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  • The Results Of Temptation Series

    Contributed by Maurice Schaus on Feb 11, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    It’s easy for us to point the finger at Adam and Eve as the origin of the problem of sin, but all us fall short of God’s glory. But thanks be to God, our Lord does not abandon us in our disobedience!

    Put yourself in Adam & Eve’s shoes for a moment…  God places you in the produce section of the grocery store, and says, “Today there are 436 varieties of produce available, but I don’t want you to eat the persimmons.” How hard could it be? There’s 435 other delicious and varied items to more

  • Clear Thinking About New Life

    Contributed by Dave Martin on Jan 10, 2005
    based on 15 ratings

    Have you ever felt like you sinned too many times or have so messed up your life, God abandoned you? ... You feel like you will never be close to God again...

    Pastor Dave Martin Cross Creek Community Church ~ Nov 14, 2004 “Clear Thinking... About New Life” – Part 5 In an average lifetime, the average American spends: • 3 years in business meetings • 13 years watching TV • $89,281 on food • Consumes 109,354 pounds of food • Makes 1811 trips to more

  • Facing Your Giants Series

    Contributed by Max Lucado on Nov 1, 2006
    based on 443 ratings

    These sermons served as the foundation for Max’s newest book, Facing Your Giants. The giants we face today may be unemployment, abandonment, sexual abuse, depression, bills, grades, whiskey, pornography, a career, a mistake or a future.

    “Facing Your Giants” 1 Samuel 17:40-51 These sermons served as the foundation for Max’s newest book, Facing Your Giants. THEME: The giants we face today may be unemployment, abandonment, sexual abuse, depression, bills, grades, whiskey, pornography, a career, a mistake or a future. more

  • Matthew 13:53-58 - How To Miss The Point Entirely About Jesus - Part 21 Series

    Contributed by Ross Cochrane on May 18, 2011
    based on 10 ratings

    The Kingdom of God, the authority of Jesus, the answers for life are abandoned because of unbelief. UNBELIEF pushes Jesus away and refuses God's wisdom and power. Unbelief builds a levy bank that redirects the flood of God's blessings elsewhere and then c

    Matthew 13:53-58 - HOW TO MISS THE POINT ENTIRELY ABOUT JESUS - Part 21 "Put it on the shelf for a while. You can always revisit it later with fresh eyes." At least that's what I tell myself when I get stuck with a writing project. Unfortunately it takes a while for me to revisit it. Well, not more

  • Judas Iscariot: Stuck In Frustration Series

    Contributed by Joseph Smith on Jul 8, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Frustration means that we forget about others in our need to do what we want, and it means we are tempted to abandon God’s way. The model is Jesus, whose obedience gave Him the ultimate accomplishment.

    God must have a sense of humor, don’t you think? God must do some things just because they are fun to do! Several years ago, I thought I saw God’s funny bone at work overtime. Margaret and J were members of Luther Rice Memorial Baptist Church in Silver Spring, and I was serving as the chairman more

  • God’s High View Of Submission Series

    Contributed by David Mcclain on Jul 22, 2018

    The marriage covenant is to be a permanent bond that is created by God Himself. Jesus responds to the disciple’s surprise at His stringent view of divorce by stating that only those willing to abandon everything for the sake of kingdom can accept it.

    OPENING SENTENCE: Many of you may not know the name Tim Keller but he is well known as a very successful pastor who built the largest church In New York City, an area considered very difficult to reach, and he did it without gimmicks or watering down the gospel. INTRODUCTION: To honor his more

  • Called To Unity In Christ Series

    Contributed by Thomas Clawser on Jan 28, 2017
    based on 4 ratings

    Jesus wants us to abandon our compromised, self-centered involvement in the church and turn to the God-centered communal life He can use for His resolve. The purpose of the church is to reflect God’s character to the world.

    An African proverb says, "When elephants fight, grass gets trampled." Elephants do not throw their weight around for nothing. The average African elephant weighs 16,534 lbs. The largest elephant on record weighed about 24,000 pounds and was 13 feet tall! Wild elephants eat all types of vegetation, more

  • Why We Exist (The Church)

    Contributed by Darin Gary on Jun 25, 2016

    In spite of the sinful deeds and intentions of a few who claim a 'relationship' with God, and who 'work' within the auspices of some Christian denominations, the Lord Jesus has NOT abandoned the true ethos of the Church, nor the TRUE CHURCH itself.

    WHY WE EXIST (The Church’s Mission Statement) (Matt. 16:17-18; NKJV) – “…Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah, for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but My Father who is in heaven. [18] And, I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My more

  • Set Your Heart Right Series

    Contributed by Christian Cheong on Sep 19, 2017

    Rehoboam failed to treasure what he has, he abandoned the Law of the Lord and forfeited the true worship of God. Heed 2 Chron 12:14 words - let us set our heart on seeking the Lord.

    Over the past 3 sermons we have been looking at King Jeroboam and his Northern Kingdom of Israel, the ten tribes that had defected. • They defected not just from David’s dynasty but from God. King Jeroboam led them into idolatry, creating another new religion, with new gods. What about the more

  • Contrasting A Defeatist Versus An Overcomer's Attitude

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 58 ratings

    As pressed but not crushed, as perplexed but not in despair, as persecuted, but not abandoned, as put down but not put out. Always carrying about in our body the death of the Lord Jesus that the life of Christ may be made manifested in our body. (2 Cor. 4

    Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. (Rom. 12:21) I can do everything God asks me to do with the help of Christ who gives me the strength and power. (Phil. 4:13) Faith is the victory that overcomes the world. (I John 5:4,5) As unknown, yet well known, as dying yet behold we more

  • More Than Just A Healing

    Contributed by Chris Tiller on Dec 16, 2005
    based on 8 ratings

    The account of the ten lepers: Grace was extended equally to all ten, but in only one did that grace bring a response of faith. With wild abandon, and gratitude, and excitement, he turned from going through the motions and fell at Jesus’ feet.

    Some texts are just too obvious. Ten lepers were cleansed. One came back and said thanks. Nine did not. The one was commended. The nine were scolded in absentia.’s important to write thank-you notes. My mama, your mama, and Miss Manners would be pleased. End of more

  • The Rivers Of Eden

    Contributed by Ian Johnson on Mar 4, 2007
    based on 50 ratings

    The names and the meaning of the four rivers of Eden give us a clue about what the Holy one of Israel wants to lead us into as we abandon ourselves to Him! This is not the promise for a few, but this is the promise to the “Sons & Daughters” whom Jesus has

    Exodus 23:20-21. “See, I am sending my angel before you to lead you safely to the land I have prepared for you.” There is a land to which God wants to lead us! The Bible says of Abraham that he sought a land and a city whose builder and maker is God! The Bible says of Adam that more

  • A Grateful Heart

    Contributed by Pastor Thomas Samuel on Jan 11, 2010
    based on 5 ratings

    In spite of having enjoyed the goodness of the Lord in the past on many occasions,sometimes we feel that we are abandoned by the Lord. But if we spend a few moments to recollect the miraculous ways the Lord had led us in the spiritual wilderness in the pa

    “Yet I am always with you; you hold me by my right hand”. (Psalm 73: 23) Many saints who enjoyed the goodness of the Heavenly Father in their personal life have experienced that He is such a loving Lord and takes care of his children each and every moment in our life. However, some times, more

  • Bible Passages We Would Have Understood If We Were Jewish

    Contributed by Richard Goble on Mar 19, 2008
    based on 2 ratings

    Many today are obsessed with making the Bible fit our cultural perspective, even when it means abandoning sound principles of interpretation. Today we will find how important the historical/cultural context really is to sound biblical exegesis.

    BIBLE PASSAGES WE WOULD HAVE UNDERSTOOD IF WE WERE JEWISH Interpreting New Testament passages through Jewish eyes. Various Texts Introduction Illustration: What Children Say About The Bible · In the first book of the Bible, Guinness’s, God got tired of creating the world, so He took the more

  • A Mother's A Mother All Of Her Life

    Contributed by Joseph Smith on Jan 13, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Preached in 1989. The Holy Spirit, like mothers, is stubborn. He will accomplish what He sets out to do, as mothers do not abandon their children; so we must not give up on each other but must become motherlike.

    There’s just something about mothers -- they are without a doubt the stubbornest people on God’s green earth. Mothers are stubborn, mothers stick with it, mothers stay with something until the cows come home. Mothers are persistent, mothers are consistent ... I think I said it best at the more

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