
Summary: The importance of allowing God to direct your day to day plans.

The Best Laid Plans

James 4:13-17

I. There are no guarantees

A. We all make plans

1. day timers

2. pocket organizers

3. wall calendars

4. appointments

B. The way we make plans should reflect our relationship with God

1. Only He knows the future

2. Only He can shape the day

3. He should be consulted on all plans and decisions

4. All things are His

a. time

b. money

c. resources

C. Tomorrow is not guaranteed - Proverbs 27:1

1. death is the great unknown

2. planning can give us a false sense of security

3. we must acknowledge our lack of control

D. Like a mist

1. mist stays only a while

2. fog burns off

3. smoke blows away

II. If it’s God’s will

A.. All of our decisions and planning should be tempered by a dependence on


B. Allow God to direct your plans

1. pray about decisions

2. ask for guidance

3. seek wisdom

III. Boasting

A. we claim to have the future under control

1. empty claim

2. God holds time in His hands

B. we place ourselves before God

IV. We know what is right...we just need to do it.

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