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Sermons on juneteenth:

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  • Declaring Your Citizenship

    Contributed by Tommy Davis on Jan 11, 2007
    based on 6 ratings

    This sermon reminds the believer that we are not citizens of this world, but citizens of a home being prepared by Christ.

    Subject: Declaring Your Citizenship Text: Acts 22:22-30 (NKJV) 22 And they listened to him until this word, and then they raised their voices and said, "Away with such a fellow from the earth, for he is not fit to live!" 23Then, as they cried out and tore off their clothes and threw dust into more

  • Galatians: Our Emancipation Proclamation Series

    Contributed by David Dykes on Sep 5, 2013

    People are moving faster than ever before, but they have no idea of where they’re going. Galatians answers the age-old question: How can I find real meaning in life?

    INTRODUCTION This morning, I’m starting a series on Galatians and I’m excited about what we’re going to learn over the next twelve months. When you get the truth of Galatians, you’ll have a personal grace awakening. That’s why I’ve entitled the series, more

  • There Is No Other Gospel

    Contributed by Kraig Pullam on Feb 18, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    Paul's discourse in the opening 10 verses of his letter to Galatia seeks to convey Who we are in Christ, the essence of the Gospel of Christ and the characteristical underpennings of a lifestyle saturated in and by the grace of Jesus Christ.

    No Other Gospel by Kraig Pullam Galatians 1:1-1:10 Introduction Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth, upon this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. Four score and seven years, means 87 years. It more