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  • Above - Pt. 1 - Heart Attack Series

    Contributed by Steve Ely on Jun 29, 2011
    based on 5 ratings

    Catch your balance. Steady yourself. Above is supposed to describe us. Don’t look down . . . DON’T LIVE DOWN!

    Above Pt. 1 – Heart Attacks I. Introduction Above. When I say that word there are certain meanings that come to mind instantly. Above . . . perspective, looking down on, higher than. Above . . . position, prominence, higher in order. Above . . . distance. Above speaks to perspective and more

  • Which Voices Are You Listening To?

    Contributed by Phil Morgan on Apr 7, 2002
    based on 94 ratings

    The wise person will seek only Godly counsel, even though it is not flattering, and can be hard to hear.

    READ: 2 Chronicles 18:1-27 (Text verses 6-7). [TELL STORY OF AHAB / JEHOSHAPHAT / MICAIAH] Tonight I’d like to start with THREE (3) PROPOSITIONS: Firstly: 1. MANY PEOPLE SEEK ONLY COUNSELLORS WHOSE WORDS ARE APPEALING. Ahab had a host of such "prophets" around him - he had lulled himself more

  • When God Speaks, Who Listens?

    Contributed by Scott Hippler on Feb 12, 2001
    based on 116 ratings

    Do we listen as God speaks, Do we even know what He sounds like?

    When God Speaks, Who Listens? 1 Samuel 3:1-10 Professional athletes, as a group, are not noted for their oratory skills – off the playing field, that is. From what I understand, several of them are highly efficient when it comes to getting under the skin of their opponents by the use of verbal more

  • How To Overcome Bad Listening Habits

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 39 ratings

    Some people tend to have a hard time listening to people who do not speak in the language of Biblical absolutes.

    Some people tend to have a hard time listening to people who do not speak in the language of Biblical absolutes. Ineffective listening is usually the single biggest hindrance to effective communication between people. The following is a list of some of the most common barriers to listening: a. more

  • Do You Have A Listening Heart

    Contributed by Dennis Selfridge on May 6, 2002
    based on 34 ratings

    We need to be quiet so we can hear God

    WE NEED TO HAVE A LISTENING HEART? So, in your earliest waking moments of the day, consciously start praising God right away, first thing, for good things that He is and for good things that He’s doing. Focus your heart on Jesus as the only One you’re doing things for, as the source more

  • Listen, What Do You Hear

    Contributed by Tim Zingale on May 11, 2002
    based on 21 ratings

    An Easter Sunday Sermon

    Easter Sunday Matthew 28:1-10 Listen, What do you Hear 1* ¶ Now after the sabbath, toward the dawn of the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to see the sepulchre. 2* And behold, there was a great earthquake; for an angel of the Lord descended from heaven and came and more

  • "Speak Lord, Your Servant Is Listening"

    Contributed by Don Schultz on Jan 15, 2003
    based on 265 ratings

    The simple act of listening to Christ yields amazing blessings.

    1 Samuel 3:1-10 SPEAK LORD, FOR YOUR SERVANT IS LISTENING. One activity that human beings really aren’t very good at is listening. It’s surprising, really. There doesn’t seem to be much to the art of listening – you just sit there and nod your head at the appropriate times. But for many many more

  • How To Talk So That People Will Listen

    Contributed by Paul Shafit on Sep 18, 2003
    based on 51 ratings

    Staying lovable in an unloving world.

    “How To Talk So Others Will Listen” (Exodus 4:10-12) Have you ever spoken to someone and had the feeling in your heart that they weren’t really listening to you? This is a complaint that we often hear even from husbands and wives who more

  • Listen! What Do You Hear

    Contributed by Tim Zingale on Apr 17, 2003
    based on 29 ratings

    Easter Sunday Sermon

    Easter Sunday Mark 16:1-8 Listen ! What do you Hear?   16:1 ¶ And when the sabbath was past, Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James, and Salome, bought spices, so that they might go and anoint him. 2 And very early on the first day of the week they went to the tomb when the sun had risen. 3 more

  • The Lion Has Roared: Are We Listening?

    Contributed by Mike Hays on Oct 14, 2001
    based on 86 ratings

    God saw the injustice of His people during the day of the prophet Amos and He issued His judgment to turn their hearts back home. God is still watching His people today, but are we listening?

    The Lion Has Roared... "Are We Listening?" Many years ago there was a small time, insignificant farmer and rancher who was busy taking care of his sycamore fig trees and tending to his sheep while the big world around him was carrying on business as usual. Amos never thought of himself as a man of more

  • Listen To God's Testimony About Himself

    Contributed by Daniel Habben on Nov 15, 2004
    based on 4 ratings

    God reveals himself in nature and in the Bible.

    Have you ever had to testify in court? I came this close to testifying as a character witness once. I was supposed to tell the court how the accused had changed since his run in with the Law. I was happy to testify but I was a little nervous about it too. I knew that every word I would speak while more

  • When Christ Speaks… Churches Listen! Series

    Contributed by David Gauthier on Jun 19, 2001
    based on 154 ratings

    Why the church would do well to carefully listen to Christ’s assessment of His church.

    · What do you think of our church? (Opinions will vary greatly person to person…) · More importantly, What do you suppose Jesus Christ thinks of our church? Do you remember the old E.F. Hutton TV commercials? The setting was typically a busy restaurant or other public place. Two people would more

  • Part 2 - To Listen To The Holy Spirit Series

    Contributed by Rev. Bruce A. Shields on Feb 7, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Part 2 of our Week of Renewal series looks at hearing from God and doing what He says.

    4th Annual Week of Renewal 2007 “Being Doers of His Word” House of Faith January 20: To listen to the Holy Spirit Pastor Bruce Shields Guest Speaker: WELCOME Format † Open with Prayer † Sermon † Prayer / Response Time † Guest Speaker † Prayer / Response Time TO LISTEN TO THE more

  • Who Do You Listen To? Series

    Contributed by Michael Hollinger on Mar 5, 2006
    based on 3 ratings

    On The Sufficiency of Scripture

    Intro: I suspect if I describe this picture, you’ll know what I’m talking about. Harry Truman is holding a copy of the Chicago Tribune over his head. The date is November 3rd, 1948. The headline loudly reads, “Dewey Defeats Truman.” But President Truman has the last laugh. You see, he had, in fact more

  • Who Are You Going To Listen To? Series

    Contributed by Jon Daniels on Aug 28, 2007
    based on 5 ratings

    This message is included in a series of 4 messages from the book of Job.

    “WHO ARE YOU GOING TO LISTEN TO?” Job 8:1-7 INTRO – Ever gotten to the place in your life where you wonder, “Does my life really matter? What does it all really mean? All this energy and effort in studying, working, serving – is it really necessary? Is it making a difference?” We’ll all find more

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