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  • The First Tent Revival

    Contributed by John Gaston on Oct 1, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    This message looks at the consequences of sin, what repentance is, and how to be one of those whom God chooses to fill with His Spirit.

    THE FIRST TENT REVIVAL Ex. 33:1-11 INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR: 1. WHAT’S THE GOOD NEWS? a. Lucas was sitting at the breakfast table, reading the paper. He came across an article about a beautiful actress who was about to marry a football player known for his lack of IQ and common sense. more

  • Tent Of Meeting

    Contributed by Bala Samson on Dec 3, 2012

    Imagine being in Agra and bypassing the Taj! Imagine being a born again Christian and bypassing the tent of meeting with God! Scores do it, though.

    Tent of meeting! Exodus 33:7 Now Moses used to take a tent and pitch it outside the camp some distance away, calling it the “tent of meeting.” Anyone inquiring of the LORD would go to the tent of meeting outside the camp.” Imagine being in Agra and bypassing the Taj! Imagine more

  • The First Big-Tent Revival

    Contributed by Rich Hadley on Jun 27, 2002
    based on 44 ratings

    we learn from the Hebrew children wandering in the wilderness that a painful past is less frightening than an uncertain future.

    Moses is on the verge of suicide (Numbers 11:15). He hates his job. (Numbers 11:11) He is overwhelmed by the expectations of upper management. (Numbers 11:12-13) Executive responses to the demands of the people at the lowest levels have failed to satisfy. (Numbers 11:1-10) Frustrated with His more

  • Stay In The Tent

    Contributed by John Oscar on Feb 15, 2017
    based on 5 ratings

    The importance of being deliberate and guarding your time with God, as well as pursing intimacy with HIM

    Stay in the Tent! CCCAG February 12th, 2017 Scripture: Exodus 33:7-11 Intro In my early days of being a Christian, I was working in an electronics factory. Tammie and I had been arguing over something that morning when she got home from work after closing the restaurant she managed, and I left more

  • In Tents Series

    Contributed by Perry Greene on Apr 17, 2014

    The shepherd's tent has great symbolism for our walk with God.

    1. Sherlock Holmes' Stolen Tent Sherlock Holmes and his assistant Dr. Watson are camping. After enjoying a day of relaxation, they pitch their tent under the stars and go to sleep. Sometime in the middle of the night, Holmes wakes Watson. "Watson, look up at the stars and tell me what you more

  • The Message Of The Tent Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Apr 6, 2009
    based on 44 ratings

    What was God was trying to communicate to us by how He had the Tabernacle laid out? (This sermon gives an "overview" of the entire tabernacle).

    OPEN: A couple of years ago, I visited a placed called “Colonial Williamsburg” in Virginia. It’s a famous town which has restored buildings from the 1700’s. There are shops there, a couple of restaurants, the governor’s mansion… and there is an Episcopalian Church building – constructed in 1715 more

  • God In A Tent

    Contributed by Fred Mueller on Apr 28, 2009
    based on 15 ratings

    This sermon takes off on the Greek text of Revelation. In 7:15, we are told God will shelter them - the literal translation is "tabernacle them" - or "spread his tent over them." The sermon then explores God in a tent with his people in Exodus, comparing

    Hillsborough Reformed Church at Millstone April 29, 2007 Easter IV Exodus 24:15-18, 25:8,9, Rev 7:9-17. John 1:14-18 “God in a Tent” The Book of Revelation is a vision of the future, but a vision of the future with a purpose. The Book of Revelation was written to Christians more

  • The Biggest Tent Series

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on May 20, 2005
    based on 8 ratings

    Abraham faces his biggest challenge yet. And through it God shows a wonderful picture of Jesus Christ through the sacrifice of Isaac.

    Abraham didn’t wake up one morning and say "Oh, I better get my prayer life in order - today’s a big test day from God." We don’t get that chance either - and our relationship with the Lord needs to be in order so that on any day a test comes - we’ll be ready. We learn today about the nature of more

  • The Groaning Tent Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Nov 21, 2011

    An Eternal DWELLING Awaits Us in Heaven.

    The Groaning Tent (2 Corinthians 5:1-10) 1. There is a lot in life for which we should be thankful. Thankfulness is a habit. 2. One minister had developed this habit well and took seriously the call to be thankful. People noticed that, no matter what happened, he was thankful. 3. One day a more

  • Just Tenting Series

    Contributed by Vance Elzinga on Jun 22, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Also drawing from 2Cor5.1-5, this Fathers Day sermon challenges us to let others see that we regard this life as "tenting."

    HOOK Story of an influential teacher... and the legacy that we all might leave. Post-exile emerging generation… What kind of legacy would they leave? Question for every generation. YOU The desire to leave an impact on kids, have them turn out, etc... Identify with the desire to see kids thrive more

  • Earthly Tents

    Contributed by John Ong on Aug 3, 2015

    The preaching of Paul to the Corinth speaks about tent as the brevity of life.

    Have you ever feel like you do not belong in this world? Like there is a special place where you originally live? We experience disappointment, suffering, rejection and difficulty because this world is definitely not our ultimate home. Our life here on Earth is definitely the end of our story. God more

  • Moses PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Dec 26, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon explores Moses' longing to see God's glory, encouraging us to similarly seek and reflect God's glory in our lives.

    Welcome, dear friends, to our gathering today. Isn't it a blessing to be here, in the house of the Lord, surrounded by fellow believers, ready to immerse ourselves in the profound and beautiful Word of God? We are indeed privileged to have this time together, to learn, to grow, and to be more

  • Moses Series

    Contributed by Tim Smith on Feb 7, 2016

    Perhaps no person in history, outside of Jesus Christ, has made such a profound impact on the world as Moses. There are four lessons of life and faith we learn from Moses

    Moses Exodus 2:1-10 Both secular and religious sources document the Exodus of the Hebrew people from Egypt and the man who led them through the wilderness, Moses. Muslims revere him as a prophet, messenger and leader in Islam. In fact, Moses is mentioned more in the Quran than any other more

  • Pulling Tent Pins

    Contributed by Charles Cockroft on Mar 17, 2008
    based on 125 ratings

    Gods message to the church today is I want you to PULL THE TENT PINS and GO FORWARD!

    Pulling Tent Pins TEXT: Exodus 14: 10 And when Pharaoh drew nigh, the children of Israel lifted up their eyes, and, behold, the Egyptians marched after them; and they were sore afraid: and the children of Israel cried out unto the LORD. 11 And they said unto more

  • The Offering On The Tent Of Meeting

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Nov 27, 2015

    To show that our hands (through, in and by the LORD JESUS) was laid on the Offering: JESUS CHRIST and the LORD JESUS CHRIST blood sprinkled in our hearts.

    I. EXORDIUM: Are you an offering? Yes. A living sacrifice before the LORD. Romans 12:1-2 (Amplified Bible) I APPEAL to you therefore, brethren, and beg of you in view of [all] the mercies of God, to make a decisive dedication of your bodies [presenting all your members and faculties] as a living more

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