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  • Avoiding Anger: Doers Of The Word, Series

    Contributed by Amiri Hooker on Aug 26, 2021

    Avoiding Anger: Doers of the Word August 29, 2021, FOURTEENTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST, YEAR B, While anger might not be the center of this text, it is one of those distractions that often keeps us from being doers of the word.

    Avoiding Anger: Doers of the Word August 29, 2021 FOURTEENTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST, YEAR B text James 1:17-27 While anger might not be the center of this text, it is one of those distractions that often keeps us from being doers of the word. Throughout this series, we are reflecting on how well more

  • Jesus Christ - God's Full And Final Word.

    Contributed by Johnny A. Palmer Jr. on Apr 2, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    Do you want to make sense out of your Bible? Then keep your eyes on Jesus!

    Intro: 1. “This letter opens in a majestic manner…For centuries God spoke in the sphere in the sphere of the sphere of the prophets, but in the last of these days, He changed His mode of communication, unveiling His truth in His Son. No longer was the message to be continued with His more

  • Word Of God! Word Of Life!

    Contributed by David Trexler on Aug 8, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    A summary of our faith in God’s Word.

    Sermon for Matthew 13:1-23 July 13th 2008 “As for what was sown on good soil, this is the one who hears the word and understands it, who indeed bears fruit and yields, in one case a hundredfold.” Like I mentioned, this past week I had the privilege to serve as Camp Pastor at Lutheran Hills in more

  • Last Words - First Words

    Contributed by Ernie Arnold on Apr 16, 2019

    Resurrection Day Sermon - looking at some of the last words of Jesus - IT IS FINISHED and then one of the first words of Our Risen Lord - "GO"

    Scripture: John 19:29-30; 20:11-18 Theme: Resurrection Sunday Title: Last Words, First Words INTRO: Grace and peace from God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit! Christ is Risen! He is Risen Indeed! This morning, I want to talk to you about last words and first words. In particular, some more

  • The Unrestrained Word

    Contributed by Isaac Butterworth on Apr 5, 2022

    Speaking God's Word is fraught with risk, yet God accomplishes His purpose through His Word. Therefore, we must speak God's Word despite the risks.

    Why do you think Jeremiah was so ‘afraid’? It’s not really hard to figure out, is it? God had a message He wanted delivered, and He wanted Jeremiah to deliver it. But here’s the thing about God’s message: Not everyone wants to hear it. Why not? Because it exposes sin and calls for repentance. It more

  • "the Gift That Keeps On Giving" Series

    Contributed by David Henderson on Mar 27, 2019

    Today we come to my final message in the sermon series I have been preaching titled Christmas words.

    CHRISTMAS WORDS “The Gift that Keeps on Giving” John 3:1-16 Today we come to my final message in the sermon series I have been preaching titled Christmas words. In the past month we have taken a closer look at these words: 1. Peace. Some of you know there was a period of time between the more

  • He Has Done For Us

    Contributed by Bharat Raaya on Mar 2, 2016

    Poor knowledge of the finished work of Christ on the cross can keep us bereave us of the benefits of our faith in living God.

    He has done for us Who gave himself for our sins, that he might deliver us from this present evil world, according to the will of God and our Father - Gal.1:4 It's rather unfortunate that today's church lives in a perpetual state of blindness in spite of having the truth clearly revealed to us more

  • Keeping God On Our Side

    Contributed by Don Campbell on Jun 16, 2023

    Many people believe God is on their side because (whatever). God is on the side of creation (John 3:16), but the question how to keep him on our side.

    HOW TO KEEP GOD ON OUR SIDE 2 Kings 18:1-7 INTRODUCTION A. The rich and the powerful point to their power and riches as proof that God is on their side. B. The poor and downtrodden often believe that God is on their side in their rebellion against the rich and more

  • Keep Your Focus Series

    Contributed by Jeffery Anselmi on Aug 20, 2004
    based on 64 ratings

    In the midst of trouble, we need to keep our focus

    INTRODUCTION • As we live our lives, it is easy to lose focus on what is important. It is so easy to get caught up in the problems of life that we forget where are focus is supposed to be. • Throughout this letter to the church, Paul has reminded us that Jesus is going to return at any time and more

  • Keep Running The Race Series

    Contributed by Paul Apple on Jul 7, 2001
    based on 18 ratings


    BIG IDEA: 2 MOTIVATIONS FOR PERSERVERENCE IN THE FAITH AND IN THE GOSPEL MINISTRY I. (:8-10) KEEP RUNNING THE RACE BECAUSE OUR TESTIMONY IMPACTS THE SALVATION OF GOD’S ELECT A. (:8) Encouragement from the Promise Fulfilled = the Resurrection of Jesus Christ The Resurrection of Christ lies at the more

  • "Keep The Unity Of The Spirit” Part 3 Series

    Contributed by George Yates on Sep 26, 2006
    based on 2 ratings

    Unity in Spirit occurs as the whole body matures and disunity happens as we let the immature wreck havoc. Speaking the truth in love means words of exhortation. Unity comes as Christ is exalted. Unity means each member serving the team.

    EPHESIANS 4:1-16 September 24, 2006 New Covenant EPC “KEEP THE UNITY OF THE SPIRIT” Part 3 Body Life - The Book of Ephesians I. The last 2 weeks we have been focusing on this “Keep the Unity of the Spirit” A. Two weeks ago 1. (vs 1-3) Live up to your calling - humble, gentle, bearing with more

  • Keeping A Heavenly Focus

    Contributed by John Lowe on Apr 11, 2013

    An attitude that pleases God will: FOCUS ON THINGS ABOVE, SHED THE OLD WAYS, and PUT ON THE NEW WAYS.

    Keeping a Heavenly Focus This lesson will help you understand the importance of keeping a clear focus on your ultimate destination, which is heaven. It also will offer practical help along the lines of removing old, ungodly habits and replacing them more

  • "Keep The Unity Of The Spirit"

    Contributed by Timm Meyer on Sep 11, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Pentecost 10(B) - Believers are reminded and encouraged to keep the unity of the Holy Spirit. God’s Spirit produces unity by faith. God’s gifts promote unity in faithful living.

    “KEEP THE UNITY OF THE SPIRIT” (Outline) July 20, 2008 -- PENTECOST 10 -- Ephesians 4:1-7,11-16 INTRO: Today’s text reminds us of the fact that we are saints in the Lord united together by our Christian faith. This is our confession in the Apostle’s Creed: “I believe in the holy more

  • Endeavoring To Keep The Unity

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Mar 16, 2022

    “The nearest thing to heaven on this earth is a church full of people who love the Lord, and each other.” I believe we all will concur with that statement.

    The Psalmist must have also felt this way, because he said in Psalm 133:1, “How good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!” But if it is true that a church full of people who love the Lord and each other is the nearest thing to heaven on this earth, it must also be true more

  • Keeping Up Appearances

    Contributed by Paul Cull on Jan 3, 2005
    based on 57 ratings

    The danger of the Pharisee tendency today

    Matthew 23 Keeping Up Appearances Introduction We all know Hyacinth Bucket from the television sitcom ‘Keeping up Appearances’. Now although it may not be politically correct to make judgements about people, we all know that we all do it. And we can all make a judgement about the character. For more

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