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  • Waiting For Superman

    Contributed by Chris Jordan on Dec 15, 2014
    based on 4 ratings

    The world is waiting for Superman – a hero to come and meet the deep needs of their hearts. Jesus is that ultimate superhero who came into the world 2,000 years ago.

    WAITING FOR SUPERMAN: THE ARRIVAL OF JESUS INTRO TO TOPIC: I love Christmas, how about you? • Can you remember what the days were like counting down to Christmas as a kid? • The last few days before Christmas always seemed like the longest days. • The dynamic of waiting is more

  • Ready For A Miracle? Series

    Contributed by E. True Neilson on Dec 17, 2014

    A Christmas time message about Zechariah and Elizabeth

    HOLY DAYS, HOLY PEOPLE Ready for a miracle? Luke 1:5-25; 57-65 Introduction – Christmas is 24 days away! • Waiting for Christmas is hard…especially for kids. • Sears catalog in October/November…wonder and wait • Xmas is a time of waiting for many and it started more

  • Blessed Because You Believe

    Contributed by Jonathan Landis on Dec 17, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    An inspirational look at Mary's faith and how OUR belief in the Lord will enable us also to be blessed. A study also on Elizabeth and how people USED to call her barren, but that some of God's miracles change our identity! What is impossible to God?

    Blessed BECAUSE You Believe!!! Jonathan Landis 12/14/14 Luke 1:26-45 Read Luke 1:26-34 NLT 34. – How? 1. How in the world?!? A fair question given the circumstances! There is a time when it is appropriate to ask God HOW IN THE WORLD?!? The answer? Read on in Verse 35 Vs. 35 – The more

  • "The Gift Of Humility"

    Contributed by Ken Sauer on Dec 18, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    An Advent/Christmas sermon about the humility of Mary and our need to be humble.

    "The Gift of Humility" Luke 1:26-55 Have you ever felt as if your life doesn't amount to much? Have you ever looked at the lives of your neighbors or relatives and thought: "I feel so small compared to you"? Or have you ever taken a ride through a really ritzy neighborhood and wondered, "What more

  • Welcoming The Unwelcome Series

    Contributed by Fr Mund Cargill Thompson on Dec 21, 2014
    based on 2 ratings

    Paddington Bear, Nadia Bolz-Webber and an old lady called Betty challenge us on what it means to welcome the unwelcome. Sermon preached at Westminster Abbey December 2014.

    Welcoming the unwelcome “He hath put down the mighty from their seats and exalted them of low degree. He hath filled the hungry with good things; and the rich he hath sent empty away” The scripture speaks of a God who welcomes the unwelcome. These words are so important that no only do our choirs more

  • The Ghost Of Christmas Past Series

    Contributed by Russ Adams on Dec 25, 2014

    For many Christmas isn't easy. This message reminds us of three truths. First, life is hard. Second, sometimes we need others. Third, we always need God.

    December 14, 2014 Christmas According to Dickens The Ghost of Christmas Past Luke 1:26-43 Opening words: It was Christmas Eve 1969. I was twelve years old and I can remember returning home from the midnight candlelight service at my home church. The family car was filled with my loved ones. more

  • When God Leaves You Speechless

    Contributed by Jerry Owen on Dec 3, 2015
    based on 4 ratings

    Zacharias came to worship God one day hoping that God would "show up". Surprisingly, that is exactly what God did! How should you respond when God shows up and meets your needs?

    WHEN GOD LEAVES YOU SPEECHLESS LUKE 1:15-25; 57-80 Introduction: There is a wise saying I heard a few years back that speaks great truth. “Life is not about how many breaths you take, but about the moments that take your breath away.” Some breathtaking moments for me..... 1. The day I watched my more

  • God's Christmas Stockings

    Contributed by Ernie Arnold on Dec 15, 2015
    based on 4 ratings

    In this wonderful little passage we have the great MAGNFICANT but God has also given us some wonderful Christmas Stockings surprises - 1. John's leap of joy 2. Elizabeth's encouragement and humility 3. Mary's reassurances via the Holy Spirit

    Theme: Advent # 4 God's Christmas Stockings Scripture: Luke 1:39-55 Proposition: In this wonderful little passage we have the great MAGNFICANT but God has also given us some wonderful Christmas Stockings surprises - 1. John's leap of joy 2. Elizabeth's encouragement and humility 3. more

  • Mary, You Did Know!

    Contributed by Lynn Malone on Dec 22, 2015

    Comedian Mark Lowry wrote what has now become a classic Christmas song entitled Mary, Did You Know. This message answers his question that yes, Mary did know that her son was the face of God.

    Mary, You Did Know! Luke 1: 39 – 56 The big news this week has been The Voice finals. Yes, a young man by the name of Jordan Smith captured America’s attention (and their votes) with a stirring rendition of the now classic Christmas song Mary, Did You Know. Smith closed the more

  • It's Birthing Time

    Contributed by Selwyn Robins on Jan 31, 2016

    This is a message of Grace & Salvation.

    It’s Birthing Time Luke 1:5-13, 17 & 41-44, 56 Tonight your word is “It’s Birthing Time”. Tell someone it’s time for delivery We know that (John 1:1-5) says... "In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. The same was in the more

  • What Yokefellows Share-1

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Jan 24, 2011

    1 of 3. The Holy Spirit confirmed Elizabeth & Mary as yokefellows(partners) who shared their experience in God’s service. Yokefellows(partners) share their part in God’s service. But what exactly do they share? Yokefellows in God’s service share...

    WHAT YOKEFELLOWs SHARE—I—Luke 1:39-56 The Holy Spirit confirmed Elizabeth & Mary as yokefellows(partners) who shared their experience in God’s service. Yokefellows(partners) share their part in God’s service. What do yokefellows in God’s service share? Yokefellows in God’s service more

  • What Yokefellows Share-2

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Feb 21, 2011

    The Holy Spirit confirmed Elizabeth & Mary as yokefellows(partners) in God’s service. But what do yokefellows in God’s service share? Yokefellows in God’s service share...

    WHAT YOKEFELLOWs SHARE—II—Luke 1:39-56 Attention: Old man Woodruff loved golf, but his age was making it increasingly difficult for him to play. He complained to the clubhouse man about his eyesight. "I can't play with my glasses on because they keep falling off," he said. "And I'm more

  • Advent Gospels: Luke Series

    Contributed by Scott Nichols on Feb 27, 2011
    based on 3 ratings

    This message looks at what it means to "carry Christ into Christmas" by looking at the oft-neglected story of Mary’s visit to Elizabeth in Luke’s Gospel.

    “Isn’t there anyone who knows what Christmas is all about?” So cries an exasperated Charlie Brown in the classic A Charlie Brown Christmas. Amid the commercialism, the materialism and the general confusion of the holiday, Charlie Brown seeks merely to understand. Understanding has been our goal more

  • "Christmas Time Again"

    Contributed by Rich Anderson on Nov 28, 2010
    based on 5 ratings

    This is a study of the first chapter of Luke leading up to the birth of Jesus

    Christmas Time Again Prepare the way, Emmanuel is coming, prepare the way, Emmanuel is coming, oh prepare the way, Emmanuel is coming, will we be ready to meet our Lord and King? This is the question people have asked over the centuries. Will we be ready? Is Jesus Christ really coming back? more

  • Mary The Mother Of Jesus

    Contributed by Gordon Curley on Nov 30, 2010

    Mary the Mother of Jesus (PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request - email:

    Reading: Luke chapter 1 verses 26-56. Ill: • When NASA first started sending up astronauts, • They quickly discovered that ballpoint pens would not work in 0 gravity. • To combat this problem, NASA scientists spent a decade; • And $12 billion developing a pen that more

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