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  • Gentile Missionary Series

    Contributed by Rev. Dr. Andrew B Natarajan on Nov 9, 2022

    Soul winning becomes a harvest and an offering to be offered to God. The threefold ministry is that the apostle preaches the Gospel, the Holy Spirit convicts and God accepts them as an offering. This is the service of Paul.

    Romans 15:14-33 Paul as Gentile Missionary Call of Paul - Romans 15:14-20. Paul was convinced about the Romans’ Knowledge and competence to instruct one another. He had reassured them and had a strong conviction of his call and ministry. He did not deviate from his ministry among the Gentiles. more

  • Quenching Our Thirst

    Contributed by John Williams Iii on Feb 26, 2002
    based on 58 ratings

    This sermon is about finding fulfillment in the salvation that Jesus Christ offers us as opposed to the mirages that the world offers.

    QUENCHING OUR THIRST Text: John 4:4-42 I once read a newspaper article about how a criminal on the run gave himself up because he was thirsty. The police had apparently surrounded this man so that his options of getting away were no longer possible. The police used wisdom when it came more

  • America's Choice: Repentance Or Retribution

    Contributed by Donnie Martin on Aug 18, 2004
    based on 9 ratings

    I believe God is offering much the same call to decision He offered to Israel: Repentance or Retribution.

    AMERICA’S CHOICE: REPENTANCE OR RETRIBUTION Text: Isa.1: 16-20 Intro: As one reads the first chapter of the book of Isaiah he will not find God’s people in a very promising situation. The Northern Kingdom, called, Israel, had undergone a long succession of ungodly kings, which had led her to more

  • Why Is Christ's Unique Offer Of Salvation Misunderstood By Nearly 90% Of Th

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Jul 11, 2002
    based on 115 ratings

    Why Is Christ’s Unique Offer of Salvation Misunderstood by Nearly 90% of the World’s Population? – John 14:6

    Why Is Christ’s Unique Offer of Salvation Misunderstood by Nearly 90% of the World’s Population? – John 14:6 Illustration: At a recent missions conference attended by thousands of evangelical students, only one third of the participants indicated their belief that "a person who does not hear the more

  • 24 Reason Why I Love To Give

    Contributed by Peter Pilt on Apr 19, 2019

    A list of inspiring reasons to give. A good list for short Tithe/Offerings messages.

    There was some discussion on a thread on my Facebook wall regarding Tithing/giving etc. Kind of the same old debate that has been raging for years. Is tithing something under the Old Testament and therefore are churches wrong for preaching it etc? My theology on it, is that yes tithing is Old more

  • We Are All Gifted

    Contributed by Jake Kircher on Dec 28, 2005
    based on 34 ratings

    Everyone has something to offer

    If you have ever been around little kids enough it isn’t long before you sense this feeling of invincibility, this idea that they can do anything. Yea, sometimes kids are shy and it takes time to come out but eventually you see it. The late founder of an organization called Youth Specialties, Mike more

  • "When God Sweetens Your Bitter Waters"

    Contributed by W. Alderman on Nov 24, 2007
    based on 37 ratings

    This message is to offer hope to the thirsty...

    WHEN GOD SWEETENS YOUR BITTER WATERS TEXT: Exodus 15:22-27 W. MAX ALDERMAN INTRODUCTION: Bitter waters never satisfy the thirsty soul. The Lord told the woman at the well, “…Whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again: But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give more

  • No Substitute For Water

    Contributed by Bradley White-Findeisen on Mar 4, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    The Living Water Jesus offers

    Water is absolutely essential to the human body’s survival. A person can live for about a month without food, but only about a week without water. Water dissolves more substances than any other liquid. Wherever it travels, water carries chemicals, minerals, and nutrients with it. 1. Water more

  • Benefits Of Drinking Water

    Contributed by John Newbaker on Jun 12, 2016
    based on 4 ratings

    Jesus offers Living Water

    Water that Soothes, Satisfies, Saves the Soul John 4:5-42 Medical professionals tell us we need to drink more water. You’ve heard that. You know this. They tell us we should drink at least 8-8 ounce glasses of water per day. The reason we should, we are told, is to prevent dehydration. more

  • The Pursuit Of Excellence: "Finishing Life Well" [part Three]

    Contributed by Reverend Cooper Mcwhirter on Sep 27, 2016

    Life on earth as an offering to God

    Sermon Preached at Grace Community Church (EPC) Sun City Grand, Surprise, AZ Sunday, May 1, 2016 by the Reverend Cooper McWhirter The Pursuit of Excellence: “Finishing Life Well!” [Part Three] 2 Timothy 4:6-8 In the sermon outline it mentions how each of the apostles suffered for more

  • A New And Better Sacrifice

    Contributed by Rich O' Toole on Sep 25, 2024

    The offering of animals are no longer needed

    A New and Better Sacrifice Psalm 40:1-8 Good morning, Please open your Bibles to two places, first turn to Luke 16 and then turn to Psalm 40 as we continue surveying that book. “Business Insider” had an article about things that are now obsolete, but I don’t know if I agree with their entire list. more

  • Give Me Some Skittles Series

    Contributed by Ken Hubbard on Feb 3, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    This sermon explains the tithe and its relationship to our obedience, offerings, trust and faith in God.

    INTRO: -The best way to get in the zone -- is obedience -- giving * As I consider preaching on tithes its always touchy * In fact, I wonder if it would fit better in my Hot Topic Series * Story of the Skittles * Over the years of pastoring * I've received many questions regarding skittles more

  • Come Now, Let’s Settle This: God’s Settlement Offer Series

    Contributed by Otis Mcmillan on Oct 11, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    What is God’s offer? Full pardon and total forgiveness! God said, “Come now, let’s settle this.” What the conditions of the settlement? Come clean and do good. What does God offer? The Good of the Land will be yours!

    Subject: Come Now, Let’s Settle this: God’s Settlement Offer Text: Isaiah 1: 1-20 These are the visions that Isaiah son of Amoz saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem. He saw these visions during the years when Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah were kings of Judah. 2 Listen, O heavens! Pay more

  • Law & Grace Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Nov 29, 2003
    based on 66 ratings

    The Law came thru Moses, Grace and truth thru Jesus. What was the difference?

    OPEN: Back in the 70’s the Police Dept. of the State Connecticut had a regulation, a law that after the 1st snowfall each vehicle in squadron had to have chains on its tires. One day after a particularly bad winter storm, a woman called into the police to report an accident where a state Trooper’s more

  • The Attitude Of Ownership Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Jan 8, 2006
    based on 66 ratings

    Who owns my money determines not only what I give to God, but how I treat God. Who "owns" your money and what difference does it make?

    OPEN: Gordon Wood, a preacher in Ellison Bay, Wisconsin once wrote: “Recently, I tried something different in our worship service. Instead of preaching at the end, I did it first, with music, the offering, and Scripture reading afterward. As I stood behind the pulpit, I could see people getting more

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