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  • Following Christ

    Contributed by Ed Wood on May 9, 2002
    based on 27 ratings

    What are we to do after we are saved? This message gives guidance to the new Christian.

    FOLLOWING CHRIST Matthew 16:24 INTRO: Do you wonder sometimes just what is expected of you as a Christian? Or, for the non-Christian, what you must do after you become a Christian? In the verse we just read, Jesus was telling his Apostles what is expected of everyone who is to be His more

  • Magnifying Christ

    Contributed by Ed Wood on May 9, 2002
    based on 24 ratings

    Paul’s one consuming desire was to magnify Christ in his life. As believers, we should strife for the same.

    MAGNIFYING CHRIST Philippians 1:8-20 INTRO: Paul’s one consuming desire was to have Christ enlarged, even if his own body and life was entirely lost sight of. Paul was continually seeking to get self out of the way, and magnify Christ. After all, this is the only way we have in this life of MAKING more

  • Sleeping For Christ

    Contributed by James May on Nov 10, 2002
    based on 25 ratings

    I wonder how many Christians would have stayed and witnessed the miracle of the resurrection of Eutychus or how many would have been in the place of Eutychus?

    Disclaimer: Due to the large amount of sermons and topics that appear on this site I feel it is necessary to post this disclaimer on all sermons posted. These sermons are original to the author and the leading of the Holy Spirit. While ideas and illustrations are often gleaned from many more

  • The Compassionate Christ Series

    Contributed by Troy Borst on Nov 12, 2002
    based on 24 ratings

    Looks at the compassion in Christ’s life and encourages believers to follow His example.

    THE COMPASSIONATE CHRIST JOHN 5:1-9 INTRODUCTION… Looking at pictures of Christ before Christmas READ JOHN 5:1-9 CENTRAL QUESTION: WHAT WAS IT THAT PROMPTED JESUS TO HEAL THIS MAN? BIBLICAL NARRATIVE SEGMENT I would like you to see the place that Jesus found as He entered Jerusalem. This was a more

  • The Inescapable Christ

    Contributed by Kenneth Trent on Nov 18, 2002
    based on 28 ratings

    In this life men are drawn unto Him to consider His deity; the salvation He offers and His lordship. After this life...the judgment.

    THE INESCAPABLE CHRIST “And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to Myself. But He was saying this to indicate the kind of death He was to die.” John 12:32-33. I. MEN ARE DRAWN UNTO HIM TO CONSIDER THE CONCEPT OF HIS DIETY. Consider the following questions. 1. Do you more

  • The Body Of Christ Series

    Contributed by Tim Bond on Nov 18, 2002
    based on 94 ratings

    The Church is described as the Body of Christ to stress the connections that we all have to one another, as well as our response to the direction of the head, Jesus Christ.

    For the next several weeks I’m going to be preaching a series of messages called “A God’s Eye View of the Church.” In these sermons we’re going to be taking an up close and personal look at what God wants the church to be, and hopefully an honest appraisal of who we really are. Now I want to be more

  • The Bride Of Christ Series

    Contributed by Tim Bond on Nov 18, 2002
    based on 247 ratings

    The Church is called the bride of Christ to stress the purity we should maintain, as well as the sense of anticipation we have awaiting the coming of our bridegroom.

    Max Lucado tells a story from ages past about a stately prince and a peasant girl who fall in love. This really a difficult one to understand. On the one hand is a prince who literally had the world at His disposal. There has never been a more perfect specimen of a man that ever lived. Nothing more

  • Alive In Christ

    Contributed by Eric Olson on Nov 18, 2002
    based on 44 ratings

    In this sermon we will examine how Christ has saved us from death in sin, to life in Himself, discuss contemporary ways in which sin and Christ likeness are manifested, and we will thank God for His gift of spiritual life.

    Alive in Christ Description: In this sermon we will examine how Christ has saved us from death in sin, to life in Himself, discuss contemporary ways in which sin and Christ likeness are manifested, and we will thank God for His gift of spiritual life can. Scripture Studied: Eph. 2:1-5 Key more

  • Christ The King

    Contributed by Roger Haugen on Nov 21, 2002
    based on 68 ratings

    Jesus knows us by how we love those in need around us.

    Christ the King Sunday Matthew 25:31-46 24 November 2002 Rev. Roger Haugen “The West Wing” is a popular television program that documents the life in the White House. All of the intrigue and events of the day are reflected in the weekly episode. This past week begins with the president faced more

  • Jealous For Christ Series

    Contributed by Darrell White on Nov 22, 2002
    based on 15 ratings

    Jealousy causes us to live life in fear, anger and pride - Christ calls us to live in peace, confidance, and humilty.

    Jealous for Christ Acts 5:17-42 11/24/02 Introduction A. In addressing the topic of jealousy this morning, I would like to start by using a story the Dr. Gary Collins wrote: “For many years Sir Walter Scott was the leading literary figure in the British Empire. No one could write as well as he. more

  • The Gospel Of Christ Series

    Contributed by Jim Kane on Jul 16, 2001
    based on 40 ratings

    Paul makes it clear what he is preaching.

    Introduction: In his introductory notes to the book of Romans Chuck Swindoll says "when the late Donald Barnhouse began his ministry at Tenth Street Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia, he stepped into the pulpit the first Sunday morning and preached from the first verse of Romans 1. He arrived more

  • The Transfiguration Of Christ

    Contributed by Roger Hartline on Aug 5, 2001
    based on 50 ratings

    The Transformation of Christ is not HIS changing, but his changing of us by Grace

    Trinity 8 Solemnity of the Transfiguration of Christ, 2001 In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen! I am going to tell you all something truly shocking this morning. We celebrate today the Solemnity of the Transfiguration of Christ, but I tell you, this is more

  • Abiding In Christ

    Contributed by David Yarbrough on Aug 6, 2001
    based on 74 ratings

    Our number one goal must be our relationship with Christ, staying with Him, obeying His commands and living in His love.

    Intro: An older sister was sitting next to her younger brother in Church one Sunday morning unsuccessfully trying to keep him still and quiet. Finally she said, “I wish you would calm down.” “I can’t”, he said, “it’s just so boring.” With that his sister turned and said, “It’s supposed to be more

  • The Incomparable Christ

    Contributed by James May on Jun 26, 2005
    based on 30 ratings

    To what or to whom can we compare Christ? Is there anything in this present world better than Jesus?

    THE INCOMPARABLE CHRIST By Pastor Jim May There is a song that we sing that goes like this: Lord you are more precious than silver Lord you are more costly than gold Lord you are more beautiful than diamonds And nothing I desire compares to you. Those are some wonderful words, and when they are more

  • Christians And Their Christ

    Contributed by Ed Wood on Jun 26, 2005
    based on 7 ratings

    A message on growing as a Christian.

    CHRISTIANS AND THEIR CHRIST Romans 8:1-9 INTRO: Just as Christ says that there is no true Christianity without conversion (Matthew 18:3), even so, Paul says that there is no true Christianity without Christ (Romans 8:9). Those who do not have Christs Spirit do not have his more

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