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Sermons on Melachim Bais 6:10:

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  • The Lord Is My Helper

    Contributed by David Johnston on Apr 29, 2007
    based on 14 ratings

    The Christian faces great opposition in life from without and within. It’s only with the Lord as our helper that we can endure to the end.

    The Lord is my helper 2Kings 6:8-15 8 Then the king of Syria warred against Israel, and took counsel with his servants, saying, In such and such a place shall be my camp. 9 And the man of God sent unto the king of Israel, saying, Beware that thou pass not such a place; for thither the Syrians more

  • Looking For The Lord's Leardership

    Contributed by Gene Gregory on Jul 24, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Looks at how a believer cabn find the Lord’s guidance. Expanded outline.

    LOOKING FOR THE LORD’S LEADERSHIP - Read 2 Kings 6:8-23 We find here, an interesting account of the Lord at work. The king of Aram was waging was against Israel. In the war, he would make his battle plans and plan when and where he was going to attack Israel. Every time he made his plans, more

  • Seeing Life Through A Different Lense

    Contributed by Dale Pilgrim on Jan 14, 2006
    based on 34 ratings

    We often look at life through the lense of the Enemy’s perspective - and live defeated lives. What can happen when we look at life through God’s eyes? Everything changes!

    “A few weeks ago I thought I was going out of my mind. At the time I didn’t realize I was experiencing a form of an "Anxiety Attack." My heart raced with fear as thoughts came to my mind of all the things I hadn’t accomplished that day. And the fear of failing the people around me made me want to more

  • What We Don’t See?

    Contributed by Gerald Roberts on Sep 14, 2011
    based on 6 ratings

    The servant of the prophet Elisha never saw the encamping angels that were there to protect, as a result the sermon is centralized on the concept of things we don’t see when we need protection.

    Surrounded by an army, Elisha’s servant cried, "What shall we do?" But when Elisha prayed, the servant could suddenly see that God’s forces, invisible to everyone else, far outnumbered the enemy. The story offers a rare glimpse of the "invisible world" of supernatural forces. God has resources to more

  • Corrective Vision

    Contributed by Chris Rippy on Apr 22, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Trusting in the Lord to see you through

    Getting Corrective Vision 2 Kings 6:8-23 The older I get the worse my vision gets. Sometimes Kathy and I cannot even look up a number in the phone book. We use to get Brittney to do it but now we more

  • Abre Nuestros Ojos

    Contributed by Major Gerardo Balmori on Feb 23, 2008
    based on 31 ratings

    La mirada del cristiano debe de enfocarse en las cosas de Dios, y para poder hacerlo debemos pedir al Espiritu Santo que abra nuestra mirada espiritual para poder ver Sus maravillas.

    ABRE NUESTROS OJOS 2 Reyes 6:8-23 El Ejército de Salvación Mayor Gerardo Balmori INTRODUCCION: En la época de los Reyes y Eliseo, Siria, al Norte de Israel atacaba constantemente al Pueblo de Dios. Como sabemos por las noticias, algo así ocurre el día de hoy entre los israelíes y more

  • Faith And Fear On Friday The 13th

    Contributed by Michael Hollinger on Mar 13, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    Really just a short devotional for teens on a "Don’t Fear" night.

    2 Kings 6 {{...It being Friday the 13th, come in wearing a hockey mask and a revving chainsaw (but take the blade off) Obviously, there will be some screaming, but pretty soon it should die down and be replaced by laughter. Take off the mask and say...}} Okay, I can take it by your reactions more

  • Héroes: Eliseo Series

    Contributed by Wilbur Madera Rivas on Jul 12, 2008
    based on 6 ratings

    Dios está haciendo mucho más de lo que podemos ver

    Héroes: Eliseo 2 Reyes 6:8-23 Intro: ¿Han escuchado alguna vez del hombre del tanque de tiananmen? Quizá no, pero tal vez sí han visto esta imagen (poner imagen). Este hombre se interpuso en el camino de los tanques que iban a reprimir una protesta contra un gobierno opresor. Los tanques querían more

  • The Invisible Battle

    Contributed by Mike Rickman on Jul 26, 2008
    based on 9 ratings

    We are in a battle with an enemy that we cannot see, but we see the results of his tactics all around us.

    July 27, 2008 Morning Worship Text: 2 Kings 6:8-18 Subject: Winning the Battle Against an Unseen Enemy Title: The Invisible Battle I remember as a child the scary movies we used to watch on Saturday night in St. Louis. Frankenstein, Dracula, the Mummy, and the invisible man. I always thought, more

  • "God's Prophet"

    Contributed by Andy Grossman on Aug 22, 2012
    based on 3 ratings

    Shows how God 1. protects, 2. provides, 3. plans for us -- with out permission.

    “God’s Prophet” August 26, 2012 2 Kings 6:8-23 “Now the king of Aram was at war with Israel. After conferring with his officers, he said, “I will set up my camp in such and such a place.” The man of God sent word to the king of Israel: “Beware of passing more

  • Feed Your Faith

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on Oct 9, 2012
    based on 5 ratings

    Feed your faith on: 1. God’s unwavering attention (vs. 8-12). 2. Our unseen allies (vs. 13-18). 3. Our undeserved assistance (vs. 19-23).

    Feed Your Faith 2 Kings 6:8-23 Sermon by Rick Crandall Grayson Baptist Church - October 7, 2012 *Christian, have you ever felt like you had too much faith? -- No, of course not. And I think you never will. Even if you have been a Christian for 50 years, most people would say: “I need more more

  • Open Your Eyes

    Contributed by Major Gerardo Balmori on Apr 2, 2011
    based on 14 ratings

    It’s so easy for us to grovel in our ingratitude, gripe and grumble. It’s so easy to be negative about people and life. When it comes to ingratitude, we all must plead guilty. There is so much good, beauty and kindness all around us, and we see only th

    Mayor Gerardo Balmori The Salvation Army INTRODUCTION: Syria was to the North of Israel and made many military thrusts into Israel. Much like modern Israelis and Palestinians. Israel’s king was able to anticipate these military moves and avoid the battle. Look at what the young man saw. He saw more

  • Breaking Free From The Small

    Contributed by Raymond Smith on Jan 23, 2008
    based on 9 ratings

    Breaking out from all that keeps us small

    Breaking free from the Small Reading: 2 Kings 6:1-23 When ever you have two people watching the same event, when you come to hear the reports, the basic facts will in all probability be the same, yet the accounts of it will often vary. You only have to look at the reports in the papers of a more

  • The Things You Don't See

    Contributed by Carl Willis on Nov 24, 2006
    based on 6 ratings

    We all face times when we wonder if God is really present? Just because you don’t see God’s movement doesn’t mean He isn’t already moving in your circumstances.

    The Things You Don’t See 2 Kings 6:8-17 2 Kings 6:8-9 (NLT) When the king of Aram was at war with Israel, he would confer with his officers and say, "We will mobilize our forces at such and such a place." [9] But immediately Elisha, the man of God, would warn the king of Israel, "Do not more

  • Pray First

    Contributed by Grant Van Boeschoten on Aug 7, 2007
    based on 10 ratings

    Pray First because the Supernatural determines what will happen in the Natural. (Examples, Daniel & Elisha)

    Pray First Grant van Boeschoten August 5, 2007 Story 1 During the dark days of the American Revolution, when the Continental Army had experienced several setbacks, a farmer who lived near the battlefield approached Washington’s camp unheard. Suddenly his ears caught an earnest voice raised in more

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