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  • A Miracle Through You

    Contributed by Craig Benner on Aug 20, 2017
    based on 3 ratings

    One young man had a lunch and was willing to give it all to Jesus. That is how 5,000 were fed with more than enough.

    A Miracle in You or Through You? Purpose of Miracles John 20:30,31 30 And many other signs truly did Jesus in the presence of his disciples, which are not written in this book: 31 But these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might more

  • The Other Miracle Birth Series

    Contributed by Pastor Dr. Tim Awotide on Dec 25, 2016

    God meets us while we're serving ; satan meets us when we're idle.

    Text: Luke 1:5-13;3:1-22;7:18-28 INTRODUCTION A. The Countdown to Christmas. B. The Other Countdown. (1) The world had awaited a Saviour for centuries. (2) The prophets had spoken of a miracle birth. (a) The saviour was to be born. Of a virgin (Isa. 7:14) . (b) The eternal more

  • Jesus Is Your Miracle

    Contributed by Anthony Zibolski on Jan 20, 2017

    Advent message of the birth of Christ. Jesus is our miracle and is exactly what we needed at a time we needed.

    Jesus is your miracle Luke 1:26-1:45 Introduction- Prayer- This morning I want us to take a look at the miracle of Jesus birth. For you to fully understand, you have to look at the birth of Jesus as your own personal miracle. That a loving God would leave heaven and come to this earth in a more

  • Between Adversity And The Miracle

    Contributed by David Spiegel on Mar 28, 2018

    Chances are, at some point the adversity you face today as an individual has brought you to the place where you have asked yourself a form of this question. “Why does a good God let these bad things happen?”

    Years ago, a large church I was on staff with at the time did a series called “Elephant in the Room” • Prior to the series, the church was polled to narrow down the top things that were on people’s minds that it seemed nobody wanted to address. • We even rented a live Elephant in a cage out front more

  • The Miracle Of The Burial Of Jesus

    Contributed by Les Puryear on Apr 22, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    The burial of Jesus was a wonderful miracle wrought by God. Normally, victims of crucifixion were not buried. So how did Jesus escape the normal disposal of a crucified body? This sermon tells how God did it.

    INTRODUCTION - ”JOSEPH OF ARIMATHEA" 1. Easter has come and gone. 2. We have spent much time grieving over the cross and celebrating the resurrection of Christ. 3. Today, I’d like to tell you one more story about the resurrection. 4. If this part of the story of the resurrection more

  • The Church's First Miracle Series

    Contributed by Jay Tigner on May 7, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    The Church experiences the miraculous to validate the message.

    "FIRSTS” IN THE CHURCH. The Book of Acts is the record of the “first” experiences of the Church. We have studied the first Gospel sermon preached by Peter, the first invitation given, the first salvations experienced, the first baptisms, and the first commitments of the Church. more

  • Jesus First Miracle Series

    Contributed by Curtis E. Nester on May 31, 2016

    Series of messages on the Eight sign Miracles in the Gospel of John. John recorded these so people would believe that Jesus was, indeed the Messiah with power over nature, sickness and death. (see John 20:30-31) #1 is Jesus First Miracle at Cana

    SERIES: Miracles with a Message #1 TITLE: Jesus First Miracle TEXT: John 2:1-11 INTRO Jesus did many miracles, but John chose seven miracles to include in his Gospel. He called them “signs” because they demonstrate Jesus nature & His divine power. At the end of his Gospel, John more

  • Proof Of The Miracles Of Jesus

    Contributed by John Gaston on Jan 17, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    The world has questioned the reality of Jesus' deity, His supernatural origin, His miracles, and His resurrection and His ascension. Now here is the proof the Bible means what it says.

    PROOF OF THE MIRACLES OF JESUS 1 Cor. 15:3-8 INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR: A MISER’S KINDNESS 1. Sam is a kind-hearted husband but he’s the tightest skinflint you ever saw. One day he took his wife Sue to the Woodlands Mall. 2. They walked down half the mall for over 45 minutes admiring all the more

  • The Miracle Of The Minnows And Muffins Series

    Contributed by David Dykes on Jan 25, 2018
    based on 3 ratings

    When we face a problem, our immediate reaction is to reach into our pocket and count our change; we want to see how much emotional or physical currency we have on hand to meet the crisis.

    INTRODUCTION Let’s play Final Jeopardy! The category for Final Jeopardy is the Bible. The Answer is: “Other than Jesus’ resurrection, this is the only miracle mentioned in all four gospels.” You have thirty seconds. Good luck. If you said, “What is the feeding of the 5,000?” Then congratulations more

  • Miracles In The Desert Times Series

    Contributed by John Gullick on Feb 8, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    A sermon using the Acts 8 account of Philip and the Ethiopian to show how God works miracles in the deert times

    Acts 8:26-40 English Standard Version (ESV) Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch 26 Now an angel of the Lord said to Philip, “Rise and go toward the south[a] to the road that goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza.” This is a desert place. 27 And he rose and went. And there was an Ethiopian, a eunuch, a court more

  • Miracles Of God's Provision Series

    Contributed by Christian Cheong on Feb 11, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    God remembers His own. He is concerned with little things. He cares for our needs. Hardships reveal where our true trust is.

    We have been looking at the miracles of Elisha. It is good to remember that these works were done against the backdrop of the widespread idolatry. • The Northern Kingdom of Israel especially, where Elijah and Elisha ministered, the people had already abandoned God and gone into worshipping more

  • You're A Miracle!

    Contributed by Pastor Dr. Tim Awotide on Feb 18, 2018

    Solutions to problems may require more than we possess.

    TEXT: JOHN 6:1-14. AMP “After this, Jesus went to the other side of the Sea of Galilee (or Sea of Tiberias). A large crowd was following Him because they had seen the signs (attesting miracles) which He continually performed on those who were sick. And Jesus went up on the mountainside and sat more

  • The Other Miracle Birth. Series

    Contributed by Pastor Dr. Tim Awotide on Dec 11, 2017
    based on 2 ratings

    "There is not a greater prophet than John the Baptist"

    Text: 1:5 - 13. AMP “In the days of Herod [the Great], king of Judea, there was a certain priest whose name was Zacharias, of the division of Abijah. His wife was a descendant of Aaron [the first high priest of Israel], and her name was Elizabeth. They both were righteous (approved) in the sight more

  • Is Answered Prayed A Miracle.

    Contributed by Eugene Morell on Jul 1, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    Do we really believe that God is a prayer-hearing & a prayer-answering God? In our modern society maybe we become Christian humanists who believe that as humans we can do anything if we take the time to plan carefully & implement the plan.

    JOSHUA 10:6-15. IS ANSWERED PRAYED A MIRACLE. A young boy was telling the pastor that his mother said his prayers for him each night. "What do you mean, your mother says your prayers for you?" the minister inquired. The youngster replied, "When mom tucks me in she always says, Thank God more

  • Sharing The Miracle Of Salvation Series

    Contributed by David Dykes on Aug 20, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    A Christian who never attempts to share his faith has embraced the Great Omission.

    INTRODUCTION This is the final message in the series “Parables and Miracles.” This miracle wasn’t just one Jesus performed 2,000 years ago. It’s a miracle He is still performing. I want to examine the Great Commission under the title of “Sharing the Miracle of more

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