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  • John- Believe In Jesus And Live!-Part 5- " Hearing The Shepherds Voice" Series

    Contributed by Randy Edwards on Dec 10, 2015

    Part 5 of our John - believe in Jesus and live series-- we are teaching John in our sermons and Sunday bible studies and covering the keys to a life with Jesus in the sermons and the off chapters in our studies, power points and audio available

    Please feel free it use any or all of this material to glorify our Lord, it all belongs to him. John- Believe in Jesus and live! Part 5 “Hearing God’s voice” Back ground text-- John 10:1-18 Focus text—John 10:3-5 I have told ya’ll a few times about a couple of Blue more

  • Know His Voice

    Contributed by Richard Papafio on Nov 27, 2017

    The flock knows the voice of their shepherd, they hear him and follow him.

    May the peace of the Lord be with you. Topic: KNOW HIS VOICE John 10:4-5King James Version (KJV) 4 And when he putteth forth his own sheep, he goeth before them, and the sheep follow him: for they know his voice. 5 And a stranger will they not follow, but will flee from him: for they know not more

  • Knowing The Shepherd's Voice

    Contributed by Kerry Haynes on May 7, 2017
    based on 3 ratings

    Jesus gave two images of himself: He is our good shepherd, so we can trust his voice and follow him. And he is the gate, our entry into salvation and ultimate security.

    John 10:1-11 Knowing the Shepherd’s Voice In John’s thematic gospel we see different pictures of who Jesus Christ is to us. John included seven “I am” statements, where Jesus publicly identified himself with the great “I am,” Yahweh, the covenant God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the One who would more

  • The Voice Of The Lord Series

    Contributed by Nathan Johnson on Jan 11, 2008
    based on 10 ratings

    People nowadays talk better than they listen. We have tuned out God when He is trying to lead us. This message endeavors to get us thinking about listening to God once again.

    The Voice of the Lord Griffith Baptist Church – 1/13/08 P.M. Service Text: Psalm 29 Introduction A former park ranger at Yellowstone National Park tells the story of a ranger leading a group of hikers to a fire lookout. The ranger was so intent on telling the hikers about the flowers and more

  • Knowing The Voice Of God Series

    Contributed by Dr. Tom Badia on Feb 19, 2024

    One of the greatest benefits of our salvation is the privilege of hearing God speak to us personally

    KNOWING THE VOICE OF GOD KEY VERSE: My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. (John 10:27) A. INTRODUCTION One of the greatest benefits of our salvation is the privilege of hearing God speak to us personally. God loves us so much that He sent Jesus to take our place and to more

  • Knowing God's Voice

    Contributed by Mike Wilkins on Nov 18, 2002
    based on 25 ratings

    We recognize God’s voice best in the scriptures

    Knowing God’s Voice November 17, 2002 John 10 The Shepherd and His Flock 1"I tell you the truth, the man who does not enter the sheep pen by the gate, but climbs in by some other way, is a thief and a robber. 2The man who enters by the gate is the shepherd of his sheep. 3The watchman opens more

  • Knowing His Voice Series

    Contributed by David Hughes on Jan 15, 2014

    The hearing problem is not with God. It is with us!

    Scriptures – John 10: 1-5 Genesis 3 : 8-10 1 Samuel 3: 4-10 Acts 9 : 5, 10 “Whose Voice Do You Hear?” Those who had their name called out by God : Abraham, Samuel, Jacob, Elijah, Mary, Daniel, Moses, Saul (Paul) Eve listened to the voice of Satan instead of God, lost her more

  • Hearing God's Voice

    Contributed by Dennis Deese on Aug 25, 2003
    based on 65 ratings

    Believers often ask, "What is God’s will for me?"

    “HEARING GOD’S VOICE ” Dr. Dennis Deese - JOHN 10:1-27 Believers often ask, "What is God’s will for me?" What do we actually mean when we say we want to know the will of God? It means we want to know His plan for our lives. We want His guidance in more

  • Jesus Voice

    Contributed by Dr. Jerry Morrissey on Apr 28, 2001
    based on 210 ratings

    Year C. Fourth Sunday of Easter John 10: 22-30 May 6th, 2001

    Year C. Fourth Sunday of Easter John 10: 22-30 May 6th, 2001 Title: “Jesus Voice” 22 At that time the festival of the Dedication took place in Jerusalem. It was winter, 23and Jesus was walking in the temple, in the portico of Solomon. 24So the Jews gathered around him and said to him, “How long more

  • The Voice Of Jesus

    Contributed by Evie Megginson on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 45 ratings

    The human voice is wonderful thing, a dog can bark, a bird can chirp, but a man can talk,for God has given him the wonderful gift of speech.

    The human voice is wonderful thing, a dog can bark, a bird can chirp, but a man can talk,for God has given him the wonderful gift of speech. With this gift, man can pray, he can sing praises to God, and he can preach the unsearchable riches of God.   But, have you ever thought about the voice of more

  • The Voice Of Jesus

    Contributed by David Radcliff on Apr 22, 2017

    This sermon looks at the different tones with which Christ spoke when engaging others.

    INTRODUCTION: This is a profound statement. And the truth of it is enough to convince all those who did not believe in the reality of God’s word. I. FROM THIS WE LEARN: 1. Genesis 1:1 “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth" 2. John 1:3 “All things were made by him” II. CHRIST more

  • The Voice Series

    Contributed by Timothy Peck on Oct 9, 2002
    based on 138 ratings

    Four ways Jesus speaks with authority to break through into our lives.

    One of my favorite movies is the Indiana Jones movie The Last Crusade. It’s the story of Indiana Jones and his father’s quest for the holy grail, the legendary chalice that Jesus used in his Last Supper with his disciples. In one of the final scenes, the ancient temple they’ve found the chalice in more

  • Remember The Voice

    Contributed by Monty Newton on Feb 10, 2013

    God in Christ knows you by name, wants you to thrive in life and gave his life for you so that may be possible both now and for evermore.

    Video Clip – The Good Shepherd from SermonSpice Title: Remember the Voice Text: John 10:1-16 Thesis: God in Christ knows you by name, wants you to thrive and live a rich and fruitful life and willingly gave his life for you to make that possible for you now and for all more

  • Knowing The Shepherd’s Voice

    Contributed by Norman Bernad on Oct 1, 2020

    President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Apparently, sometime after being president for a very long time, he got tired of smiling that trade-mark Roosevelt smile and saying the trade-mark Roosevelt things at all those White House receptions.

    Knowing the shepherd’s Voice 1. 1 Samuel. 3: 1-3 2. John 10: 1-10 3. Ps: 23 Illustration President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Apparently, sometime after being president for a very long time, he got tired of smiling that trade-mark Roosevelt smile and saying the trade-mark Roosevelt things at all more

  • Hear The Voice

    Contributed by Matthew Blau on May 31, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    From Psalm 29, When we hear the voice of God we need to act. But we must be careful it is God's voice we are listening to.

    Hear the Voice I am amazed at how the Lord puts us where we need to be. This past Wednesday I worked on my sermon and finished the bulletin. And I was struggling with the sermon. On my way home I was still thinking about it and praying about it when I remembered my wife had said I was looking more