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  • Are You A Branded Person?

    Contributed by Palitha Jayasooriya on Apr 18, 2016
    based on 4 ratings

    A short Devotional to encourage those who have been put down by others and to help them understand the value that God places on them.

    Are You A Branded Person? When they let me out of prison, I held my head up high Determined i would rise above the shame But no matter where I'm living, the black mark follows me I'm branded with a number on my name I’d like to hold my head up and be proud of who I am But they won’t more

  • Moma’s Prayers

    Contributed by Gerald Roberts on May 11, 2020

    Mom's prayers help each of us through life, her prayers changed me, change things, gets us closer to God, help us face the unknowns of life, and keeps us in the will of God.

    Moma’s Prayers Psalm 31: 1-5, 15-16 1. My Momma’s Prayer’s I certainly believe have got me where I am Mama's prayers by Merle Haggard lyrics go “ Mommas prayers were always with me through the battlefields of life She prayed for me and said amen in the name of Jesus Christ • Mom prayed for more

  • Daybreak Vs. Nightfall

    Contributed by Zera Young on Nov 17, 2006
    based on 11 ratings

    This is a message for all who may sugarcoat God’s word and compromise God’s Holy word in an effort to reach this generation.

    This message is for all who may like to sugarcoat God’s word, and compromise God’s Holy word just to get and keep a congregation. This is a brief sermon that needs no introduction. There are no gray areas. So, it’s all black and white. Being a minister/pastor, I get a lot of info. On how other more

  • Born To Be A Priest Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Dec 25, 2021
    based on 3 ratings

    Hebrews spends a lot of time focusing on Jesus as our High Priest. But what does that mean to us, and what difference can it make in our lives?

    Philip Yancey , in his book “The Jesus I Never Knew” (Zondervan, 2002, p. 25) told of a Jesuit missionary - Matteo Ricci who went to China in 16th century. The missionary took along samples of religious art to illustrate the Christian story for people who had never heard it. He was pleased that more

  • Cheers And Jeers

    Contributed by Theresa Ratliff on Mar 25, 2013

    Why did the crowd turn on Jesus so quickly between Palm Sunday and Good Friday?

    Something about the story of Jesus’ life during the days between Palm Sunday and Good Friday has always bothered me. How could this crowd of people who so passionately loved, respected, and praised Jesus on Sunday change their minds so quickly? In a mere five days, we will read how this same more

  • The Church Of The Hot Waffle

    Contributed by John Roy on Jan 15, 2002
    based on 25 ratings

    The church is to be the welcoming place for struggling sinners and stained saints.

    The Church of the Hot Waffle Matthew 11:19 & Mark 2:15-17 The Waffle House is to restaurants what little league baseball is to the Major leagues. The Waffle House serves food and that is where it’s comparison with other restaurants stop. It features, waffles, of course, Bert’s Chili, Omelets, and more

  • What To Do When Our Lives Are Interrupted By The Death Of A Loved One?

    Contributed by Johnny A. Palmer Jr. on Mar 25, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    Death is a fact of life, but God's Word tells us how to deal with it.

    Intro: 1. Samuel Wise founded the Free Synagogue in New York City back in 1907. He once accepted an invitation to address an anti-Nazi meeting in Brooklyn. He received several death threats. He opened his speech with these words: “I’ve have been warned to stay away from this meeting more

  • A Boy Named Jesus

    Contributed by Carl Greene on Dec 31, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    This message deals with the significance of Jesus’ name(s). The focus is about "God with us" vs God "is" with us. The importance of having God "within" us, guiding, comforting, encouraging, loving. Not alongside us, but "with" us.

    Now, I’m a long time country/western fan. I just love a good country song that proclaims: “I don’t love you anymore, trouble is, I don’t love you any less!” There are even some truly classic country Christmas songs such as Momma got run (or run-ed’) over by a reindeer! I always had a fondness more

  • If My People Will...give It Away Series

    Contributed by Charles Wallis on Oct 28, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Money is not the answer. We cannot buy spiritual power. The people of God must pray and repent for our nation to be healed. It is our responsibility.

    If my people will…Give it away October 28, 2008 Money is not the Answer: We Cannot Buy What We need the Most: Spiritual Power I was at a football game and ready to eat my lunch. I have been trying to eat better, so I brought some peanuts. Peanuts are like dessert when you are trying to eat more

  • Whoville, I Am God's Friend Series

    Contributed by Denn Guptill on Feb 2, 2019

    Jesus told his followers that they were his friends, but what does that mean for us today?

    Whoville I am God’s Friend Over the past few weeks we’ve talked about Whoville in relation to Dr. Suess' classic Horton Hears a Who, but the reality is, that when most people hear the term “Whoville” that isn’t the book they think of. Instead, they think of Little Cindy Lou Who and her family more

  • Listen Up, Sheep Part 2

    Contributed by Gary Holt on Jan 21, 2023

    God's people will listen and obey Him. We will tune out the distractions of the world and listen for the voice of Jesus

    Credit: The outline and some of the guts of the sermon are taken straight from Jeff Anselmi on sermoncentral. I have edited it enough that I think it is worth posting as my own work. Clearly Jeff built the frame of the sermon, however I did a lot of remodeling. Listen up sheep! part 2 John more

  • God's Eye For The Queer Guy Series

    Contributed by Gary Cox on Apr 20, 2004
    based on 190 ratings

    What is our response as God’s people to homosexuality

    WE begin a new series today titled “culture in crisis”. I think it was Merle Haggard who had a song in the 80’s describing America that said “Were rolling down hill like a snowball headed for hell”. That is a pretty good description. Amazingly we live in a world where What was once bad is now more

  • Baptism And The Lord's Supper Series

    Contributed by Todd Blair on Jun 22, 2022

    Why are Baptism and the Lord's Supper so important?

    *Show the American flag* What does this flag mean to you? Why is it important? What does it stand for? Is it really that big of a deal? If I spilled some juice here this morning, would anybody have a problem if I used this old flag to soak it up? What if I used it to dry my car after I washed it? more

  • "Where To Do When You're Hopeless, Helpless And Haggard"

    Contributed by Andy Grossman on Jun 24, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Direction and Encouragement for overcoming sin and addictions

    "Where to Do When You’re Hopeless, Helpless and Haggard" "Jesus went throughout Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the good news of the kingdom, and healing every disease and sickness among the people. News about him spread all over Syria, and people brought to him all who were ill more

  • God's Undeniable Leadership-3 Series

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Apr 26, 2016

    3 of ? God began to make His leadership thru Joshua undeniable among His people. *God makes His leadership undeniable among His people. But How? God’s leadership is Undeniable in...

    GOD's UNDENIABLE LEADERSHIP-III—Joshua 3:7-17 Attention: In a former church, we were in the beginning stages of discussions surrounding the implement of AWANA. However, there was one big snag. A well-respected(& rightly so), sweet, Christian lady with much influence had issues with allowing more

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