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  • A Testimony To Forgiveness

    Contributed by Richard White on Sep 25, 2002
    based on 17 ratings

    Peter was a character. He went from fisherman, to Apostle. From Denying Christ to proclaiming Christ. His is a story of what can happen to us when we experience the forgiveness of Jesus.

    Text: Luke 22:1-24:12 Narration: I am known by several names, Cephas, Simon, and Peter. I am a fisherman by trade, with my brother Andrew and friends John and James we owned a very lucrative fishing business off the Sea of Galilee. Point 1: Met Jesus through my brother Andrew. John 1:41 Three more

  • The Lord Was With Joseph

    Contributed by Norm Beckett on Nov 6, 2001
    based on 40 ratings

    God is there for me in the midst of daily concerns.

    THE LORD WAS WITH JOSEPH Genesis 39: 2, 3, 21, 23 - "The Lord was with Joseph …" A ’buzz’ word of society these days is the word ’dysfunctional’. It is a word that covers a multitude of issues and problems that beset people with communities and families. If there was ever a family that could be more

  • Come Near To God!

    Contributed by Bala Samson on Aug 27, 2013

    Friend, how do we react when we are disciplined by God?

    Come near to God! Deepika! James 4:8”Come near to God and He will come near to you…” She is just a doll! Fair, pretty with a smile that could steal anyone’s heart; her name is Deepika, four year old daughter of a couple who pick up garbage from residential quarters. She more

  • Transfiguration Of Jesus Series

    Contributed by Rev. Dr. Andrew B Natarajan on Apr 11, 2023

    Transfiguration of Jesus is a spiritual experience for the Disciples. We can't stay in ecstatic realms but come into reality of struggles and fight for the existence of self and others. Jesus always leads into every level of life.

    Lesson 13 Mark 9:2-13 Transfiguration in Mark INTRODUCTION The Roman Catholics and Eastern Orthodox churches celebrate it as a festival on August 6. It was declared a universal feast of the Western church by Pope Callistus III in 1457. The feast was included in the English Prayer Book in 1561 more

  • Saul's Conversion Experience Series

    Contributed by Rev. Dr. Andrew B Natarajan on Jan 25, 2021

    The Church had murderous threats from Saul. Then how Saul became a great missionary in the early church has been unfolded in this chapter as the conversion experience of Saul. Read further to the development.

    Acts 9:1-31 Saul’s Conversion Experience 9:01-02 Saul threats the Church 9:03-09 Saul repents through Vision 9:10-19 Ananias Misunderstanding and understandings on Saul 9:20-31 Barnabas Disciples Saul Acts 9:1-2 Saul threatens the Church. After narrating the more

  • Stop The World, I Wanna Get Off! Series

    Contributed by Victor Yap on May 7, 2002
    based on 75 ratings

    In the Beginning, Part 6 of 7.

    STOP THE WORLD, I WANNA GET OFF! At the height of publicity given to a TV mini-series on Noah last year, a friend e-mailed me this insight on Noah by Don Kryer of Frontline Fellowship. Subject: Things to Learn from Noah and His Ark (1) Plan ahead. It wasn’t raining when Noah built the ark. (2) more

  • Help, I'm A Parent!

    Contributed by Rodney Buchanan on Aug 10, 2006
    based on 2 ratings

    Keys to parenting: 1. Prayer 2. Modeling 3. Training

    Morgan Freeman narrates the documentary film The March of the Penguins. It follows the epic journey of the Emperor Penguins of Antarctica 70 miles inland to their breeding grounds. It is an arduous walk as they tilt side to side through the ice, snow and natural barriers. The film captures the more

  • The Word - The Light Series

    Contributed by Andrew Moffatt on Sep 9, 2012

    Something wonderful, The Word - The Light had come John was a first hand witness! This is his introduction to freedom as people walked in the light. It madehis joy complete to tell the news!

    The letters that are contained in the New Testament are written to the early church to give an understanding to the people of God, that extends beyond what they already knew, I’m keen to do a series on the letters of John. A little bit of background on these letters from a start. John was the more

  • My Month Of Restoration

    Contributed by Pastor Amos Dele Dada on Jun 7, 2020

    It is with great joy and delight that I welcome you to this brand new month,our month of restoration.

    It is with great joy and delight that I welcome you to this brand new month, our month of restoration. One of the scriptural promises I found personally, extremely delightful and refreshing about restoration is "And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, more

  • My Month Of Restoration

    Contributed by Pastor Amos Dele Dada on Jun 17, 2020

    It is with great joy and delight that I welcome you to this brand new month,our month of restoration.

    It is with great joy and delight that I welcome you to this brand new month,our month of restoration. One of the scriptural promises I found personally, extremely delightful and refreshing about restoration is "And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and more

  • Sloth Series

    Contributed by Aneel Aranha on Jan 20, 2021

    Sloth is a sluggishness of soul or boredom because of the exertion necessary for the performance of a good work. Are we guilty of it?

    In the rain forests of Central and South America dwells a small ugly looking mammal called a sloth. This little creature is so sedentary that algae grows on its furry coat. When it moves—which is rarely, since it spends 20 hours a day sleeping—it travels at a top speed of 0.15 mph. When we think more

  • The Writing On The Wall

    Contributed by Richard White on Sep 13, 2003
    based on 41 ratings

    THe Time is coming, as we enter into the New Year are we seeing the writing on the wall. Maybe this year is the year Jesus returns?

    THE WRITING ON THE WALL Daniel 5:1-7 Most recognize this passage from the Book of Daniel; almost any Sunday school student has heard this story. Most of us can tell the story that is narrated for us in this passage. It is about a foolhardy people who did not see the signs, and as a result their more

  • The Writing On The Wall

    Contributed by Richard White on Mar 19, 2003
    based on 21 ratings

    THe signs of the times are always before us. Do we see the writing on the wall?

    THE WRITING ON THE WALL Daniel 5:1-7 Most recognize this passage from the Book of Daniel; almost any Sunday school student has heard this story. Most of us can tell the story that is narrated for us in this passage. It is about a foolhardy people who did not see the signs, and as a result more

  • A Home For Others

    Contributed by Paul Kallan on Dec 24, 2002
    based on 24 ratings

    The measure of space that we offer to God and to our fellowhumans is the measure of space that is sanctified in us.

    The Advent is over. Tonight we celebrate the birth of the messiah. The gospel, Luke 2.1-14, narrates the account of the birth of our messiah. Circumstances bring Mary, who is pregnant, with her husband to Bethlehem, a city which had no more room to offer to its visitors. There our child is born in more

  • Galactica Conclusio Philosophicus

    Contributed by Frederick Meekins on Jul 16, 2009

    The Worldview Behind Battlesstar Galactica

    In one of the climactic scenes of the conclusion of "Battlestar Galactica", Gaius Baltar remarks that an unseen hand had been guiding events all along up until that point. Just as the characters were propelled by something from beyond themselves, the producers behind this show may have been driven more

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