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  • For Love And Honor Series

    Contributed by David Welch on May 16, 2018

    Message 32 in our exposition of Romans. This message continues consideration of unhypocritical love described in Romans 12-14 specifically the command to "honor one another."

    Chico Alliance Church Pastor David Welch “For Love and Honor” Review I. Receive the gift of righteousness II. Apply the Gift of Righteousness III. Place of Israel in the God’s Plan of Salvation IV. Live the Gift of Righteousness A. Dedicate fully your body and soul to God’s more

  • For Growing Love Series

    Contributed by Scott Jewell on Feb 18, 2024

    Paul's love for the church of Philippi motivated his prayers for them. What does this demonstrate for us as we pray for our churches today?

    This past Wednesday, we celebrated Valentine’s Day. So it seems appropriate that we talk about a prayer about growing love since the idea of love is on people’s minds. I had to chuckle when I saw this meme on Facebook and shared it with someone who had posted to see if anyone would like more

  • Agape Love PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Oct 2, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    The sermon's main point is to explore and understand the concept of agape love, a selfless and unconditional love from God, and to strive to embody this love in our interactions with others.

    Good morning, church family! Today, we're going to dive into one of the most powerful and challenging aspects of our faith: Agape love. Now, agape isn't your everyday kind of love. It’s not about romantic feelings or even the love we have for our friends and family. No, agape is a selfless, more

  • Fueled By Love Premium Sermon

    Contributed by PRO Premium on Oct 9, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon explores the concept of God's unconditional love as the driving force behind sending Jesus to earth, emphasizing the importance of emulating this love in our own lives.

    Welcome church. We are counting down the days to one of my favorite days of the year: Easter! This is a time each year that we as believers come together specifically to celebrate the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Now, I know what you’re thinking: “Pastor, don’t we celebrate those more

  • Perceive Love

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Jan 19, 2014

    We need to perceive what true love is and then live it out in our lives. When we do this we encounter God and please God. We also see lives transformed and changed!

    Theme first ¼ - True Life Thesis: True life – a life that matters for eternity and pleases God is one which is based and rooted in truth. Jesus said he is the “Truth.” He is God’s truth to this world and all measurement of true and false are measured against Him and His more

  • The Disciple's Love For Christ

    Contributed by Chew Chew on Oct 11, 2006
    based on 6 ratings

    Three evidences of our love for God.

    Title: The Disciple’s Love for God Text: Matthew 26:6-13 7 a woman came to Him with an alabaster vial of very costly perfume, and she poured it upon His head as He reclined at the table. 8 But the disciples were indignant when they saw this, and said, "Why this waste? 9 "For this perfume might more

  • Loving In Deed And Truth

    Contributed by Jeff Hughes on Apr 8, 2003
    based on 9 ratings

    Living out our faith

    Loving In Deed and Truth 1st John 3:13 – 3:24 Jeff Hughes I. Introduction a. Turn with me in your Bibles to 1st John, Chapter 3, and verse 13. b. Tonight we are going to look at the Book of First John, chapter three, verses 13 through 24, eleven verses that give us some guidance on how we live our more

  • Authentic Love In Action Series

    Contributed by Timothy Peck on Jun 4, 2001
    based on 68 ratings

    Three dimensions of authentic love, seen in love for God, love for our church, and love for our community.

    One of the stranger enigmas of modern history is the 18th century French thinker Rousseau (Johnson 1-27). Rousseau’s ideas were immensely influential in 18th century Europe. Rousseau believed he loved the entire human race with a unique and special kind of love. Yet Rousseau’s life was a complete more

  • “giving Thanks For Our Journey Together” Series

    Contributed by Dave Mcfadden on Nov 24, 2014

    There are three virtues in which we all need to seek to be growing.

    Paul was thankful for the Thessalonian church. He mentions three things about them that he was thankful for: 1) their work of faith; 2) their labor of love; and 3) their endurance of hope. It has been pointed out that this is the same means by which Jesus evaluated the church in Ephesus in the more

  • Obeying Our General Orders

    Contributed by Melvin Maughmer, Jr. on May 21, 2023

    We must solemnly swear that we will support and defend the Faith against all enemies, outside the church and in the church; that we will bear true faith and allegiance to the Word of God; obey the orders of the Son of God Jesus Christ, according to unadulterated Word of God. So, help me God

    Obeying Our General Orders By Bishop Melvin L. Maughmer, Jr. OPENING: - When I enlisted in the Army and before I went off to Basic Training I like every person that enlist in the (military) U.S. Army had to recite the Oath of Enlistment which went “I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I more

  • Remembering Our Freedom Series

    Contributed by Boomer Phillips on Jun 6, 2021
    based on 3 ratings

    Memorial Day is when we remember our lost loved ones and also the many soldiers who died in the numerous wars of our country fought over the past few hundred years; and this message focuses on “Remembering Our Freedom.”

    Tomorrow is Memorial Day; therefore, we will observe this special day with a message from the Word. I wish to begin by sharing some of the history behind Memorial Day; however, I have encountered two separate versions of the story on how this holiday began, and so, I am going to present both more

  • Our New Life In Christ

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on Mar 26, 2013
    based on 4 ratings

    Our New Life in Christ: What’s it all about? 1. Right living (vs. 1-6). 2. Regular praying (vs. 7). 3. Rich loving (vs. 8). 4. Rich giving (vs. 9-10). 5. Radiant serving (vs. 11).

    Our New Life in Christ 1 Peter 4:1-11 Sermon by Rick Crandall Grayson Baptist Church - Feb. 10, 2013 *A new house, a new truck, a new TV, a new phone, a new book, a new grandbaby: We like new things. But better than all is the new life we have in Jesus Christ. In John 3:3, Jesus said, “Most more

  • Love And Insanity

    Contributed by John Nadasi on Oct 3, 2002
    based on 118 ratings

    This is a sermon with a strong call to stewardship as a response to God’s eternal love. This includes prayer, presence, gifts, and service as well as how we live our lives.

    Paonia United Methodist Church October 9, 2002 Rev. John Nadasi Matthew 21:33-46 The parallels are clear. The Pharisees knew he was talking about them. They had been given a vineyard to work in. Overtime, they claimed the vineyard as their own, No longer open to the outsider, but instead, a more

  • Increasing In Love

    Contributed by Keith Bowman on Dec 7, 2006

    We as Christians are called to increase in our love for others, but we are not always successful in loving others. Thus, we need to return to the source of love Jesus Christ.

    A surprising report. Paul received a surprising report from Timothy God’s love had worked miracles in the town of Thessalonica. God’s love in Christ was so great that it over came the hardship of persecution in Thessalonica when Paul was there. because he only spent a little time with them more

  • What Is Love? Series

    Contributed by Bobby Stults on Aug 22, 2012

    What is love? Our society tells us so many deceptive things about love, but what does God’s word say about it...

    TEACHING BRIEF Date Written: August 22, 2012 Date Taught: August 22, 2012 Church: OPBC (Wed Night) FOUNDATIONAL ELEMENTS Series Title: A Study of 1 Cor 13 [LOVE] Sermon Title: What is Love - Introduction Text: 1 Cor 13 NIV (read ALL passage here) Introduction: What is love? What does it more

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