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  • One Filthy Rag Talking To Another Filthy Rag

    Contributed by Wayne Lawson on Jul 3, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    You cannot be saved by your good works, because no matter how hard you try, your “Good” is not good enough for the perfectly holy and completely righteous God who alone grants salvation.

    TITLE: ONE FILTHY RAG TALKING TO ANOTHER FILTHY RAG SCRIPTURE: ISAIAH 64:6 / ROMANS 3:10 / ROMANS 3:23 / ZECHARIAH 3:1-4 The title of this morning’s message came from a rather exciting and spirit filled Bible Study we had here at ‘First Church’ a few weeks ago. Rev. Finley actually threw more

  • Capturing Victory: Discernment - Is It God, Self-Talk, Or Satan? Series

    Contributed by Dr. Jonathan Vorce on May 24, 2023

    In this sermon, Dr. Vorce discusses how to discern the voice of God. Is it God, Self-Talk, or Satan?

    John 10:27 – The sheep that are My own hear and are listening to My voice; and I know them, and they follow Me. Introduction: The Importance of Recognizing the Voice of God • Examine the role of spiritual discernment in making the right decisions in our personal and professional lives. more

  • When God Seem To Be Asking For Too Much From You

    Contributed by Jim Butcher on Oct 25, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    A look at the conditional obedience we often offer God, in comparison with Joseph's complete and costly obedience.

    ASKING TOO MUCH? Often our willingness to obey God comes with a pre-set spending limit. Main illustration: An American Express card vs. a Walmart pre-loaded card. This is a Walmart pre-loaded card with $50 on it. If I give it to you, you can buy whatever you want. . . up to $50. This is an more

  • So Much From So Little – Part 3 Series

    Contributed by Thomas Swope on Jul 19, 2012

    A study of the book of Daniel chapter 9 verses 20 - 27

    Daniel 9: 20 - 27 So Much From So Little – Part 3 20 Now while I was speaking, praying, and confessing my sin and the sin of my people Israel, and presenting my supplication before the LORD my God for the holy mountain of my God, 21 yes, while I was speaking in prayer, the man Gabriel, whom more

  • So Much From So Little – Part 1 Series

    Contributed by Thomas Swope on Jul 16, 2012

    A study of the Gospel of Daniel chapter 9 verses 20 - 27

    Daniel 9: 20 - 27 So Much From So Little – Part 1 20 Now while I was speaking, praying, and confessing my sin and the sin of my people Israel, and presenting my supplication before the LORD my God for the holy mountain of my God, 21 yes, while I was speaking in prayer, the man Gabriel, whom more

  • How Can I Forgive When It Hurts So Much? Series

    Contributed by Tim White on Mar 9, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    Forgiveness is important to Christians, but do we teach how to forgive, especially when we hurt so bad?

    How can I forgive when it hurts so much? Ephesians 4:30-32 “And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. 31 Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. 32 Be kind to one more

  • So Much From So Little – Part 2 Series

    Contributed by Thomas Swope on Jul 18, 2012

    A study of the book of Daniel chapter 9

    Daniel 9: 20 - 27 So Much From So Little – Part 2 20 Now while I was speaking, praying, and confessing my sin and the sin of my people Israel, and presenting my supplication before the LORD my God for the holy mountain of my God, 21 yes, while I was speaking in prayer, the man Gabriel, whom more

  • The Blessing – Much Better Than A Souvenir T-Shirt

    Contributed by Daniel Habben on Jun 1, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    You mightg not get a t-shirt every time you come to worship. That's OK, God gives you something even better with the Blessing.

    Hundreds, perhaps thousands of people are attending the annual Rainmaker Rodeo this weekend in St. Albert. I wonder what they’ll have to show for it when it’s all said and done? Those of you who made it to the Rainmaker parade may have scored some free candy. If you went to the more

  • The Lie: I've Got Too Much Dirt Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Jul 30, 2022
    based on 3 ratings

    So many people have decided they've messed up too many times for God to ever love them. But what does God have to say about that? Check out these thoughts from Family Minister Scott Jewell

    Knowing I was headed to inner city ministry, I decided it could be useful to have my ear pierced as a conversation starter. How'd that work? I'd go to the local park to play basketball, often getting picked first so I could go home and tell my friends about how I got to hoop with more

  • Reaching The Lost; How Difficult Can It Be, It There Much Involved?

    Contributed by Gordon Mcculloch on Sep 25, 2016

    Reaching the lost is an enormous task. It is not for everyone, and it takes some highly specialised skills, one of which is to motivated our own congregations which this sermon attempts to do, but from a different angle.

    This sermon was delivered to Holy Trinity in Ayr, Ayrshire, Scotland on the 11th September 2016; Holy Trinity is a Scottish Episcopal Church in the Dioceses of Glasgow and Dumfries. The readings for today are: Jeremiah 4:11-12, 22-28 Psalm 14 1 Timothy 1:12-17 Luke 15:1-10 “Please join me more

  • The Discipline Of Prayer Series

    Contributed by David Scudder on May 30, 2009

    Since prayer is really just talking to God, then why is it so hard? Some of us have no problem spending a lot of time talking to other people? So why does it take so much effort to talk to God?

    Purpose: To show that a false commitment to Christ will cause a lack of desire to pray. Aim: I want the listener to be sure that he is totally committed to Christ. INTRODUCTION: For many years medical science thought that ulcers were caused by stress and spicy foods. But, in 1979 two Australian more

  • Money Matters Series

    Contributed by Jon Daniels on Jun 10, 2024

    Challenges hearers to consider why Proverbs talks about money so much. Selected Scriptures from Proverbs.

    “MONEY MATTERS” Selected Verses in Proverbs FBCF – 6/9/24 Jon Daniels INTRO – No coincidence that the day that we roll out our plans for a new Sanctuary is the day that I had scheduled a sermon on money. The announcement about the sanctuary was not planned back in Nov when I laid out my more

  • Stewardship Part 3 How Much God Really Wants Series

    Contributed by Wesley Bishop on Mar 15, 2004
    based on 50 ratings

    This sermon is about what God really wants from us.

    Imagine the scene. Jesus has just had a rather tense confrontation with some of the religious leaders. He heads to the Temple with his disciples. They sit down near where the offerings were received. The offerings were received in a different manner than we are used to. They had 13 offering more

  • How Much More Will God Give His Holy Spirit Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Oct 7, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    If there is evil in our lives, God has to permit it to happen, or it wouldn’t. But God never wills evil. He only wants our good.

    Thursday of 27th Week in Course 2017 Reformation/Revolution Who among us has not looked on some captain of industry or some venal politician and wondered why “evildoers not only prosper but when they put God to the test they escape.’” as the people did in Malachi’s day? Sometimes it does seem vain more

  • Prayer, Introduction, Part 1 Series

    Contributed by Richard Laraviere on Sep 22, 2007

    Introduction to this series on prayer. A challenge to the listeners, you will get out of prayer what you put into it.

    Introduction to Prayer Part 1 Text: John 16:26-27 1. I will recommend several books for you to read. a. Some books I agree with everything the authors teach. With others I do not. I have learned to take what ministers to me and leave the rest. Sometimes it’s a matter of having more

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