
Summary: Oftentimes we easily yield to temptation. It is only those who wholly lean upon God who become more than conquerors.



INTRODUCTION: None of us know what stuff we are made of until we are tested and tried. Many think themselves to be strong, even perfect. Don’t think that way! Sin may be dead but it “ain’t” buried yet. Oftentimes we easily yield to temptation. It is only those who wholly lean upon God who become more than conquerors.

Concerning temptation remember the following:

I. The Commonality

Think not that your case is unique. Many face the same temptations you do. Paul uses the Hebrew children’s trial in the wilderness as an illustration. Satan can tempt anywhere. He can tempt anyone. Note five things God’s people were tempted with and see if you can identify.

A. Evil Things (v.6)

B. Idolatry (v.7)

C. Immorality (v.7-8)

D. Testing God (v.9)

E. Murmur (v.10)

These are “common to all”.

II. The Comfort

“God is faithful”. I’m not faithful but he is. He’s faithful to every promise. He’s able to preserve and deliver. “I will never leave you…”

III. The Control

He (God) does not tempt but He can overrule or limit the temptation. See Job 1. Satan cannot tempt unless God allows it. Satan is “God’s devil”, (Luther). God is in control. Don’t believe it? Go to the Red Sea, lions den (Daniel), fiery furnace (Hebrew children), sea (Jonah).

He knows how much we can bear. We don’t but He does. You may be stronger than you think! Even if He should overload He will increase our strength to bear the load.

IV. The Course

“A way out”. He gives us an escape route. That doesn’t mean we won’t have to “endure” it. The best way for an army to escape is by conquering its foe! Are you in a trial and want to escape? Don’t try to avoid it but deal with it. God will give you strength to bear it.

Allow your trials/temptations to benefit you.

CONCLUSION: Many go through trials and temptations with no God to turn to or help. Seek Him while He may be found.

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