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Sermons on Kehillah in Corinth II 9:7:

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  • Stewardship:what A Way To Live!

    Contributed by Abraham Shanklin on Aug 1, 2003
    based on 168 ratings

    Stewardship is defined as the servant of God looking at the things he has as not his own, but through the use of time, money, and abilities gives to God’s work and God’s glory.

    Stewardship: What A Way To Live! Scripture Reference: 2 Corinthians 9:6 – 14 Introduction I guess by now you understand that during this sermon series we have been discovering the way God intended for us to live. We have found that He wants us to live as disciples, to live as worshippers, and to more

  • Becoming God's Prize/ Tithing

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Sep 29, 2003
    based on 61 ratings

    In the USA we spend more on premium TV than we give to the church and missions. We focus on giving. You can give and not love, but you can’t love without giving.

    MATURING IN THE FAITH ---- DO YOU WANT TO BE GOD’S PRIZE? Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. 2 Corinthians 9:6 But I this I say, HE WHICH SOWETH SPARINGLY SHALL REAP SPARINGLY ... and he which soweth bountifully shall reap bountifully. 7 Every man according as he purposed in his heart, so more

  • Exceeding Grace In Giving Series

    Contributed by Greg Nance on Nov 1, 2003
    based on 56 ratings

    Paul’s part two on giving where from promises to preparation to participation to prayers and praises, God is glorified and we are blessed!

    God Grants Grace in Giving 2 Corinthians 9 I saw a single frame cartoon once that had two men standing outside after church services. They were standing there in their underwear and one says to the other: “That was the best sermon on giving I ever heard!” Today we will see part two of Paul’s more

  • A New Beginning

    Contributed by Othey Mcnew Jr. on Nov 8, 2003
    based on 9 ratings

    A message to our church as we start with a new location and try to overcome obstacles to our move.

    A New Beginning 2nd Corinthians 9: 6-11 We are going to be a little different today. Instead of reading the scripture verses and then praying we are going to pray first and then read the scriptures when we get to them in our message today Please join me in Prayer!! As I was working on today’s more

  • The Law Of Biblical Ownership

    Contributed by David Haun on Feb 16, 2004
    based on 27 ratings

    What do I own? And how do I relate to the Bible demand that God owns. The Life of William Borden can help us answer this question.

    THE LAW OF BIBLICAL OWNERSHIP Dr.DavidHaun Hope Christian Church February 15, 2004 more

  • The Irrefutable Law Of Gardening

    Contributed by Nathan Johnson on Apr 17, 2008
    based on 8 ratings

    Your God-given time, talents and treasures all fall under one general rule in life - You get out what you put in!

    The Irrefutable Law of Gardening Griffith Baptist Church – 4/20/08 A.M. Service Text: 2 Corinthians 9:6-12 (Proverbs 3:9-10) Key verse: 2 Corinthians 9:6 - But this I say, He which sows sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which sows bountifully shall reap also bountifully. The more

  • An Encouragement To Grace-Oriented Giving Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Nov 3, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    In today’s sermon, the last of four messages in the series on guidelines for grace-oriented giving, we see the underlying principle of all giving as well as five benefits of grace-oriented giving.

    Scripture Today is the last in my four-week series of sermons titled, “Guidelines for Grace-Oriented Giving” from 2 Corinthians 8-9. Today, I want to look at “An Encouragement to Grace-Oriented Giving” from 2 Corinthians 9:6-15. Let’s read it: 6 The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will more

  • Guideline #9: Give Generously Of God's Resources Series

    Contributed by Michael Luke on Nov 12, 2003
    based on 64 ratings

    A healthy church is a giving church. God is the owner. We are just the stewards.

    SERIES: “GOD-GIVEN GUIDELINES FOR GROWING A GREAT CHURCH” TEXT: 2 CORINTHIANS 9:1-15 TITLE: Guideline #9: “GIVE GENEROUSLY OF GOD’S RESOURCES” (Bulk of material from Bob Russel’s When God Builds A Church and a sermon on this text also by him) INTRODUCTION: A. Ten Reasons Why I Never more

  • A Harvest Of Generosity

    Contributed by Derek Richard on Nov 26, 2003
    based on 20 ratings

    A havest of generosity among God’s people will lead to a greater harvest on the "last day".

    Introduction: Cajun humorist Justin Wilson tells the story about two boys who were neighbors. They were best of friends on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, but on Sunday they were enemies because one was a Catholic and the other was a Baptist. Their parents didn’t like more

  • The Challenges Of Being A Cheerful Giver

    Contributed by Joseph Betz on Nov 22, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    Lay Sermon on Stewardship. The focus is on the historical and social responsibility of being a Christian and giving and does not mention biblical tithing.

    "The Challenges of Being a Cheerful Giver" Sermon Preached by Joseph A. Betz Setauket Presbyterian Church, NY October 22, 2006 Scripture: 2 Corinthians 9: 6-15 The Apostle Paul writes, "God loves a cheerful giver." The original Greek word he used was hilaron for cheerful, which translates into more

  • "Commit To God's Program For Your Giving " Series

    Contributed by Dave Mcfadden on Nov 16, 2004
    based on 14 ratings

    Where do I begin when it comes to financial giving to support God’s work?

    Church growth experts have said that there are four things that can work to prevent a church’s growth: 1) A lack of desire to grow; 2) A lack of adequate leadership; 3) A lack of space; 4) A lack of finances. If there is any one of these factors that might hinder the continued growth of our more

  • "Consider God's Plan For Your Giving " Series

    Contributed by Dave Mcfadden on Nov 16, 2004
    based on 14 ratings

    How does God want me to grow in my giving to support His work?

    God’s plan is for you to give your tithe to the support of His work through your local church. But we need to understand that giving a tithe is only the beginning. God’s plan is for us to grow in our giving. In Malachi 3:8, we are exhorted to give both "tithes" and "offerings." God wants us to more

  • Giving With Attitude

    Contributed by Fred Mueller on Dec 16, 2004
    based on 16 ratings

    A sermon asking the church to examine its attitude toward giving.

    Hillsborough Reformed Church at Millstone Preached at South Branch Ref. Ch. As Guest steward Pentecost XX October 17, 2004 Mt. 6:19-21, II Cor. 9:6-15 “Giving with Attitude” This morning I would like to talk to you about a few of the Bibles principles of stewardship. For some, they may come as more

  • Step Up To A New Level Of Giving Series

    Contributed by Bobby Stults on Oct 24, 2009

    Far too often we do NOT give as we should and we harm our witness and God’s work when we are disobedient!

    Sermon Brief Date Written: October 21, 2009 Date Preached: October 25, 2009 Where Preached: OPBC (AM) Sermon Details: Sermon Series: Steppin’ UP to the Next Level Sermon Title: Steppin’ UP to a new level of Giving… Sermon Text: 2 Cor 9:1-15 [NKJV] Introduction: I once heard of a more

  • Describing God's Indescribable Gift Series

    Contributed by Guy Glass on Nov 2, 2009
    based on 6 ratings

    The first message in a series looking at things we can and hould be thankful for. This first message deals with the thought of being thankful for the ability (by God’s grace) to give, and the hinderances we face in this area

    DESCRIBING GOD’S INDESCRIBABLE GIFT 2 Corinthians 9:1-15 (NIV) INTRODUCTION: God’s indescribable gift is something we would not often; if ever define with the word indescribable. God’s indescribable gift is giving! For many of us, giving, finances, etc. are quite describable. We can describe more

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