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Sermons on moment of change:

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  • Changing Your World Series

    Contributed by Greg Surratt on Nov 4, 2009
    based on 15 ratings

    The thought and desire to be a difference-maker is hardwired into us by our Creator. God wants us to make a difference wherever we are. That’s why, when we do, there is such a huge payoff.

    Hey, have you ever just kind of stopped and thought or had the thought go through your mind...I wonder if my life really makes a difference? I wonder if what I do really matters. You know, usually it’s on a birthday that we have those thoughts, isn’t it? Like when you turn the big 3-0, or 4-0, or more

  • The Call That Changes All

    Contributed by Marty Hopkins on Sep 30, 2005
    based on 10 ratings

    A message that deals with the most important call of all - the call to salvation!

    “The Call That Changes All” (Matt. 9:9-13) This morning I want to share something with you that’s very dear to the heart of God. As a matter of fact, it’s a message that He wants everyone here to listen to very carefully. It’s a message He wants everyone in this sanctuary to respond to. It more

  • Let The Change Begin Series

    Contributed by Darren Ethier on May 7, 2002
    based on 77 ratings

    1 of 10 of the series, Supernatural Transformation. There is a transformation that has already taken place instantaneously in the life of the believer - but there is also a process of supernatural transformation God wants every person to undergo. This me

    LET THE CHANGE BEGINPart 1 of the Supernatural Transformation Series Ephesians 4:22-24; 2 Corinthians 3:18; Romans 12:2; Philippians 3:21 READ AT BEGINNING OF SERVICE: Ephesians 4:22-24 (NIV) 22 You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being more

  • Changed On The Road To Destruction Series

    Contributed by Sherm Nichols on Jan 2, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    I want my audience to be amazed at the way God transformed the life of Paul and to look for that in the people around them and themselves

    You won’t be hearing about it on AP reports, or the network or cable news – not even on FOX. We just don’t get many reports about what it’s like to be a Christian in the Mid-East, surrounded by people who aren’t. And while we hear about Muslim leaders and their zeal and hatred against the West, I more

  • God Shows Love Series

    Contributed by Clair Sauer on Jun 25, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    Even at are deepest, darkest, saddest, most unworthy moments of life, God shows God's love to us, and that happens in and through the person and work of God's very own son, Jesus Christ.

    Who here wants to be perfect? Is there anybody who doesn’t want to be perfect? We spend a lot of time and energy trying to achieve perfection, don’t we? Women will spend hours in front of a mirror trying to make sure the hair and makeup are perfect, with every blemish covered. Guys will more

  • Why Church #7 A Changed Heart Changes Everything Series

    Contributed by Robert Malcolm on Jan 8, 2025

    Many people dislike change, yet change is needed in every follower of Christ. This change must happen from the inside out if we want it to last.

    ~ Intro: When should we see Christmas in society... Turn with me to our text for today Ephesians 4:17… 1. Heart change leads to a change in our thinking.(vrs 17-24) • It’s an inside out thing… • Our thinking and understanding will no longer be futile or useless. - A touched heart temporarily more

  • Nuts Power To Change Series

    Contributed by Rick Gillespie- Mobley on May 17, 2002
    based on 114 ratings

    This is a sermon for Pentecost which deals with if God calls us to do a task, God will equip us with the power of the Holy Spirit To do it.

    N.U.T.S. Power To Change 5/19/2002 Pentecost Joel 2:28-32 Acts 1:1-11 Ephesians 4:31-32 Our Church’s theme this year is Never Underestimate The Spirit. We are committed to being NUTS for Christ. We owe our desire to be called NUTS to Leonard Sweets who emphasized, Jesus never called more

  • It's Time For A Change

    Contributed by Rick Gillespie- Mobley on Jan 7, 2006
    based on 18 ratings

    This sermon deals with recognizing that even when things are going well, it may be time for a change.

    It’s Time For A Change 1/08/05 2 Kings, 22:1-20 1 Corinthians 11:27-32 Back in 1980, there was a guy, whom I will call Mountain Jack, who had been living on Mt. St. Helens for almost all his life. Mountain Jack was true mountain man in every since of the word. Then one day a geologist more

  • Life-Changing Prayer Series

    Contributed by James Wallace on Dec 28, 2020

    Want to pray prayers that change the world, or even your world? Daniel changed the world with his prayer in Daniel 9. What characterizes the kind of prayer that changes the world?

    Well, it’s the first of November, and two days from now one of the most contentious Presidential elections in our history will, perhaps, be decided. I read a newspaper article this week that said that not only Americans but even the people of other nations are anxious about what will be happening more

  • All Dad's Have Homer Simpson Moments

    Contributed by David Diyanni on Jun 29, 2008

    No dad is perfect. We all have our ’moments’ Even Jesus dad had his ’moments." But thank God our children are resilient and can recover if we don’t give up and keep on loving and leading them as dads.

    All Dad’s Have ‘Homer Simpson’ moments! <VIDEO> The Simpson’s cartoon intro Anyone who has ever watched the Simpsons would have to agree that Homer Simpson is not your ideal dad. He is goofy, forgetful and does some really dumb things. I don’t believe any dad is as bad as Homer but to be honest more

  • Prayer Changes Things Series

    Contributed by Susan Blader on Feb 18, 2007
    based on 24 ratings

    If we come not just asking, but really seeking, we will receive God’s best. We can be encouraged to pray because God wants us to, and He desires to give us much more than the request that started the conversation.

    Prayer Changes Things A Sermon on Matthew 7:7-11 The story is told of a young boy who wanted $100 very badly. He prayed for a long time, but nothing happened. Undaunted by the lack of response, he wrote a letter to God presenting his request once again. When the postal authorities received the more

  • Jesus Changes Everything Series

    Contributed by Troy Borst on Nov 18, 2015

    Segmented Narrative Sermon focusing on a presentation of the Gospel.

    JESUS CHANGES EVERYTHING JOHN 1:29-51 SEGMENT 1 (p) Demas waited by the side of the road in the shadows. He had his spot picked out perfectly… it was his normal spot. He could see the road coming down from Jerusalem, but none of the travelers could see him. He had done this several times more

  • Time For A Big Change Series

    Contributed by David Owens on Sep 17, 2018
    based on 3 ratings

    When Peter was sent to the home of Cornelius, God was trying to change Peter's and the churches perspectives toward Gentiles. Peter had some prejudices against Gentiles that needed to change. Perhaps we also have biases and prejudices that God wants to change.

    Introduction: A. One day a preacher went to his monthly meeting with the elders and presented an idea that he believed he had received from God. 1. After giving his most impassioned plea and really “selling” the idea to the elders, they voted down the preacher’s proposed changes 12-1. 2. The elder more

  • The Resurrection Changes Everything

    Contributed by David Owens on Apr 2, 2013
    based on 2 ratings

    In this sermon, we look at four appearances of Jesus after the resurrection that John recorded. We see how the resurrection changed everything in the lives of the disciples.

    Introduction: A. Happy Easter to everyone – how wonderful it is for us to celebrate the Resurrection on this Lord’s Day! B. The story is told of a man who went on vacation to the Holy Land with his wife and his mother-in-law. 1. Sadly, while they were in Israel, suddenly his more

  • Have You Ever Had An Everybody Moment

    Contributed by Craig Smee on Jul 6, 2005
    based on 14 ratings

    A look at Nehemiah’s determination to get the nation of Israel rebuiliding the wall.

    Have you ever had an everybody moment? You know what an everybody moment is. – It’s the moment when something happens and with no prompting or scripting, everybody does the same thing. EGS OF EVERYBODY MOMENT It may have been a rock concert when the performer holds his or her mike to the more

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