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  • There Is Something About Time

    Contributed by Tim Parsons on Jan 14, 2006
    based on 25 ratings

    This sermon deals with getting Right with God Before Time Runs Out.

    There Is Something About Time PS. 90;1-12 What Is Time? Web say it this way....................................The Measure Or Measureable Period during which an action Process or condition Exists or continues. The word Time is mention 619 Times in the more

  • The Pursuit Of Truth Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Mar 27, 2014

    We can hear the psalmist's heartfelt prayer within these 8 verses. From his cry, call & confession we can receive some instructions and incentives to persist in prayer.

    PSALM 119: 145-152 [The Ministry of The Word Series] THE PURSUIT OF TRUTH [John 14:15, 23-24] The psalmist called on the Lord to deliver him because he obeyed, hoped in, and meditated on His Word. In this section [Qoph the 19th letter in the Hebrew alphabet] the psalmist is clearly troubled. more

  • Where Are You?

    Contributed by Jose R. Hernandez on Oct 19, 2000
    based on 74 ratings

    A great need exists for the people of God to thank God.

    Today we are going to examine some verses in the scripture that contain a very important message. I want to warn you now that not only is the message a very important one, but it is also very strong. It's a message that will make us analyze ourselves and it may very well be that when we are done we more

  • Jesus A Friend Of Outcasts

    Contributed by William Baeta on Feb 15, 2003
    based on 21 ratings

    “A man with leprosy came to Him and begged Him on his knees, ‘if you are willing, you can make me clean’. Filled with compassion, Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. ‘I am willing,’ He said. Be clean!’ Immediately the leprosy left him and he w

    Theme: Jesus a friend of outcasts Text: 2 Kings 5:1-14; 1 Cor. 9:24-27; Mark 1:40-45 Leprosy was and is a horrible and dreaded disease although today it can be cured. Many of us live near the Weija Leprosarium and are not even prepared to go anywhere near the place although many of the people more

  • Memorial Day Message

    Contributed by David Moe on Jul 22, 2006
    based on 26 ratings

    This message was delivered to a secular audience at the cemetery in Reed City, MI on Memorial Day, 2006.

    Address given Memorial Day, 2006, at Reed City Cemetery by Rev. David Moe, Pastor of Hersey Congregational Church … “(O)ne nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” In this brief message I’ve been asked to deliver this morning, I’d like to focus on just two of those more

  • "How Is Your Heart?"

    Contributed by Joseph Marshall on Mar 7, 2002
    based on 26 ratings

    The Bible places a great value on what kind of heart you have. What is your heart like today?

    Introduction: The Bible places a great value on what kind of heart you have. What is your heart like today? There are many different kinds of hearts present in this room! We will look at four kinds of hearts: a sinnful heart, a trusting heart, a tender heart, and a surrendered heart. I. A more

  • Our God: The Patron Of Lost Causes

    Contributed by Karl Eckhoff on Jun 6, 2002
    based on 39 ratings

    It’s easy to identify others as "lost causes". It’s not nearly so easy for us to see ourselves this way. Nevertheless that’s exactly where we need to be, where we’ll want to be; for empty of all our righteousness we cling to Christ and find life.

    Pentecost 3 A Matthew 9:9-13 Our God: The Patron of Lost Causes 06/09/02 Speaking of Lost Causes, take a listen to these stories. In New Orleans, a man broke into a home and stole, some jewelry and took the home owner’s season tickets to the New Orleans Saints. The police arrested him the more

  • How Judas Lost His Soul

    Contributed by Howard Mcglamery on Dec 18, 2002
    based on 131 ratings

    Judas shows us just how close a person can get to Jesus and yet not believe.

    How Judas Lost His Soul Matt 26:14-16 14 Then one of the twelve, called Judas Iscariot, went unto the chief priests, 15 And said unto them, What will ye give me, and I will deliver him unto you? And they covenanted with him for thirty pieces of silver. 16 And from that time he sought more

  • Lazy Listening Leads To Being Lost

    Contributed by Greg Nance on Dec 28, 2002
    based on 39 ratings

    Hebrews 5:11-6:12 form the third warning section of this masterful message. Hear and heed and hold on! You don’t even want to think about turning away.

    Lazy Listening Leads to Lostness Hebrews 5:11-6:9 Hebrews emphasizes hearing the word over and over. First he tells us that God has spoken his final word through Jesus his Son. Then he tells us that we must pay more careful attention to what we have heard. Next he says, today if you hear his more

  • Have You Ever Been Lost?

    Contributed by Steve Steve on Mar 13, 2002
    based on 40 ratings

    Sermon calling us to throw off the old, and run the race with everyone else.

    Following Jesus? Have you ever been lost? I have. I’ve been told the story of when I was 3 or 4 and my mom couldn’t find me. She called my dad at work. He simply told her to find lonesome and she would find me. Let me explain who lonesome is. Being a only child until I was nine, Lonesome was more

  • Looking For What's Lost, Part I Series

    Contributed by Timothy Archer on Jan 29, 2004
    based on 7 ratings

    Jesus teaches us about how we should respond to the "sinners" of this world.

    I. “He welcomes sinners!” A. In Luke 14, we saw Jesus’ call to discipleship, how he called people to give themselves completely to the Lord. He ended his call by saying, “He who has ears, let him hear.” B. The “sinners” heard and responded. These were the outcasts of society, those who were more

  • The Preacher Who Lost His Head Series

    Contributed by David Moore on Nov 4, 2005
    based on 49 ratings

    An examination of the arrest and martyrdom of John the Baptist, showing that a man may kill the messenger, but not his message.

    The Preacher Who Lost His Head Aim: To show how John’s fearless condemnation of Herod and his wife resulted in his death, yet his message lived on. Text: Mark 6:14-29 Introduction: John the Baptist was, of course, the forerunner to Christ, “the voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye more

  • Regaining Hope When It Seems Lost Series

    Contributed by Pat Damiani on Feb 15, 2006
    based on 15 ratings

    Last of a five part series frm 1 Peter about finding hope for our lives.

    Read 1 Peter 4:7-11 Background The end of all things is near… (V.7) • Letter probably written by Peter in mid 60’s AD • By then Christians were beginning to undergo persecution by Nero • Peter sees what is happening and thinking back to the words of Jesus believes that the return of Jesus is more

  • What's Lost When Sin Is Committed

    Contributed by Shad Comeaux on Sep 7, 2006
    based on 38 ratings

    Helps us to understand the physical and mental consequences of sin.

    Situations, circumstances, actions, and words sometime result in the lost of something. When you invest in a company that may not be doing so well; the result may be a lost of money. There may be days at work where you have several deadlines to meet, the school is on the line telling you that more

  • Have You Lost Your Mind

    Contributed by Billy Ricks on Nov 1, 2007

    It is high time that we as Christians lose our minds . We are challenged in this letter of thankfulness to the Philippians to take on the transformational thinking, and attitude of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

    Intro: I’m always gripped by stories of people who have managed to develop a different mental attitude than that commonly held by those around them: The poor man who refuses to think poor The sick woman who focuses on what she can do rather than her handicap Such people display the kind of more

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