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Sermons on Levitico 16:2: showing 16-19 of 19

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  • We Have A Scapegoat

    Contributed by David Mcnally on Feb 8, 2014

    In the OT the blood of sacrificed animals was shed to take away the sins of the people and this had to be done annually, but when Jesus went to the cross on our behalf in obedience to the Father's will, our sins were taken away once and for all.

    Leviticus 16:1-22 Our Scapegoat Do you remember, when David Cameron, Nick Clegg and the Coalition took over from Gordon Brown and Ed Balls after the last election, the new Chancellor of the Exchequer found a note from the outgoing one saying 'There is no money, it has all gone!' And so for more

  • The Scapegoat Reboot Series

    Contributed by Vic Folkert on Oct 3, 2018

    The two goats of the Day of Atonement represent two aspects of a "reboot": Making atonement for sin, thus rebooting the relationship with God, and 2) the scapegoat, rebooting ourselves by removing our guilt. The two aspects of atonement are both needed.

    THE SCAPEGOAT REBOOT—Leviticus 16 Your computer or phone is slow, or acting strangely. Is it a virus, or malware? Do you have a poor connection? What do you do? REBOOT. If that doesn’t work, recover or update, and then reboot. (Note to preacher: Scott Adams has a book on the comic strip, Dilbert: more

  • Torn By Unseen Hands Series

    Contributed by Allan Quak on Feb 28, 2018

    At the moment Jesus died the curtain in the temple was torn in two - God has left the building.

    Message Matthew 27:51 Torn By Unseen Hands There is something about curtains that just makes us want to know what is behind them, isn’t there. Curtains have the ability to make us very curious. Example: Visit to a Heritage Home and they always seem to have one or two areas sectioned off. So more

  • The Tolerance Of Sin And The Absence Of Authentic Worship.

    Contributed by Ray Swift on Mar 17, 2018

    What Leviticus teaches us about entering the Old Testament Tabernacle in an unworthy manner is to teach us about entering the New Testament house of worship in an unworthy manner.

    FB, Lafayette February 11, 2018 Sunday Morning The Tolerance of Sin and the Absence of Worship Leviticus 16:1-2 Intro.: This year many of you are using the “Read Through the Bible” reading guide provided by the church. Many of you as well are taken advantage of the videos on the church website to more

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