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  • Christmas Message

    Contributed by Dr. John Singarayar on Dec 23, 2020
    based on 2 ratings

    Christmas Message

    Christmas Message Scripture: Luke 2:15-20, Luke 1:1-14. My dear sisters and brothers, I would like to share my Christmas message that surrounds with Christ’s birth. It has two purposes: 1. Celebrating Ordinary, & 2. Sharing Our Life. 1. Celebrating Ordinary: Look more

  • Getting (And Giving) The Message

    Contributed by Craig Condon on May 12, 2015

    Boys and girls, Jesus calls on all of us to deliver the same message. Some of us might take it to people in a land far away, and others might take it to a neighbour or friend. The important thing to remember though is to carry the message.

    Good morning boys and girls! Let’s play a game that most of you probably know. I’m going to give the first person in the pew a message and then I’ll ask him/her to pass it on. The last person in the line then has to tell the congregation what the message was. Are you ready? Cover more

  • The Message Of Reconciliation - Sharing The Message Of Christ Series

    Contributed by William Akehurst on Jan 22, 2020

    BIG IDEA: The High Calling of God is to not only be reconciled, but also to help others to be reconciled to HIM through the ministry and preaching of the Cross and Christ.

    2020.01.12.Called to reconciliation – the higher calling – sharing the message of Christ William Akehurst, HSWC BIG IDEA: The High Calling of God is to not only be reconciled, but also to help others to be reconciled to HIM through the ministry and preaching of the Cross and Christ. CHRIST’s more

  • Abreviated Messages

    Contributed by Craig Benner on Jan 11, 2015

    Not all messages that a preacher preaches get finished. Many factors come into play that can interrupt the sermon. Some are from the enemy; yet sometimes it is God Himself that intrudes for a more lofty reason.

    Abbreviated Messages Mark 16:20 And they went forth, and preached every where, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following. Amen. Many kinds of messages: encouragement, challenge, exhortation, consolation, prophetic, etc. Most of them get preached to the last point. more

  • The Miracle Of The Message Series

    Contributed by Doug Fannon on Dec 6, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    The Message from god was so important, that He came down, as Jesus, to deliver it Himself. All Scripture references are from the NASB.

    The Miracle of the Message Hebrews 1:1-3 Sermon Series: The Miracles of Christmas Rosemont Baptist Church, December 5, 2021 SERMON SERIES [THE MIRACLES OF CHRISTMAS] If and when we think about all the miracles that Christmas truly is, Jesus, as the very person of God, coming into the world to more

  • A Message To The Graduates

    Contributed by Rev. Bruce A. Shields on May 23, 2005
    based on 40 ratings

    A short message for the graduates to remember as they end one season of their lives and begin another.

    A MESSAGE TO THE GRADUATES OF 2005 First of all, congratulations on your achievements in this, the last year of your High School endeavor. Your hard work and dedication has finally paid off. You have passed one of the many road marks which are set before you in this life. But as with anything more

  • The Message Of A Prophet Series

    Contributed by Wes Richard on Jun 30, 2005
    based on 9 ratings

    Hulda’s message as a prophet had an impact because she knew the word of God and had a concern for God’s people

    This is our third and final message from II Chronicles. The writer chronicles the successes and failures of the kings of Judah as this little nation careens toward moral and spiritual failure and eventual extinction when Jerusalem falls and the Jews are carried off into exile. The list more

  • The Message Of The Cross

    Contributed by Carl Finney on Aug 15, 2005
    based on 14 ratings

    The Cross had not only a purpose, but also a message. This sermon reveals that message in a way every person can understand.

    “The Message of the Cross” Throughout history the cross of Christ was, is, and will always be a focal point of history and a point of division and controversy in this world. Some people look at the cross and see Christ being crucified. They imagine the broken, bloody body of Jesus hanging on the more

  • The Undelivered Message

    Contributed by Bruce Howell on Mar 22, 2004
    based on 64 ratings

    The message is the whole gospel for the whole world. How urgent is our calling to share the gospel. We are God’s messengers.

    The Undelivered Message Rom 10:8-15 JOHN CURRIER, A MAN WHO COULDN¡¯T READ OR WRITE, was found guilty of murder and sentenced to life in prison in 1949. Later his sentence was commuted and he was transferred from prison and paroled to work for a wealthy farmer near Nashville, TN. In 1968 his more

  • The Message Of The Cross Series

    Contributed by Mitchell Skelton on Aug 31, 2003
    based on 50 ratings

    Paul often changed his style of preaching. (1 Cor. 9:22) But he NEVER changed his message. (Gal. 1:8) There is only one message. (1 Cor. 2:2)

    The Message of the Cross Series: Studies from 1 Corinthians 1:18–31 1 Corinthians INTRODUCTION Illustration: Once there was a little girl who always wore a bright, shiny cross around her neck which she proudly displayed for all to see. One day she was approached by a man who said to her, “Little more

  • A Parting Message Series

    Contributed by Aaron Householder on Feb 4, 2005
    based on 14 ratings

    22nd in a series from Acts this sermon examines the acceptance or rejection of the Gospel message with challenging questions of the hearer.

    The Spirit, the Church, & the World: A Parting Message Acts 13:42-52 The Gospel is the Good News about God’s love to us through Jesus. The Gospel is, by its very nature, divisive. It is a message that will lead to a parting: accepting or rejecting it. How does the experience of Paul & Barnabas more

  • Fall Message

    Contributed by Joseph Bachman on Feb 24, 2005
    based on 4 ratings

    Throw off the fall blues

    Fall Message Pastor Joe Bachman Fall is a great time of the year isn’t it? The cool air after a hot summer you notice the beautiful colors of the leaves as you travel down the road. the thoughts of Thanksgiving and the families getting together with all these wonderful thoughts and colors all more

  • A Prophet's Message Series

    Contributed by Dan Cale on Nov 26, 2004
    based on 21 ratings

    This is the first in a series of messages leading through the advent story. It examines the message of hope that the prophets bring to mankind.

    The Stories of Advent Pt 1 A Prophets Message Isaiah 9:2-7 We come again to our celebration of Advent. Advent literally means coming. We celebrate this season celebrating the coming of Christ to us. The coming of a Savior to a desperately lost world. As we light the candles of the Advent wreath more

  • The Messages Of The Angels

    Contributed by Gary Huckaby on Dec 15, 2003
    based on 38 ratings

    Angels delivered more messages about the birth of Jesus than of any other message in the Bible. This sermon deals with these messages of the angels.

    The Messages of The Angels By-Evangelist Gary Huckaby D.D. "And there appeared unto him an angel of the Lord standing on the right side of the altar of incense." Luke 1:11 The Message To Zacharias Beginning at verse thirteen through verse twenty, we have the first message from an angel. more

  • An Uncomplicated Message

    Contributed by Jon Daniels on Jun 2, 2004
    based on 25 ratings

    This is a clear presentation of the Gospel based on Jesus’ encounter with Nicodemus in John 3.

    “AN UNCOMPLICATED MESSAGE” John 3:1-21 INTRO – There are some things in life that seem very complicated to some people, and relatively easy to others. For instance, algebra seems very complicated to me. Only “D” I ever made in high school was in algebra. Too complicated to me. But for the more

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