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Sermons on Lukas 8:25:

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  • Do We Have Ears?

    Contributed by Steve Malone on May 22, 2001
    based on 101 ratings

    Communication is important and the most importnat communication is of the word of God. And when it comes to God’s word do we have ears?

    “Do We Have Ears?” Luke Chapter 8 Last week we finished up a five week series on the Impact of the Cross. I don’t know about you – BUT I really was impacted by the cross this Easter season like never before.… I don’t want to be unmoved or distressed by the cross ever again – rather I want to more

  • Peace In The Storms Of Life

    Contributed by Chris Gowen on Feb 3, 2001
    based on 308 ratings

    We may never be completely isolated from many of the storms of life, but we can know God’s peace in the midst of the storm.

    Mark 4:35-41 It is fascinating to hear stories of people who have survived tragic events. Someone makes it out alive of a landslide. Someone survives a crash. Someone survives after days at sea. We are never promised to come out alive, but we can know survival in our hearts if we trust Jesus. more

  • Faith Or Fear - 2nd Before Lent Year C

    Contributed by Jim Pye on Feb 13, 2001
    based on 36 ratings

    Jesus is Lord of creation and deserves our wholehearted commitment

    22 One day Jesus said to his disciples, "Let’s go over to the other side of the lake." So they got into a boat and set out. 23 As they sailed, he fell asleep. A squall came down on the lake, so that the boat was being swamped, and they were in great danger. 24 The disciples went and woke him, more

  • Faith Or Fear - 2nd Before Lent Year C

    Contributed by Jim Pye on Feb 14, 2001
    based on 54 ratings

    2nd Before lent Year C : Jesus is Lord of all and deserves our wholehearted commitment

    22 One day Jesus said to his disciples, "Let’s go over to the other side of the lake." So they got into a boat and set out. 23 As they sailed, he fell asleep. A squall came down on the lake, so that the boat was being swamped, and they were in great danger. 24 The disciples went and woke him, more

  • When God Seems Silent

    Contributed by David Fox on Nov 10, 2001
    based on 124 ratings

    Why does God sometimes choose not to answer prayer?

    When God Seems Silent *We all go through times in life when God seems silent. *Those are the times in life when the heavens seem to be brass. *In times of God’s silence – We try to pray….but our prayers may seem only to rise to the ceiling and then fall back to the more

  • God's Formula For Prosperity

    Contributed by Deborah Prihoda on Jul 25, 2002
    based on 84 ratings

    At the beginning of Hezekiah’s reign, he made some important decisions regarding his faith that God blessed him for and he prospered.

    FORMULA FOR PROSPERITY 02/18/01 INTRODUCTION TEXT: 2 Kings 18:1-8 Transition: Look at 3 things Hezekiah determined that brought prosperity to his life. I. MAKE A DETERMINATION TO WORSHIP A. He determined to do right in the sight of the Lord (v.3) Historical background: 1. Ahaz more

  • Let Us Go Over To The Other Side

    Contributed by Pastor/Author: Terry Sisney on Jul 31, 2002
    based on 121 ratings

    Our destination is sure, our orders are established, but what we have to go through to reach our destination is not known, don’t give up we’re going over to the other side.

    (1) (In this phrase is the promise of divine presence) Let us- Jesus has said: I will never leave you nor forsake you but go with you all the way even to the end of the world. (2) (They launched forth) Eagerness, willingness, zeal, enthusiasm They started out with Jesus-the word in the boat, Their more

  • How To Keep Objectively Focused In Emotional Situations

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 27 ratings

    How To Keep Objective in Emotional Situations (Luke 8:22-25)

    It is sad how many people allow their emotions to cloud their ability to think objectively. When emotions get in the way of objective reasoning we tend to say and do things that we later regret. Jesus knew how to calm the storm in human emotions. Example: One day Jesus said to his disciples, more

  • The Purposes Of Storms

    Contributed by David Wilson on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 344 ratings

    Those storms in our lives don’t always come from our sin-- in fact, following Christ will lead us directly into the eye of the storm.

    1. ALL PROBLEMS IN LIFE ARE NOT RELATED TO SIN! The Jews believed strongly that if something bad happened to someone, they had done some sort of sin. If a person was stricken with an illness it reflected on some sort of sin. If he suffered financial loss, it was sin-related.. If his children grew more

  • Where Is Your Faith?—part I

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on May 10, 2002
    based on 9 ratings

    Part 1 of a 2-part sermon. Jesus unveiled the location of His disciples’ faith. Christian faith is to have a specific focus, But where is that focus or rather.... Where does Christian faith take us?

    WHERE IS YOUR FAITH-I?—Luke 8:22-25 Jesus unveiled the location of His disciples’ faith. Christian faith is to have a specific focus. Where does Christian faith take us? 1—Christian Faith takes us to THOSE IN NEED(:22) —Explanation:(:22) The Other Side :22—“Now it came about on one of those more

  • Where Is Your Faith?—part 2

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on May 10, 2002
    based on 5 ratings

    Part 2 of a 2-part sermon. Jesus unveiled the location of His disciples’ faith. Christian faith is to have a specific focus. But where is that focus or rather.... Where does Christian faith take us?

    WHERE IS YOUR FAITH?—II—Luke 8:22-25 Jesus unveiled the location of His disciples’ faith. Christian faith is to have a specific focus. But where is that focus or rather.... Where does Christian faith take us? Christian Faith takes us to... 1. Those in Need(:22) 2. Physical more

  • Just What Would Jesus Do?

    Contributed by Michael Hand on May 26, 2002
    based on 14 ratings

    Look at examples about Jesus from the Gospels on how we can live up to the popular phrase "What would Jesus do?".

    Just What Would Jesus Do? “W”, “W”, “J”, “D”. (repeat the letters twice). Most of you know, that that stands for “What Would Jesus Do”. A phrase that has been quite popular for some time now. Four simple words in an expression that has meant much to most, or has it? Not to many months ago, this more

  • There Is A Purpose In The Storm Series

    Contributed by John Hamby on Jun 9, 2002
    based on 90 ratings

    This story in the life of Jesus and His disciples, in the boat upon the sea, conveys another world, a world where storms rise up out of nowhere and life itself is put at peril.

    A Study of the Book of Luke Sermon # 20 There Is A Purpose In The Storm. Luke 8:22-25 In 1976 Gordon Lightfoot recorded a haunting ballad entitled “The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald.” [1976, Moose Music, Ltd.] The Edmund Fitzgerald more

  • Safe In The Arms Of Jesus

    Contributed by Douglas Bryan on Jan 14, 2003
    based on 98 ratings

    When we find ourselves in one of the storms of life, we need to remember who is in the "boat" with us.

    SAFE IN THE ARMS OF JESUS Luke 8:22-25 INTRODUCTION: A. Have you ever been so scared that you weren’t sure what action to take next? How do you handle the storms of life? ILL> That was the situation that a little boy found himself in. He had diligently rehearsed for his role in the Easter more

  • Jesus Calms The Storms

    Contributed by Jon Earls on Jul 22, 2003
    based on 144 ratings

    Everyone has faced the storms of life, this sermon talks about how Jesus can calm those storms we they arise. 4 point aliterated outline.

    Jesus Calms the Storms Rev. Jon Earls Introduction: Robert Munger was in a storm, this is his story in his own words, he wrote: Being assaulted by winds and walls of waves and a wildly tossing sea was like being run over a train in a dark tunnel. We knew the typhoon was coming, but I for one more

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