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Sermons on Marcos 9:23:

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  • Strengthening Belief

    Contributed by Dennis Regan on Sep 19, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    How can we get through those periods in our lives when we do not believe quite as much as we should.

    Read Mark 9:15-29 Focus verse-Mark 9:24 24. And straightway the father of the child cried out, and said with tears, Lord, I believe: help thou mine unbelief-- Faith: (Noun) The theological virtue defined as secure belief in God and a trusting acceptance of God’s will. Can also be: The body of more

  • How Honest Is Your Faith

    Contributed by William Noel on Dec 31, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    Many Christians Live With Psuedo-Faith ... Pretending Their Faith Is Something That Its Not!

    Last Sunday, I was truly blessed. Some of you know, that I was battling with high blood pressure during Sunday School and Church. I had a headache. My vision was a little blurred. And, I felt all-around lousy. Up until last Sunday, I had denied having high blood pressure. · I know high more

  • Breaking Through The Belief Barrier Series

    Contributed by Kenneth Squires on Jan 27, 2006
    based on 8 ratings

    This message is intended to help you learn how to do regular diagnostic work on your spiritual health and growth.

    23“‘If you can’?” said Jesus. “Everything is possible for him who believes.” 24Immediately the boy’s father exclaimed, “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!” (Mark 9:22-23) Diagnostic testing is a regular part of life. We diagnose everything from health to a car. Your family physician more

  • Mushrooms Or Maple Trees: Sermon #4 Series

    Contributed by Ken Pell on Jul 23, 2007
    based on 5 ratings

    A life that pleases God is characterized by an intimate a close connection to Jesus.

    Mushrooms or Maple Trees: Spiritual Growth as God Intended Sermon #4 Sermon Objective: A life that pleases God is characterized by an intimate a close connection to Jesus. PRE-SERVICE INTRO We are in a sermon series called Mushrooms and Maple Trees. Mushrooms sprout up overnight and then wither more

  • Accept The Challenge?why Am I In This Valley?

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Dec 12, 2008
    based on 7 ratings

    Hardships are not sent by mean destiny and fate to destroy you. This is but a challenge to open new opportunities before you.

    Accept the challenge? WHY AM I IN THIS VALLEY? THIS TOO SHALL PASS... By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. YOU MAY HAVE TO DO THIS IN TWO PARTS, OR MOVE QUICKLY. I use a series of metal bowls, starting the small and increase to larger bowls... we sing: HERE’S MY CUP LORD, I LIFT IT UP, more

  • " Thou My Unbelief"

    Contributed by Joe Mack Cherry on Nov 8, 2009
    based on 6 ratings

    God answers prayers; even for faith

    Help Thou My Unbelief by Joe Mack Cherry Text: Mark 9: 14-29 Theme: Praying for faith I. Introduction to the Text A. The Transfiguration 1. Has always been a mystery to me. 2. It is believed that this happened the night prior to the events that took place in more

  • Where's The Juice?

    Contributed by Steve Wiehl on Jul 13, 2008
    based on 16 ratings

    Making a realtionship through prayer and fasting is the first step.

    Where’s the Juice? Or What ’Secret’ Jesus told His disciples behind closed doors. Sermon Mark 9: 14-29 ( reflection on Mark 6:6b-13) Routines.... I wake up and the very first thing I do is make the coffee. Stumbling through the pantry to find the filters and scooping the coffee. Some in more

  • Keep In Touch

    Contributed by Selvan John on Jul 16, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    Keeping in touch with our reality will eventually have to lead us to keep in touch with God, cause everything is possible to him who believes.

    The title of my message is “Keep in Touch,” I am sure this is one of the key phrase we always use in our everyday affair. But more than the simplest idea known it is important to be in touch with the reality around and also with the reality within us. Sometime ago when I was in college, our more

  • Take On Faith Series

    Contributed by Michael West on Sep 29, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    In spite of worldwide conflicts, the Holy Spirit is at work and is continuing to guide the true Church into her greatest season of transformation. This means that we, as a part of that true Church, must not look at the pressures of the times as some sort

    Sunday January 20th, 2008 Series: the Fight part three Scripture: Mark 9:23 (AMP) Sermon: Take On faith Speaker: pastor Michael, River of Life In spite of worldwide conflicts, the Holy Spirit is at work and is continuing to guide the true Church into her greatest season of transformation. more

  • In The Face Of Discouragement Series

    Contributed by Michael West on Sep 29, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    Discouragement. We all experience it one time or another. Discouragement can immobilize even the righteous people of God and hinder them or stop them in their tracks to the point that they stop working on their God given visions.

    Sunday January 27th, 2008 Series: the Fight part four Scripture: Mark 9:23 Sermon: In the face of discouragement Speaker: Pastor Michael West, River of Life Discouragement. We all experience it one time or another. Discouragement can immobilize even the righteous people of God and hinder them more

  • Bull Or Bear Market Series

    Contributed by Jamey Stuart on Sep 29, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    Kick off of a three week stewardship series on how to move from curse to blessing in our financial lives.

    Introduction: Politics can be a funny thing. Do you like politics? I’m a political junkie really. I intentionally don’t talk about it in here much because I don’t think who leads our country has a whole lot to do with the mission of the local church. Jesus lived in a corrupt society and he more

  • We Need Healthy Children Series

    Contributed by Alvin Hathaway, Sr. on Mar 16, 2009
    based on 6 ratings

    The challenge before us is how best to create a healthcare system in which all children receive care that is safe, effective, efficient, timely and family centered regardless of background or cultural differences.

    Sermon on Sunday, September 10, 2006 at Union Baptist Church “We Need Healthy Children” Mark 9: 14-27 “How long has the child been like this?” In this second installment in our Back to School Series, Jesus poses a question over two thousand years ago that haunts us today, “How more

  • A Matter Of Faith

    Contributed by Mark Roper on Nov 27, 2007

    Faith does not wish, hope, or desire--faith believes & receives, because we know Christ personally.

    A Matter of Faith Mark 9:23 Faith does not wish, hope, or desire--faith believes & receives, because we know Christ personally. Some Christians fear they are the only believers who wrestle with doubts. Consequently they build façades of spiritual confidence, but feel like fakes. Fortunately, God more

  • To Him Who Believes

    Contributed by Mark Baker on Dec 1, 2007
    based on 6 ratings

    Mark 9:23 Jesus said to him, "If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.’’ What an incredible statement. If it wasn’t said by the lord Jesus Himself then it might be a little hard to swallow, but here it is in black and white for al

    Mark 9:23 Jesus said to him, "If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.’’ What an incredible statement. If it wasn’t said by the lord Jesus Himself then it might be a little hard to swallow, but here it is in black and white for all who will receive. Let’s look at the the more

  • A Good Dad Series

    Contributed by Todd Pugh on Jan 14, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    How one Father and Son were changed by meeting Jesus face to face. This sermon was preached on Father’s Day.

    A Good Dad “face to Face” Sermon series June 17th 2007 / Father’s Day Intro: We are starting a new sermon series this morning called “face to Face” There isn’t any better way to communicate than “face to face” We have continually made new ways to communicate over the years; we have, Letter more

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