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  • A Lockdown Encouragement!

    Contributed by Andrew Moffatt on May 14, 2021

    We in Fiji are heading into another term of lockdown as the nation try and defeat the latest arrival of Covid-19. This is a short message of encouragement.

    I want to encourage you at this time of lockdown, with a short message, that you, that we are not alone in this. Next Sunday the 23rd of May is Pentecost Sunday and my thoughts have been with those disciples gathered in one place and the arrival of the Holy Spirit. But earlier in Johns gospel we more

  • Lessons From A Lockdown Series

    Contributed by Brian Bill on Sep 2, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    I’m drawing out eight lessons from a lockdown as a result of what happened at our local high school when weapons were discovered.

    The Certainty of No Separation: Lessons from a Lockdown Romans 8:38-39 Rev. Brian Bill 9/2/07 Pontiac made not only the national headlines this week, we even became international news. We could have been named in the same sentence as Columbine or Virginia Tech but thankfully a tragedy was more

  • Reconciliation During Lockdown

    Contributed by Meshak Dayanand on May 3, 2020
    based on 2 ratings

    Marriage is an incredible journey ordained by God. Keeping Him at the centre of your marriage is important, and that’s why these Bible prescriptions about husbands, wives, marriage, and love are crucial medicines for your healthy family.

    What quarantine has done so far? The damage, devastation, loneliness, frustration than these are the symptoms of ecophobia or homophobia ( the fear of house and the family). If you are feeling these things during lockdown or quarantine, you also need to be treated Biblically. One side the good more

  • Reconciliation During Lockdown Series

    Contributed by Meshak Dayanand on May 10, 2020
    based on 3 ratings

    As millions of people shelter at home during the coronavirus pandemic, cases of domestic violence are rising rapidly in Russia, the United States, and elsewhere. Activists say victims face an untenable situation as they are forced into self-isolation with their abusers.

    In my last sermon, Actually wanted to talk about the entire family but in that, I was only able to speak about husband and wife. But today will try to wrap up the subject, parents and children. As millions of people shelter at home during the coronavirus pandemic, cases of domestic violence are more

  • Ezekiel And God's Order To Lockdown

    Contributed by Brussy Soriton on Apr 27, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    Right now we are facing coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic. As God’s people, we have not to worry about every situation we experience, including this virus. Ezekiel chapter 4 and 5 gives us lessons on how to use this opportunity of lockdown and social distancing to make a genuine faith before God.

     "Lockdown" is a word that is becoming a trend nowadays in connection with the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic crisis faced by the world. We find everywhere this word; in radio, television, newspapers, magazines, and social media. The word lockdown has the definition: "an more

  • The Power Of Christ Resurrection On You: Four Reasons Why We Should Not Be Afraid In Times Of Locked Down

    Contributed by Joel Tejedo on Apr 11, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    Fear overwhelmed the disciples after Jesus died. They locked all the doors where they were together because of fear.

    On the evening of that first day of the week, when the disciples were together, with the doors locked for fear of the Jewish leaders, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you!” Fear overwhelmed the disciples after Jesus died. They locked all the doors where they more

  • In The Midnight Hour PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Dec 5, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    Explores the transformative power of faith through the story of Paul and Silas in prison, emphasizing perseverance, prayer, and God's promises.

    Good morning, dear family of God! I am thrilled to stand before you today, not because of who I am, but because of who we are in Christ. We gather not as strangers, but as brothers and sisters, united under the banner of God's love and grace. We are here, not by accident, but by divine appointment. more

  • Encountering Jesus - Thinking Clearly - Realising The Truth. Series

    Contributed by Mark Van Cuylenburg on May 18, 2020

    We all have loved ones who die. Grief drags us down.

    Encountering Jesus - Thinking clearly - Realising the truth. Luke 24:36-49 The passage from Luke's Gospel chapter 24 about the two distraught disciples on the road to Emmaus and the happenings in the upper room keeps playing on my mind, and I find myself returning to it on a daily more

  • We're On Our Own Until Help Arrives! Series

    Contributed by Mark Van Cuylenburg on May 25, 2020

    Jesus ascends into heaven and then the disciples must WAIT! They what for but the don't know 'The When'.

    We’re on our own now, until help arrives! Acts 1:1-11 Jesus Taken Up Into Heaven 1 In my former book, Theophilus, I wrote about all that Jesus began to do and to teach 2 until the day he was taken up to heaven, after giving instructions through the Holy Spirit to the apostles he had chosen. 3 more

  • Answer Time Series

    Contributed by Fr Mund Cargill Thompson on May 16, 2020
    based on 3 ratings

    an exposition of 1 Peter 13 preached during the Corona Virus Lockdown on 2020

    [A number of members of the congregation give some mini-testimonies of why Jesus, church and prayer are important to them] Fr Mund: Today’s passage is a really beautiful one - and a really difficult one. It is so rich, so full of so many themes, so much depth, that is really hard to pick out what more

  • Abide With Me O Lord

    Contributed by Geoffrey Foot on Jan 18, 2021

    In life we all go through troubled times some of which can easily overwhelm us but we are reassured that we are never alone a promise encapsulated in the hymn, 'Abide with me.'

    Abide with Me Hymns play a very important part in our worship, by singing we in a sense give ourselves in praise and adoration to Almighty God. For this to work there are a number of essential components, ingredients: • The words, ideally based on Scripture and full of meaning • The music which more

  • Palm Sunday Or "the Science Of Worship"

    Contributed by Fr Mund Cargill Thompson on Apr 4, 2020
    based on 5 ratings

    A sermon for Palm Sunday 2020 exploring how being in Corona Virus Lockdown may mean we have to reinvent worship but does not mean we have to stop it - and how that worship can actually be good for us and lift our spirits.

    ........................................................................ 2500 year ago a bunch of refugees were living in squalour in camps in what is now Iraq. They had been forcibly deported against their will by the Babylonian Empire - much the same as Stalin forcibly deported Cossacks from the more

  • Mothers Day Tears Series

    Contributed by Fr Mund Cargill Thompson on Mar 13, 2021
    based on 3 ratings

    A sermon for Mothering Sunday 2021 - Pandemic still rages, but lockdown is slowly beginning to be lifted. A sermon on loss

    .......................................................................... 24When she had weaned him, she took him up with her, along with a three-year-old bull,* an ephah of flour, and a skin of wine. She brought him to the house of the Lord at Shiloh; and the child was young. 25Then they more

  • When Superman Gets Quarantine

    Contributed by Brussy Soriton on May 21, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    Lessons from a super-possessed-man in Mark 5:1-22 to dealing with the quarantine and social distance because of Coronavirus Pandemic.

    Jesus and his disciples one day visited the Gerasanes beach in the eastern part of Lake Galilee (Matthew 8:28-34; Mark 5:1-22 and Luke 8:26-39). Now, maybe the village of Kursi, 12 Km to the north, the city of Gadara. This area is less populated and possibly at the time of Jesus, this place made as more

  • Are We Ready To Wait For God's Time, Season?

    Contributed by Dr. John Singarayar on Aug 13, 2020
    based on 3 ratings

    We are in lockdown for the last few months. Covid-19 hunts us and ruins our lives. Are we not frustrated with God? Are we not upset with God?

    Are we ready to wait for God's time, season? Reflection Dear sisters and brothers, We are in lockdown for the last few months. Covid-19 hunts us and ruins our lives. Are we not frustrated with God? Are we not upset with God? We question: why did God bring this pandemic into the world? more

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