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  • Life Swapping

    Contributed by Mitchell Skelton on Dec 26, 2004
    based on 14 ratings

    Imagine being "at the top of your game" and giving it all up for a life of uncertainty. Jesus calls all men everywhere to repent and whether you are at the top of your game or hitting rock bottom, his way is the best way.

    Life Swapping Luke 5:1—11 INTRODUCTION The quarterback who has just guided his team to the National Championship, the CEO of a corporation who has just taken his company public with great fanfare, a Presidential candidate who has just been elected by a landslide, these are all modern examples of more

  • Life Swap – Part 1 Series

    Contributed by David Derry on Oct 23, 2006
    based on 7 ratings

    This is the first in a series of sermons in which I discuss some of the many changes that take place when a person becomes a believer. According to scripture, when a person makes the choice to become a follower of Christ, they experience a life swap, as

    Today at TLC we’re beginning a new series called “Life Swap”. Whether you’ve seen the show or not, most of you have probably heard of the show “wife swap”. On the show, two moms swap families for two weeks. And they always make sure to choose two houses with totally different rules, and more

  • The Gospel Of Jesus: Life Swap Series

    Contributed by Jerry Shirley on Mar 16, 2006
    based on 138 ratings

    Baptism of Christ--The carpenter trades in His woodworking tools and becomes a rebuilder of human hearts, as He carves out a way of escape for hell bound mankind. Link included to formatted text and PowerPoint Presentation.

    The Gospel of Jesus – Life Swap Matthew 3:13-17 In our first 2 messages in this new series we’ve looked at Jesus ‘Before There Was Time’ and ‘BC to AD’ [Jesus in the OT]. Of course, at Christmas each year we look into His birth and this year we studied His childhood with a children’s sermon: more

  • Trusting God Knows Me Series

    Contributed by Erik Estep on Feb 28, 2005
    based on 151 ratings

    One of the amazing things to discover in life is that God knows who you are. Today, we’re going to examine several things He knows about you.

    “Trusting God Knows Me” Jeremiah 1: 4-5 February 6, 2005 Intro: Have any of y’all seen the show “Wife Swap”? Probably some of you are thinking, “The only thing this preacher does is watch reality TV shows all the time!” Actually I take Sundays off. But I promise you the show “Wife Swap” isn’t more

  • Punished For Me-Life Swap 4 Psalm Sunday

    Contributed by Rick Gillespie- Mobley on Mar 26, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    This sermon deals with the contrast of changing places with Jesus on Psalm Sunday as opposed to Good Friday. It stresses that Jesus not only died for us, but that He died in our place.

    Punished For Me-Life Swap Palm Sunday 3/28/21 Matthew 21:1-11 and Matthew 27:32-54 We are in the fourth message of our series on Life-Swap in which Jesus changes places with us. We have looked at Betrayed For us, Forsaken For Us, Accused For Us. Today we will look at Punished For Us and more

  • Pinarusahan Para Sa Me-Life Swap Palm Sunday

    Contributed by Rick Gillespie- Mobley on Mar 26, 2021

    Ang sermon na ito ay tumatalakay sa kaibahan ng pagbabago ng mga lugar kasama si Jesus sa Linggo ng Awit na taliwas sa Biyernes Santo. Binigyang diin nito na si Hesus ay hindi lamang namatay para sa atin, ngunit na Siya ay namatay bilang kapalit natin.

    Pinarusahan Para sa Me-Life Swap Palm Sunday 3/28/21 Mateo 21: 1-11 at Mateo 26: 32-54 Nasa ika-apat na mensahe kami ng aming serye sa Life-Swap kung saan binabago ni Jesus ang mga lugar sa amin. Tiningnan namin ang Nagtaksil Para sa Amin, Pinabayaan Para Sa Amin, Inakusahan Para sa Amin. more

  • Through The Eyes Of God Series

    Contributed by Emile Wolfaardt on May 7, 2009
    based on 10 ratings

    (PowerPoint Slides and Cell Study Notes freely available by emailing When we learn to see ourselves the way God sees us, we will rediscover the life He created us to live....

    Living Life to the Full: Sermon One (LTF-01) Through the Eyes of God Psalms 139:13-14 This morning I want to welcome you at the start of a brand new series that we have entitled Living Life to the Full. In Genesis 2:7 the Bible says that "the Lord God . . . breathed into man’s nostrils the breath more

  • A Life For A Life Series

    Contributed by Thomas Swope on Sep 15, 2017

    A study of the Gospel of John 19: 17 - 42

    John 19: 17 - 42 A Life for a life 17 And He, bearing His cross, went out to a place called the Place of a Skull, which is called in Hebrew, Golgotha, 18 where they crucified Him, and two others with Him, one on either side, and Jesus in the center. 19 Now Pilate wrote a title and put it on the more

  • Swapping "pasei Sophia Didakontes...." For The God Who Speaks Our Language. Series

    Contributed by Fr Mund Cargill Thompson on Oct 24, 2019
    based on 5 ratings

    A sermon for Bible Sunday preached in 2011 at Holy Trinity Barkingside

    ................................................................................................... [begin reading in ancient Greek...] "Ho logos tou Christou enoikeitO en humin plousiOs, en pasEi sophia didakontes kai nouthetountes heautous, psalmois, humnois, Oidais pneumatikais en tE more

  • How To Overcome Life’s Difficulties

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Apr 2, 2022

    Today’s message is to help you see that God has always wanted us to be OVERCOMERS. He wants us to overcome life’s difficulties.

    We all feel we have had our share of DIFFICULTIES, and some of us feel we have had more than our share. Illus: Many times we feel like the man who was married to a beautiful woman, but they had difficulties in their marriage. Nothing seemed to be going right for him. But, one day as he was more

  • Life: An Unexamined Life Series

    Contributed by David Rumley on Oct 28, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    Walking with God should be easier than we make it. Should be like breathing... a basic block of life! Breathe in the things of God, breathe out ministry. Simple... but profound. It starts by examining your life...

    Life: The Unexamined Life Galatians 6: 7 Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. 8 The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. 9 Let us not become more

  • This Life...that Life

    Contributed by Isaac Butterworth on Aug 3, 2010

    We can live the new life in Christ by continually working at three changes: in our thinking (our minds), in our doing (our bodies), and in our being (our spirit).

    THAT LIFE...THIS LIFE August 1, 2010 Colossians 3:1-17 (NRSV) 1 So if you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. 2 Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth, 3 for you have died, and your more

  • The Life That Really Is Life

    Contributed by Mary Erickson on Sep 30, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    Genuine and joyful life cannot be found in the pursuit of wealth and possessions. It can only be found within the true source of life: God and the kingdom of eternal light.

    September 29, 2019 Hope Lutheran Church Rev. Mary Erickson Lk. 16:19-31; I Tim. 6:6-19 The Life that Really Is Life Friends, may grace and peace be yours in abundance in the knowledge of God and Christ Jesus our Lord. You can’t take it with you. There was a rich Texas oil man, and he wanted more

  • A Life Changing Life Series

    Contributed by Kevin Ruffcorn on Jun 29, 2012
    based on 3 ratings

    A life that can change lives is a life that has been reconciled to God in Christ, and who has reconciled relationships with others.

    2 Corinthians 6:1-13 “A Life Changing Life” INTRODUCTION FOXY LADY: Sexy, fashion-conscious blue-haired beauty, 80's, slim, 5'4' (used to be 5'6'), searching for sharp-looking, sharp-dressing companion. Matching white shoes and belt a plus. BEATLES OR more

  • Life

    Contributed by Dan Borchert on Aug 30, 2002
    based on 16 ratings

    Life is adventure. This was used for a honoring gradutes sunday

    Ecclesiastes 11:9-12:8 LIFE Introduction A. What can I say? B. I don’t think that you want me to say something like “tomorrow is here, today will never not be here unless…. C. Never the less you are at a place in your life where you are thinking about the future. D. I would like to give you some more

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