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Sermons on Matthew 24:44:

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  • The Problem With Focusing On The Wrong Things

    Contributed by Andrew Chan on Aug 20, 2002
    based on 29 ratings

    How to ID false teaching so we won’t lose focus in the last days

    The Problem with Focusing on the Wrong Things Many are lost –focus on wrong things. Events of world shake them up, such as Sept.11. Christians, if the Bible is right, ought not be shaken up. Bible tells us to zero in… it ‘s the last hour… 18Dear children, this is the last hour; and as you have more

  • ¿estas Velando?

    Contributed by Nestor Menjivar on Mar 28, 2004
    based on 87 ratings

    Cristo nos dio advertensias y palabras de aviso que necesitamos estar preparados y velando por su regreso. Necesitamos entender y aplicar estas palabras de aviso.

    ¿ESTAS VELANDO? Mateo 24:23-44 Hemos pasado varias semanas oyendo del hermano de Jesús, quien nos dejo muchas advertencias. Esta mañana quiero que oigamos directamente del Maestro. Leamos Mateo 24:23-44 Los primeros 5 versículos nos dan advertencias similares a las que nos dio Judas. - Nos more

  • I'm Expecting Jesus Any Moment Now

    Contributed by David Tijerina on May 4, 2003
    based on 25 ratings

    Jesus is coming back, are you ready? Just as the days of Noah...we have taken life for granted.

    I’m Expecting Jesus Any Minute Now September 22, 2002 1. The Last Days A. Fast Approaching a. As I have been saying for the last few weeks, Jesus is coming back soon b. This is not a fad…this is not a fairy tale…it is a fact – a fact that you and I need to face this more

  • Are We Getting Close Series

    Contributed by Shawn Drake on Mar 14, 2002
    based on 185 ratings

    This is the 1st sermon in the series "The End". This sermon ask the age-old question, "when is Jesus Christ coming back?"

    Sunday Evening March 17, 2002 Bel Aire Baptist Church Series: The End [#1] ARE WE GETTING CLOSE? Matthew 24 Introduction: 1. A question that has been asked over and over again by Christians is, “When is Jesus coming back?” Even the disciples asked Jesus this question. 2. Although we need to more

  • Easy Rider Meets The Messiah In Afghanistan

    Contributed by Benjamin Doolittle on Mar 29, 2002
    based on 8 ratings

    I want to talk about Easy Rider, Advent, and then you and me. Easy Rider. Do you remember the movie? Late 60’s. Peter Fonda - looking all buff and studly in his leather jacket, the one with the American Flag. Dennis Hopper - ragged and wild, scraggl

    Easy Rider Meets the Messiah in Afghanistan Isaiah 2:1-5 Romans 13:11-4 Matthew 24:36-44 The Rev. Dr. Benjamin R. Doolittle December 2nd, 2001 - First Sunday of Advent Loving God, we do not know the hour or the place when you shall come. We know only that you come, again and again, you come to more

  • Rapture Problems Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Apr 10, 2002
    based on 148 ratings

    Is the Rapture what everyone thinks it is, or are there a few things we’ve overlooked.

    RAPTURE PROBLEMS TEXT: Matthew 24:30-51 OPEN: How many of you watched or heard about the recent movie "Noah’s Ark" starring Jon Voight? The network that developed it spent a great deal of time promoting the credentials of the actors and writers. They built it up as one of the greatest TV film more

  • Ready Or Not Here I Come

    Contributed by Steven Pace on Apr 15, 2002
    based on 316 ratings

    From a childs game of Hid and Go seek to you can’t hide from God... This sermon has people looking to the sky again.

    Here I Come! Ready or Not! Matthew 24:36-51 When I was a kid one of my favorite games was hide-n-go-seek. I use to love that game. As a matter of fact, our youth and children at our church still love playing it. You know it is one of the simplest, yet the funniest games I have ever played. Hiding more

  • Jesus Has Given Us The Power To Contain And Control Evil.

    Contributed by Dr. Jerry Morrissey on Nov 22, 2001
    based on 109 ratings

    Year A. 1st Sunday of Advent, December 2, 2001 Matthew 24: 36-44

    Year A. 1st Sunday of Advent, December 2, 2001 Matthew 24: 36-44 Heavenly Father thank you for giving us the power to contain and control evil through your Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen. Title: Jesus has given us the power to contain and control evil. In this second part of Jesus’ more

  • "There Is Peace"

    Contributed by Ken Sauer on Nov 26, 2001
    based on 65 ratings

    A sermon for the first Sunday in Advent.

    ISAIAH 2:1-5 “THERE IS PEACE” By: Rev. Kenneth Sauer, Pastor of Parkview United Methodist Church, Newport News, VA Will there ever be peace? Right now, America and much of the world is at war. But this is not the only kind of war that is going on--the conventional war that we keep hearing about more

  • The Tribulation Series

    Contributed by Ian Humphrey on Nov 28, 2001
    based on 34 ratings

    an exposition on Matt ch 24

    DURING THE TRIBULATION Matthew 24 v. 15 - 44 - Matthew 24 & 25 Dealing with the Jews and not the church The tribulation itself v. 15 - 28 1.The Desecration of the temple (a) The Sacrifices will be stopped (b) The Temple will be polluted, and the (c) Image will be worshipped Revelation 13 v. 8 more

  • A Journey Through The Stable Part 1 Series

    Contributed by John Beehler on Nov 28, 2001
    based on 64 ratings

    Jesus was born in a stable, but there’s more to a stable than what we see in our Nativity sets.

    A Journey Through the Stable part 1 Happy New Year! You might think I’m rushing it a little but, to Christians everywhere, Advent is the beginning of the new year according to the church calendar. So, Happy New Year! Students of all ages look forward to the Christmas break. Children look more

  • Are You Preparing Or Procrastinating?

    Contributed by Don Schultz on Nov 29, 2001
    based on 99 ratings

    Jesus tells us to be watchful, to be ready, for his second coming.

    Matthew 24:37-44 Are You Preparing or Procrastinating? Our lives are filled with the unexpected. The events that took place in September were unexpected – very sad events. Our lives are filled with unexpected good things as well – maybe a surprise birthday party, or a surprise bonus from your more

  • 1 Advent A

    Contributed by Roger Haugen on Dec 4, 2001
    based on 174 ratings

    Jesus comes to us in three ways -- three times. At his birth, at the present, at his second coming. It is now that is of present concern to us.

    1 Advent A Matthew 24:36 – 44 2 December 2001 Rev. Roger Haugen Today is the first Sunday in Advent, the start of the church year. The day when we begin the preparation for the coming of Jesus Christ. We begin to light the candles, we sing the Advent hymns – and we wait – we prepare. Advent more

  • Are You Ready? Series

    Contributed by Troy Mason on Dec 22, 2001
    based on 79 ratings

    Are you ready to welcome Jesus Christ?

    ARE YOU READY? Matthew 24:36-51 INTRODUCTION: Hank Williams Jr. sings a song “Are you ready for some football?” I like that song, because when I hear it on the television, I know I’m usually in for an entertaining game. Unfortunately, I rarely make it past the first quarter, because I’m so more

  • Why Date Setting Is Wrong

    Contributed by Jerry Falwell on May 15, 2002
    based on 45 ratings

    Setting dates for Christ’s return.

    Why Date Setting Is Wrong by Jerry Falwell A. INTRODUCTION 1. Many have been wrong. a. William Miller on October 22, 1844 waited with hundreds in the Seventh Day Adventist Church. b. Jehovah Witness predicted Christ returned in 1874, and was crowned as King in 1914. c. Edgar C. Whisenant more