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  • What The Bible Says About The Three Stages Of Man Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Jun 29, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    In Romans 7, Paul describes man as being either a natural man, a carnal man, or a spiritual man. All of us fit into one of those categories. At one time or another each of us may have lived as a natural man or woman, a carnal man or woman or a spiritual

    Title: What the Bible Says About the Three Stages of Man Text: “But now we are discharged from the law, dead to that which held us captive, so that we serve not under the old written code but in the new life of the Spirit” (Rom 7:6) Scripture Reading: Romans 7 In Romans 7, Paul more

  • If One Should Wander From The Truth Series

    Contributed by Steve Shepherd on Jul 23, 2012
    based on 174 ratings

    James tells us what to do with people who wander away from the truth of Christ. 1- Bring them back 2- Remember the good 3- Cover the sins

    INTRO.- ILL.- One time a friend from Missiouri visited our church on a Sunday morning. He was a good church member where I formerly preached. He was a hunter and I fished for bass. He use to say to me, “If you’d go turkey hunting with me you’d stop that bass fishing.” What was he saying? Was more

  • Jesus Helped The Fallen

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Nov 19, 2013

    To show that JESUS helped us by becoming a human being, much more, He became sin for us.

    I. EXORDIUM: Are you helped by JESUS? II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Believers III. OBJECTIVES: To show that JESUS helped us by becoming a human being, much more, He became sin for us. 2 Corinthians 5:21 (Amplified Bible) 5:21 For our sake He made Christ [virtually] to be sin Who knew no sin, so more

  • Life And Death Matters

    Contributed by Timm Meyer on Aug 16, 2013

    PENTECOST 7 - The apostle Paul teaches about life an death matters. Believers are to be dead to sin but alive to God.

    LIFE AND DEATH MATTERS (Outline) July 31, 2011 - Pentecost 7 - ROMANS 6:3-11 INTRO: Each of us has life changing events in our lives that we remember. Some events are happy and others not so pleasant. Joyful life changing events include: graduations, weddings, births, etc. As more

  • Use It Or Lose It

    Contributed by Kerry Haynes on Nov 19, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus' parable of the talents is a call to us to invest all that we are and all that we have in God's kingdom building work. The story reminds us not to compare, but to faithfully invest what we have, and to get to know the Master's heart.

    Matthew 25:14-30 Use It or Lose It Today’s parable is a story about investments. Sometimes we think it’s about using our natural abilities to serve God. Why do we think that? Because the story uses the word “talent” throughout. Our English word “talent” actually comes from that interpretation of more

  • The Principle Involved Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Jun 14, 2018

    “How should man be just with God?” was a very important question, because the answer had eternal consequences. “The just shall live by His faith” is God’s answer; and it was this truth that has liberated so many from religious bondage and fear.

    September 29, 2013 The Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Galatians Tom Lowe Chapter II.B.4.c: The Principle Involved (2.15-21) Galatians 2.15-21 (KJV) 15 We who are Jews by nature, and not sinners of the Gentiles, 16 Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the more

  • Answer Five: The Spiritual Stages Of Man Series

    Contributed by Jerry Cosper on Apr 29, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    Paul continues with his answers to solve the problem of a divided church.

    When you think about the word “division” you find that is a damaging and devastating problem. Divisiveness leads to anger, fights, divorce, murder, and war. One of the answers to solving this division problem is to see ourselves as God sees us. When God looks at a person, He sees more

  • "...our Transgressions Are With Us ..."

    Contributed by Dr. Abraham Obadare on Aug 10, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    We all must pray to God that our own inner nature will not destroy us.

    The book of Isa. 59:12 says, “For our transgressions before you are many,and our sins testify against us. Our transgressions indeed are with us, and we know our iniquities:” Scripture: Judges 16:1-end Using the account in Judges 16 as a case study, we realize that when we live with sin as Samson more

  • If...

    Contributed by Anthony Zibolski on Jul 5, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    If believers would live out Gods Word, we would see God do some amazing things.

    If Selective verses Introduction- This sermon was put together after reading Mark Batterson book If. This morning imagine with me what your life would be like if… Money was not an issue Your dreams would turn to reality. Would you be able to identify what you want from life? You could start more

  • Trading In The Old Man For The New Man Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Feb 10, 2014

    Knowing Christ means a change from the way things were or would be without him. Putting off the old man and putting on the new man applies to us as both as individuals and as part of the household of faith.

    Trading in the Old Man for the New Man (Colossians 3:10-11) 1. This story teaches us a lot about our nature. A retired man moves near a junior high school. He spends the first few weeks of retirement in peace and quiet. However, when a new school year begins, three young boys beat on every trash more

  • Your Attitude Will Determine Your Altitude.

    Contributed by Lalachan Abraham on May 3, 2013
    based on 16 ratings

    “Let this same attitude and purpose and [humble] mind be in you which was in Christ Jesus: [Let Him be your example in humility” ( Philippians 2:5)

    ATTITUDE IS WORTH MORE THAN APTITUDE “Let this same attitude and purpose and [humble] mind be in you which was in Christ Jesus: [Let Him be your example in humility” ( Philippians 2:5) The above text begins with “Let this same attitude and purpose and [humble] mind be in more

  • It’s The Times In Between

    Contributed by Charlie Roberts on Apr 25, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    Take note here as how we read the entrance to self effort! This is when David is only relying on David! How many can relate to the words David is using to describe the condition of his life?

    It’s the Times In Between... 1 Samuel 21:10-15 NKJ 10 Then David arose and fled that day from before Saul, and went to Achish the king of Gath. 11 And the servants of Achish said to him, “Is this not David the king of the land? Did they not sing of him to one another in dances, saying: ‘Saul has more

  • Led Forth With Joy In The Holy Spirit

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Oct 17, 2023

    God always remembers His covenant, His unbroken promise, so in all our words and actions, as the psalmist proclaims, we are led forth with joy.

    Saturday of 28th Week in Course 2023 One of the requirements for a just law, according to the Fathers of the Church and Thomas Aquinas, is that it be promulgated to those we expect to obey it. Now there is a natural moral law that is summarized in the Ten Commandments. St. Paul talks about that more

  • Transformed By Truth: The Gift Of The Holy Spirit Luke 11:13 Series

    Contributed by Dean Courtier on Jun 13, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    Luke 11:13 is part of Jesus' teaching on prayer, where He assures us of God's willingness to give us the greatest gift of all—the Holy Spirit.

    Transformed by Truth: The Gift of the Holy Spirit Luke 11:13 (NLT): "So if you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him." Introduction: Today, we delve into the profound promise found in more

  • Godliness Is A Lifelong Learning Journey. Series

    Contributed by Shaila Touchton on Mar 4, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    Because of Adam and Eve’s disobedience, sin has been an “inheritance” for all of their descendants.

    According to the Bible, humanity's first parents, Adam and Eve, committed the original sin, which has been passed down to every generation since. In this article, we will explore the biblical basis for this belief.As the apostle Paul writes, "Where sin increased, grace abounded all the more

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