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Sermons on Mark 10:30: showing 31-45 of 143

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  • Minúscula O Mayuscula Series

    Contributed by Jose Vega on Dec 11, 2006
    based on 1 rating


    Tema: Vida Lugar: IBD Texto: Marcos 10:17-31 Fecha: 10-15-06 Título: Minúscula o Mayúscula. DESARROLLO Marcos 10:17-31 “17Al salir él para seguir su camino, vino uno corriendo, e hincando la rodilla delante de él, le preguntó: Maestro bueno, ¿qué haré para heredar la vida eterna? 18Jesús le more

  • Sad Man Walking

    Contributed by Monty Newton on Feb 5, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    The person who wants his life to make a difference for others and be pleasing to God must hold nothing back.

    Title: Sad Man Walking Text: Mark 10:17-31 Thesis: If you want your life to count, hold nothing back. (The idea for this message originated from a message by the same title in a series of stewardship messages written by Bryan Wilkerson, pastor of Grace Chapel in Lexington, MA, Preaching more

  • Consecration: The Requirement Of A Successful Steward Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Sep 17, 2004
    based on 27 ratings

    Possessions alone do not give spiritual fulfillment. Only Jesus Christ gives spiritual fulfillment. Spiritual fulfillment is found when we receive Jesus Christ into our lives and submit everything to his sovereign control.

    Scripture For the past two Sundays we have been in a series of messages on The ABCs of Stewardship. The material for this series of sermons comes from Dr. John Maxwell. So far we have looked at “Attitude: The Response of a Successful Steward,” and “Blessings: The Resources of a Successful more

  • A Man With Great Wealth

    Contributed by Richard Francis on Feb 26, 2006
    based on 25 ratings

    Consider the rich young ruler, kept every commandment except one, "Love the Lord your God" and missed out on the kingdom, you have to be 100% for Jesus, 99% will not do

    Watch were you are going! I like collecting fossils sad but true. Typically I like to do this in a difficult way. On spot in particular is a very rough seashore, all boulders, from football size to mini like, you have to jump and stretch between them to move along the shore. The fossils can be more

  • "Divorce And Remarriage = Adultery" Jesus. Series

    Contributed by Greg Nance on Mar 15, 2006
    based on 29 ratings

    What did Jesus call it when someone divorced their mate and married another? What do we call this? The Creator wants marriages to last a lifetime. It is no small matter to break such a covenant bond.

    Read or quote Mark 10 Mark 10 begins with Jesus teaching on marriage, divorce and remarriage. It was a difficult teaching then, and it is a difficult teaching now. Most people want to marry. No one who knows God gets married with the intent of ending the marriage with divorce. Today we will more

  • Getting That Camel Through That Needle Series

    Contributed by David Asch on Jan 18, 2005
    based on 61 ratings

    Today we will observe Jesus being asked this question: “What must I do to live forever?” Even if you think you know what’s coming, hang on, you may be surprised! There may be some facets to the answer that you aren’t familiar with, and they may explain w

    GETTING THAT CAMEL THROUGH THAT NEEDLE Mark 10:17-31 INTRO: Throughout his history, man’s quest has been the answer to this question: “How can I live forever?” It used to be mummification and the fountain of youth. Today, for $100,000 you can be frozen ($50,00 for head only) SI reports that Ted more

  • "Boo" What Scares You?

    Contributed by Dean Meadows on Oct 25, 2005
    based on 10 ratings

    This is a sermon that deals with what in your life is keeping your from surrendering your life to Christ.

    Boo,what scares you? 10/25/2005 Mark 10:17-22 This is the time of the year where you have people going around scaring each other. I love to scare and I love to be scared. My wife Hope will get so mad at me when I do something to scare her. She does more

  • Fan Or Follower? Series

    Contributed by Andrew Hamilton on Oct 26, 2002
    based on 146 ratings

    A call to complete surrender of all we are to Jesus Christ

    21.4.2002amlbc True Discipleship is Total Surrender Mark 10:13-31 1. Tom in Philippines Greg’s trip report last week – We arrived and we were overwhelmed by the place. His first session with us ‘you must do whatever I say – if you are on fast break and I say get in the jeep you don’t even more

  • Serving God 110%

    Contributed by Michael Huddlestun on Jun 20, 2004
    based on 27 ratings

    This sermon shows us what is expected of us as believers.

    Serving God 110% Mark 10:17-31 Michael A. Huddlestun Introduction: In life, there are a lot of things that if they are only done part way, then your results will not be satisfying. Such as cooking a steak, doing homework in school, shaving your face, or watching a movie. These are only a more

  • Values Of The Kingdom

    Contributed by Allen Patterson on Mar 17, 2005
    based on 21 ratings

    In the days before he arrived at Jerusalem for the last time, Jesus taught his disciples some very important lessons.

    Values of the Kingdom What Jesus Taught in His Last Days on Earth Sunday, March 13, 2005; Wayside Community Church; Grove City, PA Growing up in the circles of Evangelical Christianity, we never observed the season right before Easter known in Orthodox circles as Lent. We had family and friends more

  • Kingdom Values By Dr. Winson Butler

    Contributed by Winson Butler on Mar 30, 2005
    based on 9 ratings

    A genuis is someone who shoots at a target no one else sees and hits it. It doesn’t take a genuis to agree that Kingdom Values are in our best interest as a child of God. Let’s see why!

    Introduction Recently, with everything happening in our world, it makes us step back and take a theraputic deep breath and we are almost forced to ask ourselves, "What’s the most imporant thing in my life." i.e. "Who is it that’s the most valuable to me." Let’s make a list: Family, finances, more

  • Power Play Series

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Apr 22, 2005
    based on 8 ratings

    Jesus Christ came to earth to reveal the nature of the REAL boss the Lord God Almighty. He is pretty intimidating, so you’d think He would have a personality to match but He doesn’t. The boss of bosses does not follow the world?s leadership model

    For more Bible Studies: visit There’s a saying in business that I’ve heard a lot. "Lead, follow, or get out of the way!" It portrays the sentiment that you should step up and over everyone - meekly fall in line with the "leaders" - blindly following their every more

  • Childlike Trust Series

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Apr 22, 2005
    based on 7 ratings

    In this study we look at broken things - trust, relationships, and priorities. But we also see how by simple child like trust in God, that which is broken can be mended.

    For more Bible studies visit: Surrounded by plenty in this country we lose sight of the really important things. We live in such a throw-away society that we think having things is more important than having relationships, and in a time when people’s word means nothing more

  • Pulling Up Stakes

    Contributed by William Nieporte on Nov 17, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    God is always calling us onward.

    Have you ever been camping? I do not mean camping in a cabin or camper. I mean camping in the great outdoors, bundled up in a sleeping bag, with nothing but a tent between you and the wild creatures that roam the woods. I have only been once been once and I hated it. Knowing what you know more

  • Shrinking Camels - Good People Have Little Chance In The Kingdom Of God

    Contributed by Peter Loughman on Jul 27, 2010
    based on 5 ratings

    Being good, will not make you a spiritual man or a spiritual woman. Good people don’t go to heaven. Good people are not spiritual people.

    Who is the rich man? Who is the rich man in this passage this morning? YOU are the rich man. You are the rich man in this passage this morning. To us, when we read this passage, to us, the rich man is always someone who has more money than we do. As a result, we are able to step outside the more

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