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  • Body Language Series

    Contributed by Johnny Wilson on Aug 11, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    The Bible speaks of the church as the Body of Christ for a reason, but most believers fail to celebrate their unique place in the body.

    The ancient Romans had an aphorism that went “Mens sana in corpore sanos.” It means, “A healthy mind in a healthy body.” The ancients were quite correct that the two go together. The mind directs the body. It may do it on a subconscious or even unconscious level, but without signals from the brain, more

  • The Languages Of Love Series

    Contributed by Emile Wolfaardt on May 8, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    (PowerPoint Slides and Cell Study Notes freely available by emailing

    The Languages of Love John 15:34-35 We have entitled our series "Fireproof" from the awesome film on the circuit right now on relationships in general, and marriage in particular. We are focusing on relationships because we have realized that the river of fulfillment flows out of healthy more

  • Body Language

    Contributed by Joseph Smith on Nov 7, 2010

    Our actions speak clearly about who we are and what we need; we need to lie down in worship and study, we need to walk in the valley of human need, and we need to engage those who are different from us.

    Takoma Park Baptist Church, Washington, DC October 18, 1992 I want you to look up here and then feed back to me what I am saying. I’m asking you to watch me and then tell me what I am saying to you. (Clumped shoulders): “I certainly am glad to be here.” What did I say? My more

  • Language Of Edification Series

    Contributed by Arthur Miller on Mar 24, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    The tongue is a destructive force that can spew the stench of a rotten heart, but we are called to speak only what is constructive to others. We need to be thinking about our words and changing our attitudes about people while God transforms our lives.

    Bible passages from the NIV, NASV and King James from the Introduction Dale Carnegie wrote in a book he published in 1936, “How to Win Friends & Influence People,” “But gradually, as the seasons passed, I realized that as sorely as these adults needed training more

  • The Language Of Love

    Contributed by Denn Guptill on Apr 21, 2018

    This message looks at how Jesus demonstrates the five love languages in how he loves those around him

    By now you have figured out the song is “Love and Marriage” and it was first recorded by Frank Sinatra in 1955.  But that wasn’t the only time it was recorded.  Sinatra recorded it again on a different label and it has been covered by Peggy Lee, Dinah Shore, Bing Crosby and in 2010 it was recorded more

  • The Language Of The Kingdom! Series

    Contributed by Andrew Moffatt on Oct 24, 2014

    Follow up on the first in the series, Love is the Pursuit of Relationships. This is as a result of a Hui that we had two weeks ago. What is a Hui, Maori word for discussion, in depth discussion. We continue to address the perceptions arising from the Hui.

    I’m continuing on with the theme today of how we respond to the Hui that was held here a couple of weeks back. The point that I talked on last week was that ‘love was the pursuit of relationships’. There’s an interesting question that we can address attached to this point more

  • Identity And Language

    Contributed by Paul Richard on Jun 15, 2020

    Mere observation may not be suitable to reveal the identity of a person/group but the use of language sounds appropriate.’.., say now Shibboleth: and he said Sibboleth for he could not frame to pronounce it right...’ The language was used to reveal identities among the ancient Israelites.

    I. An encyclopedia is not necessary to define what an identity simply means. It is just what people use to trace who a person is. It could be the name, skin color, place of origin, culture or language (Genesis 10:31). Due to globalization and trade among nations, these characteristics are becoming more

  • Mature Language

    Contributed by Todd Catteau on Jan 27, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    A brief sermon on how to leverage our words for good.

    Have you ever started a show on television and seen this warning? THE FOLLOWING PROGRAM CONTAINS MATURE LANGUAGE. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED. We all know what “mature language” means, but I wonder why they call it “mature.” We have a way of sanitizing things, don’t we? Shouldn’t they just tell more

  • Lethal Language Series

    Contributed by Steve Bond on Feb 15, 2017

    Ephesians 4:31 says to “get rid of brawling and slander.”

    Introduction Three weeks ago we began our current series and Josh talked about getting rid of the self-destructive lies that many of us think about ourselves. When we think that “we’re not good enough” or that “we’re not pretty enough,” or that “we’re not loved or valued or important,” we play more

  • The Language Of Faith

    Contributed by Clement Manenga on May 25, 2024

    It’s important for us to understand that faith has a language. If we want to be people who walk in faith and believe God for things that goes beyond the natural realm - beyond our 5 senses, then we must learn to operate in the language of faith.

    The Bible in 2 Kings chapter 5, introduces us to two characters: the little Jewish slave girl and Naaman the Syrian army commander The Jewish slave girl, could be a former servant of the prophet Elisha. The Bible does not mention the name of the girl. All we know about her is that, she was a slave more

  • Sign Language

    Contributed by Alison Bucklin on Sep 4, 2023

    Each of these incidents is a sign from God reminding us that life is temporary but that God is eternal.

    What’s the first thing you think of when you hear of falling towers and people dying? Right. Nine-eleven. And looking around on the web I found that even though this is the gospel passage for the third Sunday in Lent of Cycle C of the lectionary, by far the most sermons were written on this topic more

  • The Language Of Love

    Contributed by Stephen E. Trail on Feb 11, 2024

    The duty of a husband to nourish and cherish his wife.

    The Language of Love Ephesians 5:25-29 An 80 year-old woman was recently married to her 4th husband. A reporter questioned the occupation of her newly acquired husband. She replied that he owned a funeral home. Curious about the other husbands, the reporter also asked about their occupations. The more

  • The Language Of Adam And Eve Series

    Contributed by Shaila Touchton on Jan 20, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    Scriptures does not tell us what language Adam and Eve spoke.

    We should also remember that the languages were confused at Babel, and the original language may have been lost there (Genesis 11).In the biblical account of creation, Adam and Eve, the first humans, shared a unique bond that transcended words. Yet, the question remains: what was the language they more

  • Sermon On The Language Of Love

    Contributed by William Meakin on Nov 12, 2023

    A word is defined as a singular, often distinct, meaningful element of speech or writing used to form a sentence and typically shown with a space on either side when written or printed.

    Mimi Novic, a female author, therapist, motivational speaker and self-awareness teacher once remarked: “Let's not build walls with our words. Let's stay silent and speak in a language that only our hearts can understand.” Ephesians 4:29 confirms: “Let no corrupting talk come out of your more

  • 5 Love Languages Series

    Contributed by Chris Foster on Jun 13, 2002
    based on 35 ratings

    Have you ever tried to talk to someone who didn’t speak english? Why do we raise our voice and use sign language, that person in not deaf, they speak a different language. Dr. Gary Champman says there are 5 different love languages. This is a two week s

    5 Love languages Part 1 What happens to love after the wedding Someone said, “Love is a dream and marriage is the alarm clock.” *Definitions for men Just about every magazine published regularly has articles on how to keep love alive 101 ways to keep your marriage happy With all more