

    As Christians, a lot is expected of us. Our identity is grounded in our belief, our faith in God the Creator, his saving Son Jesus Christ, and the empowering Holy Spirit. But being a Christian requires more than simple affirmation. We have to conduct our lives according to those beliefs. We must more

  • The Mission Of Evangelism

    Contributed by Gary Holt on Feb 10, 2024

    The work of the Church is to be about the work of evangelism. We need to be about the Lord's work of sharing the word.

    “THE MISSION OF EVANGELISM” 1 Corinthians 9:16 Illustration SOURCE: From Charles Cockroft’s Sermon: Am I My Brother’s Keeper I heard a story about a guy: ? who applied for a job as an usher at a theater in the mall. ? As a part of the interview process, The manager asked him, "What would you more

  • Mission Impossible ?

    Contributed by Bob Soulliere on Feb 3, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    We sometimes give up before we even start. We look and say we can’t win or even make a difference. The world is to tuff to overcome. But I wonder is it we can’t or is it we really just don’t have the confidence to take on the task?

    Mission Impossible ? Start with Video of Wholehearted We sometimes give up before we even start. We look and say we can’t win or even make a difference. The world is to tuff to overcome. But I wonder is it we can’t or is it we really just don’t have the confidence to take on the task? The more

  • Mission Work

    Contributed by Kevin Higgins on Apr 23, 2007
    based on 6 ratings

    A call to rethink and personalize the Great Commission

    Matthew 28:18-20 Baptist Distinctives: Mission Work Introduction A. We are continuing series on BD. So far we have considered… B. It is our firm belief and conviction that God has commissioned us to reach our world with the gospel of Jesus Christ. 1. Mk. 16:15 2. Lk. 24:46-48 3. Mt. more

  • The Difficulty Of The Mission

    Contributed by John Williams Iii on Aug 11, 2004
    based on 64 ratings

    Jesus came to us with a mission---our salvation!

    THE DIFFICULTY OF THE MISSION Text: Luke 12:49-56 “On Sunday, February 18, 2001, NASCAR lost one of its greatest drivers. Dale Earnhardt Sr., also known as "The Intimidator," was in third place on the last lap of the Daytona 500 when his car was tapped from behind and sent head-on into more

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