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  • Knowing God’s Plan

    Contributed by Norman Bernad on Oct 1, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    Look at this building. This is a beautiful place. Somewhere before every stone and wire and window and wall, there was a plan. Everything here reflects the plans that someone thoughtfully worked through and laid out.

    Knowing God’s Plan 1. Acts: 9: 1-6 2. Isaiah 55:8 Plans are important! Look at this building. This is a beautiful place. Somewhere before every stone and wire and window and wall, there was a plan. Everything here reflects the plans that someone thoughtfully worked through and laid out. Others more

  • Plans

    Contributed by Carl Willis on Apr 14, 2001
    based on 89 ratings

    God has a plan for each and every one of us.

    Plans Jeremiah 29:11-13 1. God has made plans for each and every one of us. - Before you were born - Plans for your appearance your direction, your gifts, etc... 2. God’s plans for us are always in our best interest. - God never seeks to harm us - Satan harms and we harm ourselves - more

  • "God's Got A Plan!"

    Contributed by Kevin Smith on Dec 4, 2004
    based on 224 ratings

    God has a plan for our life.. A plan to prosper us, and not to fail us, EVEN in the hardships of life!

    I. INTRODUCTION: In this particular text, the prophet Jerimiah has sent a letter to the exiles that Nebachunezzer had exiled from Jerusalum to Babylon concerning what they should do while in exile, as well as the promises he had made them during & before the exile, and for when they came out of more

  • I Have A Plan

    Contributed by Lowell Hochhalter on May 14, 2003
    based on 24 ratings

    What is our destiny? What is God’s plan for my life? Can I fulfill it? Questions every student asks.

    I have a Plan, Don’t Get Sidetracked Jeremiah 29:11 tells us that God has a plan for your life. His plan for you is 1. Good 2. A Future 3. Has Hope Nothing mentioned about sadness, depression. Also there is nothing in there about the past SO, the question of the day do I know that I more

  • Get On The Right Plan Series

    Contributed by Timothy Smith on Sep 3, 2005
    based on 2 ratings

    3rd message in an 8 week series on the Lord’s Prayer. This one deals with the phrase: "Your will be done..."

    Can You Hear Me Now? Good! Week 3 “GET ON THE RIGHT PLAN” MATTHEW 6:10, ROMANS 12:1-2, PROVERBS 3:5-6 INTRODUCTION: There are all kinds of cell phone plans that you can buy. When we signed up for Verizon a couple years ago their representative explained a myriad of options. There were so many more

  • The Best Laid Plans Series

    Contributed by Carl Willis on Apr 14, 2001
    based on 35 ratings

    The importance of allowing God to direct your day to day plans.

    The Best Laid Plans James 4:13-17 I. There are no guarantees A. We all make plans 1. day timers 2. pocket organizers 3. wall calendars 4. appointments B. The way we make plans should reflect our relationship with God 1. Only He knows the future 2. Only He can shape the more

  • God's Plan For My Life Series

    Contributed by Ken Ritz on Dec 30, 2005
    based on 11 ratings

    God’s plan for us, based on Ephesians chapter 2

    GODS PLAN FOR MY LIFE Ephesians – Riches in Christ Ephesians 2:1-10 Turn your bibles to Eph ch. 2 A newspaper recently surveyed personnel directors of the nation’s largest companies for their most unusual experiences when they were interviewing people for jobs. Here’s some actual things that more

  • God's Plan

    Contributed by Greg Nance on Dec 14, 2013

    Luke reveals that God knows and controls much more than we may realize. A thoughtful look at the birth stories of John and Jesus reveal the amazing extent of God's sovereign will and foreknowledge.

    Read Luke 1:5-2:7 Luke’s account of the coming of Jesus is where we learn of how close he and John the Baptist’s families were. We would not know their relationship or that John was of Aaronic descent were in not for Luke. Luke gives us historic markers like Herod, Ceasar Augustus more

  • 230 - Whose Plan Is It Anyway? Series

    Contributed by Joel Vicente on Aug 17, 2002
    based on 139 ratings

    Our plans are destined to fail. God’s plans have a final destination which is to "prevail".

    Sermon Study 230 – WHOSE PLAN IS IT ANYWAY? Key Scripture #1: Jer 29:11-13 For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You more

  • The Master's Plan For Your Life.

    Contributed by Carl Kelleher on Jan 17, 2002
    based on 150 ratings

    God has a Master Plan for our Lives. But if we don’t seek His Direction, we will be sure to wander all of our lives

    Title: “The ‘Master’s Plan’ For Your Life” When we built the Education Wing a Few years ago debt free the Builder asked us a very important question. He said, “What is your Master Plan for the Church”? Where do you see the Church going in the next five more

  • God-Centered Planning

    Contributed by Dan Santiago on Aug 31, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Every Christian must live his life according to God’s will.

    GOD-CENTERED PLANNING JAMES 4:13-17 BIG IDEA: Every Christian must live his life according to God’s will. INTRODUCTION ILLUSTRATION Dr. Auguste Nelaton, (Nelaton Catheter) the great French surgeon, once said that if he had four minutes in which to perform an operation on more

  • Plan On It

    Contributed by Perry Greene on Jun 24, 2019

    Generally, we hunger to know God. Sometimes we settle for knowing things about Him, but the power of the Christian walk is not in head knowledge or traditions but in the intimate relationship with God as we walk with Him

    1. I am more and more aware that God is often quiet in our day to day lives a. I would love to have a special revelation and words from God like the prophets have had. b. Elijah’s still small voice may have been mere “baby talk” and not discernible to Him. 2. It is important to remember that God is more

  • Knowing And Doing The Will Of God

    Contributed by Peter Toy on Apr 17, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    Fourth sermon in Ruth series. Outline: 1. The right way to accomplish God's will. 2. God has an individual plan for each of us. 3. We are part of a bigger plan.

    Knowing and Doing the Will of God – Ruth 4:1-22 BTBC - June 9, 2013 God’s plan is always the best plan. Ron, Ruth’s brother is a runner and he’s a good one. A couple of years ago he ran the Niagara Falls Marathon, a qualifying race for the Boston Marathon. He said he had kept up his pace and in more

  • God's Game Plan For My Life Series

    Contributed by Brian Moon on Oct 3, 2002
    based on 43 ratings

    Part 2 of this life-changing series aimed at showing us the key to a fulfilled life is in Jesus Christ. This message shows us God’s plan for each of us.

    “Super Sized Life” part 2 (God’s amazing plan for my life) Brian A. Moon In February 1980, the U.S. Olympic hockey team slipped its foot into a glass slipper and walked away with a gold medal at Lake Placid, New York. Those collegians had shocked the world by upsetting the powerful Soviet team, more

  • Discover God's Plan For Your Life Series

    Contributed by Kevin Ruffcorn on Oct 7, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    It is challenging for the Christian to see God’s hand in the everyday events of life and to discern God’s will, but there are steps that we can take to help us understand God’s will.

    Psalm 139:1-16 “Discover God’s Plan for Your Life” INTRODUCTION Discovering God in the middle of life’s trials, or perilous times, is difficult. These are often times when God appears to be distant, inattentive and silent. Though our senses are wrong and none of these adjectives accurately more

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