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  • I See Men As Trees Walking

    Contributed by Everett Mccoy on Jul 23, 2008
    based on 61 ratings

    This message, born out of my own frustration - encourages people to be faithful even when they only have HALF the Miracle God is giving.

    22 Then He came to Bethsaida; and they brought a blind man to Him, and begged Him to touch him. 23 So He took the blind man by the hand and led him out of the town. And when He had spit on his eyes and put His hands on him, He asked him if he saw anything. 24 And he looked up and said, "I see men more

  • Trees In The Park

    Contributed by James May on May 4, 2008
    based on 17 ratings

    We will always see "men as trees walking" until we get close enough to Jesus to have a clear vision of others.

    Trees in the Park By Pastor Jim May Don’t you just love to have the time to take a walk in the park and see all of God’s creation in a peaceful setting? There’s just something about it that calms the spirit and helps us to realize just how big and loving our God truly is. One of the things that more

  • Men Walking As Trees

    Contributed by John Gaston on Apr 13, 2016

    Here's the only place in the N.T. where Jesus prayed for someone twice for the same ailment. Was it a gradual healing or 2 different healings? Many people today need a 2nd dose of Jesus to push them to spiritual victory!

    MEN WALKING AS TREES Mark 8:22-26 INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR 1. A lawyer's dog ran into a butcher shop and stole a roast. The butcher went to the lawyer's office and asked him, "If a dog is without a leash and steals a roast from my store, do I have the legal right to require payment for the meat that more

  • Men Walking As Trees PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Sep 27, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    Explore the power of faith, the blindness of unbelief, and the strength of a faith walk.

    Good morning, family! Today, we're going to delve into the heart of Mark 8:22-25, exploring the power of faith, the blindness of unbelief, and the strength of a faith walk. There's a quote from Charles Spurgeon that I believe sums up these themes perfectly. He once said, "Faith obliterates time, more

  • Walking Trees

    Contributed by James May on Sep 8, 2002
    based on 97 ratings

    Little by little, the vision is revealed and our knowledge of Jesus and His Word become clearer. Now we see through a dark glass but one day it will become so clear.

    Disclaimer: Due to the large amount of sermons and topics that appear on this site I feel it is necessary to post this disclaimer on all sermons posted. These sermons are original to the author and the leading of the Holy Spirit. While ideas and illustrations are often gleaned from many more

  • Unusual Healings: He Saw "Men Like Trees, Walking About” Series

    Contributed by Jonathan Spurlock on Jul 24, 2020

    A man who could neither see nor hear was brought to Jesus. Note the unusual method Jesus used to heal this man with the two severe disabilities.

    Text: Mark 8:22-26 KJV 22 And he cometh to Bethsaida; and they bring a blind man unto him, and besought him to touch him. 23 And he took the blind man by the hand, and led him out of the town; and when he had spit on his eyes, and put his hands upon him, he asked him if he saw ought. 24 And he more

  • Men Like Trees Walking - Mark 7:24-8:26 Series

    Contributed by Darrell Ferguson on Nov 6, 2023

    Did Jesus have to try twice to heal the blind man? Or was the two-stage healing a profound lesson for how we understand God's Word?

    Introduction: Perception The Mexican cave fish has eye sockets but no eyes. Where they live, it’s so dark, eyes are useless and so they lost them. Biologists have discovered that same species of fish who live in waters that have some light, and they do have eyes. Stay too long in the dark and your more

  • More Miracles And Signs.

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Apr 16, 2022
    based on 3 ratings

    Lack of faith makes us carnal.

    MORE MIRACLES AND SIGNS. Mark 8:1-26. We have had occasion before to comment on Jesus’ compassion (cf. Mark 6:34). Now we see it in relation to another hungry crowd of worshippers, who had been willingly following Jesus for three days (Mark 8:1-3). How like us the disciples were, who more

  • Distorted Vision: Men As Trees

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Dec 12, 2014
    based on 3 ratings

    We can come to Jesus and walk away with a distorted vision of reality. Is it possible to see more while blind than when you have sight?

    DISTORTED VISIONS... I SEE MEN AS TREES? THERE ARE NONE SO BLIND, AS THOSE THAT REFUSE TO SEE By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. INTRODUCTION; DISTORTION, I SEE MEN AS TREES? Mark 8:23 And he took the blind man by the hand, and led him out of the town; and when he had spit on his more

  • Five Men And Five Trees

    Contributed by Rodelio Mallari on Apr 13, 2011
    based on 9 ratings

    Only Mark’s Gospel records this story. This particular miracle of healing is unique since it is the only miracle Jesus did which happened gradually. Usually Jesus’ healings happened suddenly and completely. In this miracle, however, the blind man’s vision

    Intro: Only Mark’s Gospel records this story. This particular miracle of healing is unique since it is the only miracle Jesus did which happened gradually. Usually Jesus’ healings happened suddenly and completely. In this miracle, however, the blind man’s vision was restored in two stages. During more

  • The Tale Of Two Trees

    Contributed by Mark Price on Oct 16, 2006
    based on 10 ratings

    The sin that disallowed man to enjoy the Tree of Life is reconciled on another tree - the cross.

    Title: The Tale of Two Trees Text: Genesis 2: 9; Revelation 22: 1-4 (esp. 2) Key Verse(s): Revelation 22: 2 There is a tree of life in the city (Rev. 22:2). Remember: the tree of life was also planted in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 2:9). As long as man remained sinless, he was allowed to eat more

  • A Shrub Or A Tree

    Contributed by Daniel Austin on Jan 21, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus came to bring us abundant life and that life is found by placing our trust, our faith in the one true God.

    A Shrub or a Tree 01/10/10 PM Text: Jeremiah 17:5-8 Introduction Jeremiah 17:5-8 (NASB) Thus says the LORD, “Cursed is the man who trusts in mankind And makes flesh his strength, And whose heart turns away from the LORD. For he will be like a bush in the desert And will not see when more

  • Dead Men Walking

    Contributed by Ajai Prakash on Jul 15, 2015
    based on 4 ratings

    So are we dead men walking? Is it a possibility that the Spirit of God has left us? Are we more sensitive to people than the Holy Spirit? Do we really Love God above everything else in life? If so, is it evident (genuinely) to folks around us?

    Opening illustration: A popular movie several years ago, based on real events, gave an interesting angle on this. Apparently most states that have Death Row put the execution chamber close to that cell block. When a prisoner comes to that fateful day when he is to be killed, he is released from his more

  • 4 Trees And 4 Men

    Contributed by Johann Neethling on Aug 17, 2005
    based on 108 ratings

    A sermon on the weekend of the 63rd Annual Logger’s Jubilee in Morton, WA. God’s Word to us through the stories of 4 trees and 4 men.

    4 TREES and 4 MEN 1. 21 miles northwest of Odessa, TX, in west central Ector County on Highway 302, you come to the small town of NOTREES. The town was given its name by the Grocer Charlie Brown, who opened his store in 1946 and also became the Postmaster that year. The town used to have just one more

  • Dead Men Walking

    Contributed by Paul Hammons on Mar 13, 2007
    based on 31 ratings

    Did you know that because of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ there are dead men walking all over the earth. They are not zombies, they are not the undead, they are not men on death row; they are born again believers in Jesus Christ. Look at what

    Dead Men Walking; Romans 6 Three buddies were discussing death and one asked the group: “What would you like people to say about you at your funeral?” One said: “He was a great humanitarian, who cared about his community.” Another said: “He was a great husband and father, who was an example for more

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