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  • "Far Beyond All We Can Ask"

    Contributed by Ken Sauer on Jul 18, 2012
    based on 5 ratings

    Do we know the love of Christ?

    “Far Beyond All We Could Ask” Ephesians 3:14-21 The main theme of Paul’s letter to the Ephesians is that there is no nation, no family, no person—no matter who they are, what they have done, where they come from that is beyond the love of God in Christ Jesus our more

  • "getting Ready For Christmas: Pointing Beyond Ourselves"

    Contributed by Ken Sauer on Dec 5, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    Do our lives point Godward?

    “Getting Ready for Christmas: Pointing Beyond Ourselves” Jeremiah 10:1-5 A few weeks ago, I was sitting in a restaurant with a friend when my attention went to a Christmas tree in the corner of the room. It had different colored lights, ornaments of silver and gold and a bright red bow on more

  • What Does Love Look Like Series

    Contributed by Delray Lentz on Mar 17, 2024

    ‌I am not a fan of Valentines Day. ‌Let me also add, that if you need Valentines Day to show your spouse you love them, you’re doing something wrong! ‌

    WHAT DOES LOVE LOOK LIKE? (Servants and Sacrifice) Part 1 of 2 part series INTRO- Good morning Cross Pointe Church! Let me begin with, there is a good chance that I will say something that upsets you today. I might as well go ahead and get it out of the way. I am not a fan of Valentines more

  • Blessed Are The Persecuted Series

    Contributed by Rich Young on Feb 11, 2001
    based on 127 ratings

    Eighth and final sermon on developing Christian character. Sermon includes examples of Christian persecution both in the United States and around the world.

    Blessed Are Those Who Are Persecuted TEXT: Mat 5:10-12 INTRODUCTION · Finishing up series on the Beatitudes · Other sermons deal ingredients of Christian character · This one talks about the maltreatment the Christian can expect · Basic Beatitude is in verse 10; expanded on in vss more

  • Youths Arise

    Contributed by Nigel Martin on Dec 31, 2007
    based on 24 ratings

    There is a call for Christian youths to arise and make a mark on their context

    Place: Mona Open Bible Text: 2 Chronicles 34:1-21; 1 Kings 22&23 Date: Sunday, December 30, 2007 Theme: Youth Arise- get up/stand up Introduction Youth Arise(dub poetry) Youth arise and tek yuh right place (x2) Crime and violence and immorality Youth arise and tek yuh right place I am a youth more

  • The Bread Of Life PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Sep 26, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    Explore the satisfaction found in Christ, the provision of God, and the abundance of Heaven as illustrated in John 6:25-35.

    Good morning, Church. Today, we're diving deep into the heart of John 6:25-35. In this passage, we're going to explore three key aspects of our faith: the satisfaction of Christ, the provision of God, and the abundance of heaven. As we start, let me share a quote from Gift Gugu Mona who once said, more

  • Funeral Of Middle Aged Saved Man

    Contributed by Jeffery Richards on Sep 4, 2002
    based on 50 ratings

    This is a funeral outline that was created for the funeral of a middle aged Christian man. The first part is personal stories about his life.

    Funeral Thank you on behalf of the family for being here today. I know that this is a difficult day for you as the family. My prayer is that we can find help and hope from the Word of God that will assist you in dealing with this loss. OBIT I. Al was a good man. A) Alice related that even when more

  • Birthing A Promise

    Contributed by Daniel Haas on Dec 20, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    All the people involved in our story have speaking names and meaningful stories behind them: "David" means "the beloved one", "Gabriel" means "my master is God", "Joseph" means "The Lord shall increase", "Mirjam" means "out of the water", "Israel" means "

    Birthing a Promise Luke 1:26-38 Two stories: The Kingdom of David and the Virgin Birth of Jesus The Kingdom of David - "David" means "the beloved one" - said to be the author to many of the psalms - story of a shepherd becoming the greatest king - Birthing a promise: that little kid can achieve more

  • Saul's Encounter With God Series

    Contributed by Gary Stebbins on Jan 6, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    In this brief study we will take a walk through the book of Acts highlighting some of the more significant verses and ideas presented by Luke. I have drawn some material from "Act Normal" by Scott Wilson.

    Acts Part 7- Saul‟s Encounter with God Preliminaries Christmas Weekend Celebration Service- one service-bring your tithes/offerings plus extra- Casaverde. Thank you- Lisa- decorating, Jeff/Lowe’s- Poinsetta. Next week- focus on- significance of Christmas. This week, continue with our more

  • The Making Of A Hero Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Mar 16, 2006
    based on 20 ratings

    Daniel 1:8-21 gives us three distinguishing marks of a true hero in any age.

    Scripture The movie "Cinderella Man" tells the true story of boxing legend James J. Braddock, who made an incredible comeback during the Great Depression. Injured and arthritic, Braddock’s promising career was cut short, and he had to go on public assistance when he couldn’t get work at the docks more

  • Taking Your Prayer Life Seriously Series

    Contributed by Lynn Floyd on Mar 3, 2002
    based on 118 ratings

    In this sermon we take a close look at James 5:13-18.

    Taking Your Prayer Life Seriously Intro: Statistics on # of people who pray in America. An overwhelming majority of Americans believe in prayer and believe that God answers prayer. 54% said they pray every day 29% said they pray several times a day. Newsweek March 31, 1997, pp. 57-65 more

  • A Different Kind Of Christmas

    Contributed by Tammy Garrison on Dec 7, 2001
    based on 74 ratings

    In light of 9/11 and other events closer to home, this Christmas will be a different kind of Christmas for many, if not all. This sermon focuses in on the hope and promise in the birth of Jesus.

    #120 11/26/01 Luke 1:26-38 Bibliography: I want you to pause and think with me for just a moment. Here in the last few weeks of 2001, lets look back over this past year, and reflect. We began with a down turn in our economy. In January, February, and March, households in Grace paid taxes on more

  • Key To Harmony - Mercy

    Contributed by Brien Sims on Aug 4, 2008

    The give and take of Mercy

    Control over ourselves can be a very difficult skill to both obtain and maintain, especially when we are the one who has been wronged. The first thing that comes to mind is a fitting punishment for the person on the other end. Whether it is our marriages, our friendships, our co-workers or even more

  • The Joys Of Spilling Your Guts Series

    Contributed by Jason Jones on Feb 21, 2011

    Exposition of Ps 32 regarding confession of sin to God and others

    Text: Psalm 32, Title: The Joy of Spilling Your Guts, Date/Place: NRBC, 2/20/11, AM A. Opening illustration: Driver: Yeah, I’ll bet he told you I was speeding, too. Commentators two reasons for the absence of “confession” 1) Independence and privacy 2) Perfectionism and guilt b/c more

  • Memorial Service For Suicide Victim

    Contributed by David Henderson on Oct 27, 2020

    One of the questions that Job asked was this, “if a man dies will he live again?” There is nothing that will push a person more to ask a question like that than when they are confronted by trouble.

    Memorial Service for Suicide Victim Good morning. I want to thank each of you for being here today. Your presence means a lot to this family and so do your prayers. I am David Henderson and I pastor Eagle’s Landing Church in Port Richey. Psalm 22:1-11 more

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