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  • Quiet!!!

    Contributed by Gaither Bailey on Dec 15, 2009
    based on 3 ratings

    We need the quiet hope and assurance that life has meaning as we rely completely upon the Lord, Christ Jesus to direct and control our lives.

    Quiet!! Micah 5:2-5a / Luke 1: 39 – 55 Intro: It never fails to happen. You are just sitting down to dinner, have just said the blessing and are ready to dive into your favorite meal and the phone rings. You answer to discover it is a telemarketer wanting to tell you that you have been chosen more

  • Giddy For God!

    Contributed by Clair Sauer on Dec 15, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    We have much to celebrate in the Christmas season and throughout the year, and it’s all because of God in Christ Jesus!

    In my observation, there’s something about the Christmas season that gets us all acting a bit atypically. Of course, this is manifest in things like nationwide stampedes at the local Wal-Marts to get a grab at the limited supply of “Tickle Me Elmos,” but I think where you can really see something more

  • Una Virgen Embarazada

    Contributed by Josue Martinez on Oct 2, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    La encarnación del Hijo de Dios y su relación con María...

    UNA VIRGEN EMBARAZADA Luc 1:26-56 VIRGEN = no tiene otro significado = una mujer que tiene su himen intacto. La expresión: “la virgen María” se refiere al estado físico de su himen. Algunos se van a sorprender. Los evangélicos van a pensar que estoy exaltando mucho a la virgen María. Los more

  • Character Study: Mary

    Contributed by Gordon Curley on Nov 23, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    Character Study: Mary (PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request - email:

    Reading: Luke chapter 1 verses 26-56. Ill: • A teacher gave her class of second graders a lesson on the magnet and what it does. • The next day in a written test, she included this question: "My full name has six letters. The first one is the letter M. I pick up things. What am more

  • Character Study: Zacariah And Elisabeth

    Contributed by Gordon Curley on Nov 23, 2010

    Character Study: Zacariah and Elisabeth (PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request - email:

    Reading: Luke chapter 1 verses 5-24 & 57-80. Quote: “The seven ages of man: spills, drills, thrills, bills, ills, pills, wills”. Ill: You know when you are growing old when… • Everything hurts and what doesn’t hurt, doesn’t work, • Your knees more

  • "Christmas Time Again"

    Contributed by Rich Anderson on Nov 28, 2010
    based on 5 ratings

    This is a study of the first chapter of Luke leading up to the birth of Jesus

    Christmas Time Again Prepare the way, Emmanuel is coming, prepare the way, Emmanuel is coming, oh prepare the way, Emmanuel is coming, will we be ready to meet our Lord and King? This is the question people have asked over the centuries. Will we be ready? Is Jesus Christ really coming back? more

  • Mary The Mother Of Jesus

    Contributed by Gordon Curley on Nov 30, 2010

    Mary the Mother of Jesus (PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request - email:

    Reading: Luke chapter 1 verses 26-56. Ill: • When NASA first started sending up astronauts, • They quickly discovered that ballpoint pens would not work in 0 gravity. • To combat this problem, NASA scientists spent a decade; • And $12 billion developing a pen that more

  • Zachariah & Elisabeth

    Contributed by Gordon Curley on Nov 30, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Zachariah & Elisabeth(PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request - email:

    Reading: Luke chapter 1 verses 5-24 & 57-80. Ill: • I do not want to worry you but you have 36 shopping days to Christmas. • Just over 5 weeks! • Including today we have three Word & Worship services. • Countdown to Xmas: Character’s in the Xmas story: Zacariah & Elisabeth (a). Unbelief more

  • Christmas Eve Candlelightiing Service

    Contributed by Dwayne Dickson on Dec 1, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    A Christmas Eve Service including music suggestions and dramatic elements

    Christmas Eve Service I. Welcome and Opening Prayer. II. Opening Song. III. Scene One: Introduction (Small Nativity Scene) Every year we are frustrated as we hear of another protest against the display of nativity scenes on public property. We are angered by these protests because deep down in more

  • The Joy Of Christmas Series

    Contributed by Troy Richards on Dec 9, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    A look at the stories of joy in the Christmas story and how we can have joy in this season too.

    -welcome everyone, the Sunday before Christmas (yay). -this week for Advent our Scripture is a little different than last week. Where last week was more about repentance and preparing for Christ, this week, all joy. The song should be right. This should be the most wonderful time of the year! The more

  • Visitation: Jesus Is The Dayspring Series

    Contributed by Chris Jordan on Dec 12, 2010
    based on 7 ratings

    The dynamic of waiting for Christmas morning is the same dynamic that set up the first Christmas 2010 years ago. When Jesus arrived, He came as Emmanuel, God with us, the Dayspring who has visited us.

    THE VISITATION #1: JESUS IS THE DAYSPRING TOP TEN CHRISTMAS SONG DOWNLOADS OF 2010: Any guesses as to what #1 is? 1. Grandma got run over by a Reindeer 2. All I Want for Christmas – by Mariah Carey 3. Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree 4. Jingle Bell Rock 5. The Chipmunk Song 6. White more

  • Mary, The Mother Of God

    Contributed by Richard Futrell on Oct 7, 2010

    Elizabeth is Mary’s older relative, yet she considers it an honor that Mary should visit her. She even calls Mary “the mother of my Lord.” And so the Church has called Mary “Theotokos,” which means the bearer of God.

    Intro We are on the cusp of Christmas. In less than a week, we will marvel at the mystery of our Lord’s incarnation, of His taking on our humanity to save us. We are in a time of expectation; we are in Advent. It’s much like being pregnant, where a mother eagerly awaits and watches for the time more

  • A Worship That Magnifies God

    Contributed by Gerald Steffy on Sep 3, 2009
    based on 7 ratings

    A worship that magnifies God is one filled with great anticipation, grand admiration and glorious adoration of God.

    A WORSHIP THAT MAGNIFIES GOD—Luke 1:39-56 Proposition: A worship that magnifies God is one filled with great anticipation, grand admiration and glorious adoration of God. Objective: My purpose is to challenge people to experience a more meaningful worship encounter with the more

  • Mute

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Aug 9, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    A sermon on Zechariah from Luke 1

    Sermon for 8/8/2010 Mute HoHum: Last weekend Crystal and I went to my family’s reunion in Indiana. I saw relatives there I haven’t seen for years, cousins, aunts and uncles. Lee, my brother, and I played horseshoes. Lee scored all of our points and we got beat soundly. We got there more

  • The Conscience Of An Economy Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Dec 19, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    Not only commutative, but distributive and social justice must be part of development for the Christian

    December 21, 2009 Caritas in Veritate There’s a great deal of jumping around in this week’s Scriptures, excitement not unlike that of children who are out of school for the week before Christmas. In fact, there are two different OT readings we can use today, and they both are full of ADHD action. more

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