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  • The Eternal Holocaust

    Contributed by Richard Tow on Feb 23, 2004
    based on 20 ratings

    Drawing lessons from and parallels with the Holocaust this message confronts major hinderances to evangelism in America. A video clip from "Schindler’s List" is used at the end to raise awareness of the value of a soul snatched from the jaws of hell. Poss

    The Eternal Holocaust 1 Corinthians 9:19-22 2-22-04 Intro This morning at the end of our message we are going to see a brief clip from the Spielberg movie, Schindler’s List. The movie is about a German factory owner in Poland who saved the lives of over 1100 Jews during the holocaust. The more

  • The Eternal Counselor Series

    Contributed by Craig Hartzog on Feb 7, 2008
    based on 3 ratings

    Jesus is introducing the Holy Spirit to his disciples and describes Him as the: "Spirit of Truth";Comforter; and Eternal Counselor.

    John 14:13-31 THE ETERNAL COUNSELOR 2-3-08 I. The Holy Spirit Coming into the world. A. Jesus revealed that the Holy Spirit was coming into the world when He leaves. 1. Jesus introduced the disciples to the Paraclete. 2. The Paraclete is the Holy Spirit, the One more

  • Eternity Now

    Contributed by Emile Wolfaardt on Oct 25, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Eternity Now

    Eternity Now Ecclesiastes 3:11 Good morning church. It is a thrill for me to be here this morning – Michele and I have been out of the pulpit for three weeks now – and had the privilege of ministering in a number of different situations in South Africa – and then in the Outer Banks last weekend. more

  • Eternal Priorities

    Contributed by Rick Boyne on Sep 30, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    We must not be distracted with the temporary, but make eternal things our priorities.

    Eternal Priorities September 30, 2012 Morning Service Immanuel Baptist Church, Wagoner, OK Rick Boyne Message Point: We must not be distracted with the temporary, but make eternal things our priorities. Focus Passage: 2 Corinthians 4:16-18 Supplemental Passage: Come now, you who say, "Today or more

  • Preparation For Eternity

    Contributed by John White on Sep 29, 2019

    Notice that the great apostle who wrote the resurrection chapter in the book of I Corinthians looked forward with some positive anticipation to the day when he would go and be with the Lord and ultimately have a new resurrected body like Jesus.

    Preparation for Eternity Matthew 27:62-28:7 We serve a risen Saviour and look forward to that day when we shall stand with Him in a glorious heavenly home which He has prepared for all who have loved and served Him. At the end of his life, the apostle Paul said, “ For I am now ready to be more

  • Preparation For Eternity

    Contributed by John White on Apr 15, 2019

    What a wonderful day this is, as all over the world people are celebrating Jesus as the Son of God, King of Kings and Lord of Lords, alive forever more!

    Preparation for Eternity Matthew 27:62-28:7 What a wonderful day this is, as all over the world people are celebrating Jesus as the Son of God, King of Kings and Lord of Lords, alive forever more! But really, we do that every Sunday don’t we? We gather together with fellow Christians to celebrate more

  • Eternal Focus Series

    Contributed by John Harvey on Apr 3, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    In order to fully follow the plan of God for our lives, we sometimes have to change our focus.

    “Eternal Focus” April 6, 2008 Me: Sometimes we have to learn to see things in a different way. * Fed EX Logo We need to see beyond the obvious to the deeper level. You: Do you see things from a God perspective or from your perspective? God: Today we are going to look at an instance in more

  • Eternal Destinations

    Contributed by Paul Robinson on Sep 27, 2022

    In Matthew 25, Jesus talks about two eternal destinations. At the Second Coming, the King Himself will return and destroy all His enemies and establish His kingdom on the earth. That will be the Millennial Kingdom. The Jews will finally recognize Jesus as their Messiah.

    Notice two categories that Jesus mentions: 1. The sheep (saved) Sheep may be stupid, but they are also loyal and will quickly follow their leader. Read John 10:1-5. Sheep will recognize the voice of their shepherd, and they will not follow someone who might be imitating the shepherd. 2. The more

  • Eternal Partners

    Contributed by Greg Yort on Apr 23, 2018

    As believers, God calls us to be eternal partners through God’s good work of salvation, which will drive us to pray and encourage one another to grow in agape love, abound in infallible knowledge and insight, discern right choices, live holy, and finish

    Textual Idea Paul recognized that all believers are eternal partners through God’s good work of salvation, driving him to pray for his Philippian partners to grow in agape love, abound in infallible knowledge and insight, discern right choices, live holy and finish excellent. Sermon Idea As more

  • The Eternal Desire Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Mar 8, 2021

    We have lost this idea of reverence for the name of God, and the result is, God's name is not very special, but is common. It is thrown around like Tom, Dick, and Harry. It is so common that it is nearly impossible to feel any reverence when people use His name.

    Vice Presidents have names just as presidents, but they seldom become names we remember. George was vice president under president Polk, but only a whiz in trivial pursuit would ever remember his last name. He had a chance to become president of the United States, but he lost that chance because of more

  • Eternal Investments

    Contributed by Russell Brownworth on Oct 22, 2001
    based on 75 ratings

    The difference between investing -- eternal or temporary rewards. Which will you pursue?

    October 21, 2001 What does it take to make a good investment? Inside information aside, the more conservative advisor might say, "Get started, work hard at it, and avoid chasing rabbits." That¡¦s good advice. An immigrant came to this country with little more than the clothes on his back. more

  • The Doorway To Eternity Series

    Contributed by Conley Bordeaux, Sr. on Dec 18, 2002
    based on 4 ratings

    Using words heard basically at Christmas only. The words here are "brought forth"

    The Words of Christmas – Bring Forth A Son… The Doorway to Eternity Matthew 1:21-23 December 22, 2002 1. The Sunday before Christmas and excitement is in the air 2. Christmas means many things to many people – time off – bonus money – travel to family - rest and relaxation – for more

  • Investing In Eternity Series

    Contributed by Harold Hansen on Feb 1, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    We neeed to be busy winning souls. Less on things.

    Investing in Eternity 1 Timothy 2:1-8 1 John 2:1-2 My little children, these things write I more

  • Live For Eternity

    Contributed by Paul Apple on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 139 ratings

    Live For Eternity (1:13-21) -- Since We Have Such a Glorious Living Hope, Live For Eternity And Escape the Futility of the Human Condition OVERVIEW: a.

    Live For Eternity (1:13-21) -- Since We Have Such a Glorious Living Hope, Live For Eternity And Escape the Futility of the Human Condition OVERVIEW: a. LIVE IN HOPE BECAUSE OUR FOCUS MUST BE ON ETERNITY :13 b. LIVE IN HOLINESS BECAUSE THAT IS THE STANDARD FOR ETERNITY 14-16 c. LIVE IN FEAR more

  • God Is Eternal

    Contributed by Dr.w.samuel Legon on Apr 16, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Looking to the father for all our hope in Christ Jesus.

    GOD IS ETERNAL Jude 1:21 Keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life. Corinthians 5:1 For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were more

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