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  • The Clever Servant

    Contributed by Scott Carmer on Sep 28, 2005
    based on 88 ratings

    Are we as willing to work hard on our relationship with Jesus as the dishonest steward was willing to work for his own future?

    The Clever Servant Luke 16:1-8 October 2, 2005 A few years ago, I became friends with a fellow named Roger who had built a very successful business from the ground up. Starting from almost nothing, he had become President and CEO of a paging service. You know, when you need your doctor in the more

  • You Cannot Serve God And Money

    Contributed by William Baeta on Nov 25, 2004
    based on 27 ratings

    “No servant can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money” Luke 16:13.

    Theme: You cannot serve God and money Text: Amos 8:4-7; 1 Tim. 2:1-8; Lk. 16:1-13 God is concerned about our future and teaches us to also show that same concern. Our concern should lead us to make the right decisions in life. When God created the tree that yields fruit, the Scriptures declare more

  • Can God Trust Me? Series

    Contributed by Glenn Newton on Jun 20, 2004
    based on 278 ratings

    This morning as I look at you, I believe that you do believe you can trust Him. This morning we are going to turn the tables around, and the Question for today is, Can God Trust Me? Can God Trust You?” (John Maxwell material used)

    Can God Trust Me? Pastor Glenn Newton July 23, 2000 Text: Luke 16:1-13 (First, Tell the church How Proud You are of them, for their coming together to meet the need) For the last couple of weeks we have been talking about Trust, we have asked questions that dealt with, “Can I trust God?” We more

  • Who Is The Source Of My French Fries? Series

    Contributed by Glenn Newton on Jun 20, 2004
    based on 24 ratings

    We need to Trust God so that We can serve Him, and put our Faith in Him...... and God needs to be able to Trust us so that He can bless us and use us in His Kingdom work. So today, God asks this question, Can I trust you?

    Who is the Sourch of my Fries? Pastor Glenn Newton Oct. 5, 2003 Text : Luke 16:1-13 Read Last Sunday I talked to you about the Diamond Life - The different bases that we must touch in order to make it all the way home, the basics... remember? 1st base - Being Born again. 2nd Base - more

  • The Unrighteous Steward

    Contributed by Ed Wood on Jul 1, 2004
    based on 45 ratings

    A message on our stewardship responsibilities for the things of God (Not necessarily a tithing sermon).

    THE UNRIGHTEOUS STEWARD Luke 16:1-13 INTRO: Charles Dickens wrote about a man who was very selfish. Ebenezer Scrooge. We use this term to describe someone who is a tightwad. Perhaps it could describe the unrighteous steward Jesus tells about in Luke’s Gospel. Let’s see three things about this more

  • 3 Keys To Understanding The Bible

    Contributed by John Pierce on Jan 7, 2006
    based on 34 ratings

    Three important keys to understanding the Bible are content, context and clarity.

    3 Keys to Understanding the Bible Intro: Talk about the Bible… 66 different books 40 different authors written over 1500 years Written in at least 3 different original languages books of history, prophecy, poetry and letters. And we are supposed to read it and apply it to our modern, more

  • Fail Safe Investing Series

    Contributed by Steve Malone on Jan 4, 2005
    based on 28 ratings

    This message will contrast 2 investors that Jesus talks about in Luke (a smart guy and a fool)and it will teach us what the only fail safe investment is. (Money Matter pt 2)

    Fail Safe Investing Money Matters – part two Floyd… LAST WEEK – we began a brand new message series that we are calling, ‘Money Matters.’ AND – in that message we talked about how all of us needed to begin thinking differently about money… SPECIFICALLY – we talked about 5 new ways of thinking more

  • Let's Make A Deal

    Contributed by Chris Tiller on Dec 14, 2005
    based on 7 ratings

    Parable of the dishonest manager: The Kingdom of God works on different principles than we’re used to. Efficiency, practicality, and self-interest are not the core values of the Kingdom. God expects a lot more for us (and from us) than we expect him to.

    There was a rich man. This man was so rich that he didn’t make his own bed. He had a personal maid who did that. He didn’t make his own dinner. He had a personal chef who did that. He didn’t drive his own car. He had a chauffeur who did that. He didn’t balance his own checkbook. He had a more

  • Shrewd Christianity

    Contributed by Stephen Evoy on May 11, 2008
    based on 7 ratings

    Does "accidental" repentance "count?"

    Shrewd Christianity The Parable of the Shred Manager (Luke 16:1-9) 1There was once a rich man who had a manager. He got reports that the manager had been taking advantage of his position by running up huge personal expenses. 2So he called him in and said, “What’s this I hear about you? more

  • Is It The Thought That Counts?

    Contributed by Joseph Smith on Jul 6, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus’ parable of the dishonest but shrewd steward shows us that what people want is something real, not just nice thoughts; and that the use of God’s money is our finest responsibility.

    My brother-in-law has a unique ability, a very special talent. He has the ability to go into a men’s clothing store, size up all the merchandise available, and cane out with the very worst, the most atrocious looking stuff that money can buy. What is worse, he does that when he is shopping for me. more

  • Parable Of The Crooked Manager

    Contributed by Revd. Martin Dale on Jul 17, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    God is looking for Single Minded people

    LUKE 16:1-13 GOD IS LOOKING FOR SINGLE MINDED PEOPLE Sermon This is one of the most difficult parables to understand - because at first blush it looks as if Jesus is condoning sharp practices. On careful reflection however, I don’t think he is. The Story is a bit of an enigma There are more

  • Be Shrewd!

    Contributed by David Trexler on Dec 1, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Jesus is calling us to start using more of our wits, our brains, our craftiness, our shrewdness that we use to secure our position on earth, and start using these same gifts to the glory of God.

    Sermon for Luke 16:1-13 September 23rd 2007 What do you think guys and gals? Do you want to stick with the text we are dealt today, or maybe search through the Bible and pick one that perhaps is a little easier, at least not quite as challenging? Because, basically every single commentary, more

  • Priority Of Stewardship Series

    Contributed by Wayne Mock on Feb 4, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    Followers of Christ have the priority of being good stewards of life for Him.

    Each week of this month we have been challenged through God’s word and by His Holy Spirit to look at ourselves in an honestly critical way. We have been performing various Priority Checks. Each week we have examined priorities in our life from a different vantage point. However, each week we more

  • Luke 16:1-13 Can God Trust Us As His Stewards?

    Contributed by William D. Brown on Apr 8, 2011
    based on 9 ratings

    Jesus has been in the home of one of the chief Pharisees since chapter 14:1, He has given several parables, many of the Pharisees were guilty of many of theses truths that are revealed, this paralbe is about a rich mans manager,"steward" he

    LUKE 16:1-13 CAN GOD TRUST US AS HIS STEWARDS? 4-9-11 Let me say 1st of all what a Stewart is, a steward is a person who has charge of another man’s goods. Abraham had a steward who had charge of all his possessions. It was Abraham’s steward, possible more

  • Team Of The Shrewd

    Contributed by Jon Lipka on Apr 1, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    People of this world are shrewd in their secular dealings, and Christians can likewise be shrewd in their spiritual development, not at the expense of virtue but in pursuit of it.

    Yesterday morning, I went outside to cut the grass. I put on my jeans and a ratty old aloha shirt. I put on my yard work shoes, my hat and sunglasses, and my big yellow ear muffs. I climbed up on the tractor, pulled out of the garage. BOY, it was a beautiful day. I ride down to the end of the more

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