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  • There's A Storm Brewing Series

    Contributed by Mark Schaeufele on Aug 18, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    When the storms of life come our way we need to lean upon Jesus to see us through them.

    There's A Storm Brewing Text: Acts 27:1-12 Introduction 1. Illustration: A man stood on the side of the road hitch hiking on a very dark night in the middle of a storm. The night was rolling and no cars passed. The storm was so strong, he could hardly see a few feet ahead of him. Suddenly he more

  • Who Is On The Lord's Side? Series

    Contributed by Manny Salva Cruz on Aug 2, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    Many times, we are not even aware that we have slipped into the enemy's side because of our disobedience and ignorance but this message will remind us to be reflective, to be more assured and to be more committed in the side of God.

    WHO IS ON THE LORD'S SIDE? Scripture reading: Exodus 32:22-26 "22 “Do not be angry, my lord,” Aaron answered. “You know how prone these people are to evil. 23 They said to me, ‘Make us gods who will go before us. As for this fellow Moses who brought us up out of Egypt, we more

  • The Call To Overcome

    Contributed by Christian Cheong on May 26, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    We are to lean on Christ and live an overcoming life, in the midst of the troubles of this world. For the Lord is reigning upon His throne and sovereignly in control.

    We have just finished the messages to the seven churches in Revelation chapters 2 and 3. And I was all ready to move away from Revelation. • I was thinking about what to preach. I sat down on Thursday night and received through the email a newsletter from SermonCentral, which I subscribed to. • more

  • Turning Things Around PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Dec 29, 2023
    based on 4 ratings

    This sermon explores how the book of Philippians teaches us to navigate trials with faith, leaning on God's promises and the power of overcoming adversity.

    Welcome, beloved congregation, to our time of fellowship and reflection in the Word of God. Today, we gather under the banner of His love, in the sanctuary of His peace, to immerse ourselves in the profound wisdom of the book of Philippians. This is a book that speaks to all of us, in every season more

  • Jonah - A Suprised Silly Dove

    Contributed by Rick George on Apr 19, 2008

    When God calls us to do an extraordinary task, we need to trust His help and lean not our own understanding, but His.

    A. Jonah… poor Jonah. If you have ever read this short little book in the old testament, you feel sorry for the guy and not in a way that you wish he had better luck, but in a way that you wish he would have just trusted and followed God. I mean, God would have protected him and cared for him on more

  • Be Happy - How To Be Joyful No Matter What Series

    Contributed by Christian Cheong on Apr 20, 2010
    based on 40 ratings

    We can be joyful in all circumstances, by adopting a right perspective, set the right priority, lean on the power of God, and focus on the purpose of life.

    Most people don't enjoy life; they just endure it. • They think that life must be perfect for them to be happy. • So they are always looking for a change for the better. If I could just change my situation life would be great. If I could just get rid of all my problems, life would more

  • Aim For Perfection Series

    Contributed by David Owens on Jun 11, 2010

    In this sermon, we wrap up the entire series by challenging ourselves to aim for perfection, strive toward unity, examine ourselves, and lean on the Lord.

    Introduction: A. How many of you break out into a cold sweat or used to break out into a cold sweat when you hear the words: “Clear your desk, take out a sheet of paper and something to write with. We are going to have a pop quiz”? 1. How many of you like taking tests? 2. It can more

  • Confidence In Knowing Jesus Series

    Contributed by Anthony Zibolski on Nov 30, 2011
    based on 6 ratings

    There is confidence in knowing Jesus. We have the ability to trust and lean on God's Word to lead us to live a active and productive life for the Lord

    Confidence in knowing Jesus Psalm 119:105, Phil. 4:13 Introduction- I want to talk to you this morning about walking with Jesus. I didn’t say the knowing of Jesus. I didn’t say religion or denomination. I said the confidence we can have walking with Jesus. It probably is the last more

  • Temptations Will Seize You

    Contributed by Timm Meyer on Aug 16, 2013

    PENTECOST 10 - Temptations will seize you. We learn this truth from examples in Scripture. We lean on this truth that Jesus delivers us.

    TEMPTATIONS WILL SEIZE YOU (Outline) August 21, 2011 - Pentecost 10 - 1 CORINTHIANS 10:6-13 INTRO: Our world grows darker with sin with every passing moment. Believers are not exempt from the consequences of sin on this side of heaven. Sin affects us every day. Sin infects us from more

  • Know The Difference Between Law & Gospel Series

    Contributed by Daniel Habben on Jun 25, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    The first in a series celebrating the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. Lean the importance of distinguishing between the two main teachings of the Bible: law and gospel.

    If you wake up in the middle of the night with a sore throat, do you reach for the After Bite cream? No, you find a throat lozenge. If your head hurts, do you gargle with salt water? No, you take aspirin. If your stomach is upset, do apply Vicks VapoRub to your belly? No, you gulp Pepto-Bismol. more

  • Don't Be Deceived Series

    Contributed by Christian Cheong on Mar 22, 2015

    Don't lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him. God directs us to His perfect will.

    Have you ever been deceived? I have, a couple of times. We have people walking into the church and asking for help. They tell you their sad stories, the great need they are in, and ask for money. It’s really difficult to tell, most of the time, if they are saying the truth. I more

  • Facing Temptation Series

    Contributed by Donald Mcculley on Mar 19, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    Oftentimes we easily yield to temptation. It is only those who wholly lean upon God who become more than conquerors.

    FACING TEMPTATION I CORINTHIANS 10:13 INTRODUCTION: None of us know what stuff we are made of until we are tested and tried. Many think themselves to be strong, even perfect. Don’t think that way! Sin may be dead but it “ain’t” buried yet. Oftentimes we easily yield to temptation. It is more

  • Tune In - Pt. 1 - Dead Air Series

    Contributed by Steve Ely on Feb 21, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    Dead air. Static. Interference. All keep us from tuning in and being able to hear. However, hearing is essential. Lean in and tune in this year!

    Tune In Pt. 1 - Dead Air I. Introduction ?Silence. It is the most dreaded moment for television and radio stations. It is avoided at all costs. Dead air. Dead air isn’t the result of being tuned in to the wrong station. There is no issue with the reception. It doesn’t signify faulty equipment on more

  • Tune In - Pt. 2 - Broadcast Series

    Contributed by Steve Ely on Feb 21, 2018

    Dead air. Static. Interference. All keep us from tuning in and being able to hear. However, hearing is essential. Lean in and tune in this year!

    Tune In Pt. 2 - Broadcast I. Introduction ?The last time I was with you was the last Sunday of 2017. I started this series because, like for many of you, 2017 was a quite year. Scripture makes it clear that God is speaking. We are told that we are to live on every word that is proceeding out of more

  • Tune In - Pt. 3 - Static Series

    Contributed by Steve Ely on Feb 21, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    Dead air. Static. Interference. All keep us from tuning in and being able to hear. However, hearing is essential. Lean in and tune in this year!

    Tune In Pt. 3 - Static I. Introduction ?I don’t know about you but one of the most frustrating things in life is trying to listen to the radio when there is static! This is especially true when you are on the road when there is an important ball game on and you carefully scroll through the more

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