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Sermons on Matthew 22:35:

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  • Love Enough To Give It All Series

    Contributed by Alan Thompson on Mar 11, 2003
    based on 116 ratings

    The first in a series which built on the "Interactions: Transformation" study book from Willow Creek Resources. Sermons follow study chapters.

    Transformation Series, Week 1 Love Enough to Give It All Matthew 22:34-40 A massively built woman with wild hair came storming into the clerk’s office and slammed the door shut behind her. She thrust a piece of paper at the clerk, she said, “Did you or did you not issue this license for me to more

  • Worship Series

    Contributed by James Capps on Mar 11, 2003
    based on 28 ratings

    Worship is the first of the five purposes of the church. Worship is the main thing the church has been called to.

    Purpose of the Church: Worship Part 2 Matt. 22:34-40 & Matt. 28:18-20 Today we’re going to begin to look at the Five Purposes of the Church that Jesus outlines for us in primarily two verses…. 1. Luke 10:27 He answered: “ ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your more

  • A Call To Service

    Contributed by Ian Biss on Jul 2, 2002
    based on 74 ratings

    A call for the church to follow the teaching of Jesus

    A Call To Service By Ian Biss 3/10/02 Intro. . . A little girl had been trying for months to learn the art of tying her shoes. She finally grasped the knack and was able to do it by herself. Her parents expected the child to be delighted, but were surprised by her disappointment. Her more

  • Becoming A Loving Person Series

    Contributed by Marty Baker on Jul 8, 2002
    based on 55 ratings

    A message based on the fruit of the spirit with a primary concentration on Matthew 22:35-40. Pracitcally speaking, this message encourages people to love one another.

    Series: Being the Best You Can Be Sermons: Becoming a Loving Person Dr. Marty Baker Matthew 22:35-40 June 23, 2002 Becoming a Loving Person Imagine that you have just been told you have only a few days to live. No chance the prognosis was wrong; no chance the files were more

  • Whaddaya Want?

    Contributed by John Beehler on Aug 7, 2002
    based on 46 ratings

    We expect things in life. God expects things of us, too.

    Whaddaya Want? Louie Anderson 7-Eleven monologue So let me ask you today, “Whaddaya want?” What do you want out of life? Are you looking for a good deal? Do you want a good job with even better pay? Do you want your children to make the honor roll and get into more

  • We Are Becoming What We Love Series

    Contributed by Russ Witkowski on Apr 24, 2002
    based on 28 ratings

    This teaching reveals how a solid character is possible only when we become more like Christ.

    04/10/02 IGNITING A PASSION FOR GOD VII WE ARE BECOMING WHAT WE LOVE MATTHEW 22:35-37 BY PASTOR RUSS WITKOWSKI “One of them, an expert in the law, tested him with this question: 36 "Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?" 37 Jesus replied: "’Love the Lord your God with all your more

  • Christianity And Us

    Contributed by Norbert Garcia on May 3, 2002
    based on 44 ratings

    What does it take to become a genuine Christian

    Christianity and Us We all have a desire to be included in the 144,000 that go to heaven when Christ comes again. Yet, have we fully considered what it will take to be included in that group? Have we mistakenly made the assumption that since we were baptized and attend church every week that we more

  • The Greatest Commandment

    Contributed by Glenn Robinson on May 11, 2002
    based on 34 ratings

    This sermon shows how loving God and loving your neighbor (The two greatest commandments) apply to all family relationships.

    Glenn Robinson May 5, 2002 THE GREATEST COMMANDMENT MATTHEW 22:34-40 I) The Old Testament Law of God A) What is the relevance of God’s Law to family in the New Testament B) What are the benefits of following God’s Law? II) The most important commandment - more

  • Rediscovering Love

    Contributed by David Dewitt on Feb 26, 2002
    based on 60 ratings

    Love is the key to the Christian life

    Rediscovering Love Matthew 22:34-40 February 10, 2002 Introduction This week we celebrate Valentine’s Day and all over the place we are seeing the decorations, the cards, the candy, stuffed animals and a host of things that are used to express love. With all of this focus on love, you would think more

  • Does God Have Control Of Your Heart?

    Contributed by Darren Ethier on Mar 22, 2002
    based on 59 ratings

    A question worth answering isn’t it?

    DOES GOD HAVE CONTROL OF YOUR HEART? Matthew 22:34-40; Luke 10:30-37 TEXT FOR MORNING READING: Luke 10:30-37 INTRODUCTION This morning you heard read to you probably one of the more familiar stories of the Bible, the story of the good samaritan. This story Jesus told came in response to the more

  • Love And Pedigree

    Contributed by Dale Rose on Apr 10, 2002
    based on 34 ratings

    Jesus answers the question about the greatest commandment, then asks the question, "What is the Christ’s lineage?"

    Love and Pedigree Matt 22:34-46 One New Year’s Day, in the Tournament of Roses parade, a beautiful float suddenly sputtered and quit. It was out of gas. The whole parade was held up until someone could get a can of gas. The amusing thing was this float represented the Standard Oil Company. With more

  • Psychology And The Bible

    Contributed by Randy Yocum on Mar 29, 2003
    based on 16 ratings

    Some might wonder, “What does the Bible have to do with psychology?” Or, “What does psychology have to do with the Bible?” The answer to these questions depends on how one chooses to view psychology. So, what is psychology?

    Psychology and the Bible Some might wonder, “What does the Bible have to do with psychology?” Or, “What does psychology have to do with the Bible?” The answer to these questions depends on how one chooses to view psychology. So, what is psychology? People will have varying opinions of what more

  • "The 1st & 2nd Greatest Commandments"

    Contributed by Danny Moss on Jan 5, 2002
    based on 46 ratings

    This sermon shows the priority that the Word of God gives to loving God, and loving others.

    THE TWO GREATEST COMMANDMENTS Text: Matthew 22:34-40 "But when the Pharisees had heard that he had put the Sadducees to silence, they were gathered to- gether. Then one of them, which was a lawyer, asked him a question, tempting him, and saying, Master, which is the more

  • The Great Commandment

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Aug 24, 2002
    based on 68 ratings

    A great commitment to the Great Commandment and the Great Commission will build a great church.

    Sermon for 6/18/2002 The Great Commandment Matthew 22:34-40 Introduction: John Blanchard stood up from the bench, straightened his Army uniform, and studied the crowd of people making their way through Grand Central Station. He looked for the girl whose heart he knew, but whose face he didn’t, more

  • The Internal Motivation: Passion Series

    Contributed by Brett Stair on Nov 20, 2000
    based on 478 ratings

    Authentic Christianity, at its core, is motivated by an intense passion for God and this is what our Lord means when He tells us to love God with all of our heart.

    Basics of Authentic Christianity The Internal Motivation: Passion Matthew 22:34-40 I can’t tell you HOW HONORED I AM to have this opportunity to open the Word of God to you this morning and for the rest of this month. I am excited about what God is doing here at Lakeland. And as I’ve sought God more

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