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Sermons on Joshua 7:25:

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  • Missing God's Best Series

    Contributed by Tim Patrick on Jun 26, 2005
    based on 20 ratings

    This sermon shares common mistakes that cause us to miss God’s best.

    Achan was in the promised land but missed the blessings of the land because of the mistakes he made. He missed God’s best. What would cause us to miss God’s best? I. We miss God’s best when we are Disobedient. A. Achan was told to stay away from the banned substance. He disobeyed and paid more

  • When You Run God's Red Light… Series

    Contributed by Rick Duncan on Jun 29, 2005
    based on 6 ratings

    In the pages of the Old Testament in the book of Joshua we find a story – a rather frightening story – about how worldliness and compromise really hurt the people of God and brought on God’s judgement.

    Which of God’s red lights are you most likely to run? Certainly, His top ten red lights are found in the Old Testament book of Exodus, chapter 20 – the Ten Commandments. “You shall have no other gods before Me.” When you consider not just the surface understanding of the command but the richer more

  • Here Comes Trouble Series

    Contributed by Pat Cook on Jul 24, 2005
    based on 5 ratings

    12th in long series on Joshua. This deals with sin in a believer’s life, which will cost him spiritual victory.

    Joshua 7:1-26 – Here Comes Trouble Today we continue our journey through Joshua. The whole book is about taking new territory. As Christians, God leads us on a journey, a walk into new places. Some people never get out and stretch their spiritual legs. They are still the same people as they more

  • Can't Get Enough Series

    Contributed by Pat Cook on Jul 29, 2005
    based on 20 ratings

    14th in long series on Joshua. This sermon deals with tithing, the NT standard for tithing, and greed.

    Joshua 7:1,11,15,19-26 – Can’t Get Enough A notorious miser was called on by the chairman of the community charity. “Sir,” said the fund-raiser, “our records show that despite your wealth, you’ve never once given to our drive.” “Do your records show that I have an elderly mother who was more

  • Why Have You Done This To Us? Series

    Contributed by Keith Shuler on Aug 12, 2005
    based on 28 ratings

    Leaders who fail to tithe should not be permitted to make decisions governing the body of Christ.

    Why Have You Done This To Us? Joshua 7 Robbery in any nation is a serious crime. It can result in various forms of punishment. Some people loose a hand while others spend time in prison. Stealing is also a crime in the Kingdom of God, as we shall see in our lesson today. Historically, the children more

  • Can Personal Sin Have A Corporate Effect?

    Contributed by Richard Berry on Jul 9, 2004
    based on 14 ratings

    Personal sin does not effect you alone, it effects many more people, including innocent people, family, church, nation.

    CAN PERSONAL SIN HAVE A CORPORATE EFFECT? I doubt that there is anyone here who doesn’t want to succeed in some way or fashion. If there was someone like that, I’d be suspicious. I would have to think hard about becoming good friends with someone who wouldn’t want to succeed. However, there is a more

  • "An Achan, Breakin' Heart"

    Contributed by Ray Scott on Jul 19, 2004
    based on 44 ratings

    Through the sin of Achan, and the defeat at Ai, we learn some valuable lessons on the process of temptation to sin, and dependence on God.

    “An Achan, Breakin’ Heart” Joshua 7:1-26 INTRODUCTION: This morning, we are going to take a look at “An Achan, Breakin’ Heart”. Turn with me to Joshua 7:1-26 – (READ in NLT). Israel had just come from 40 years of watching God work: • God led them out of the bondage of Egypt. • God opened the more

  • Don't Blow It Now! Series

    Contributed by Clarence Moore on May 27, 2006
    based on 31 ratings

    Don’t allow the enemy to cause you to loose focus now! - Your victory is just around the corner.

    2006 Overflow Series: Preaching from the book of Joshua Don’t Blow it now! On last week we witnessed the miraculous deliverance of a former prostitute and her whole family from the destruction of a city called Jericho. When the 6th chapter opens we find more

  • One Bad Apple Series

    Contributed by Victor Yap on Oct 22, 2006
    based on 6 ratings

    Joshua, Pt. 5

    ONE BAD APPLE (JOSH 7) Three churches – Baptist, Methodist, and Presbyterian – worked together to sponsor a community-wide revival. (The revival meetings were a success. New faces appeared, old friends returned, and neighbors were more aware of the church’s presence and programs in the community) more

  • "Sin In The Camp"

    Contributed by Monte Mcelfresh on Mar 4, 2006
    based on 5 ratings

    Dealing with sin

    “Sin In The Camp” Joshua 7:1-26 Introduction Even though you’re saved (crossed Jordan) still prone to sin. I. SIN – SATAN v.1 A. Don’t underestimate power of Satan B. Defeat a. Comes after victory b. Comes when least expected c. Comes when we feel strong in ourselves d. Comes when we neglect more

  • Achan's Fatal Mistake

    Contributed by Jeff Simms on Dec 7, 2003
    based on 95 ratings

    The importance of not compromising with sin

    Achan’s Fatal Mistake Joshua 7:3-13,24-25 Primary Purpose: The importance of not compromising with sin Last week we saw the people of God stand before their enemy and defeat them. We saw the powerful story of how God led the people of God to defeat Jericho. As they turn from this fresh more

  • God's Prescription For An Achan Heart Series

    Contributed by William Morris on Jan 27, 2004
    based on 21 ratings

    The sixth in a series of messages from teh book of Joshua dealing with living the victorious life

    Sermon by: Dr. Todd Morris Text: Joshua 7:1-26 Title: God’s Cure for an Achan Heart (# 6 In Joshua Series) Date: January 18, 2004 Introduction: Israel has just been involved in the greatest military victory in their history. They have just witnessed God’s defeat of the city of Jericho, and more

  • When Sin Is In The Camp

    Contributed by Jimmy Giffin on Mar 14, 2004
    based on 24 ratings

    The nation of Israel is stopped on their march into the Promise land. The reason why and the solution are here in this message.

    WHEN THERE IS SIN IN THE CAMP Text: II Corinthians 10:4; Joshua 7 The weapons of our warfare are not carnal. (worldly) They are mighty through God to pull down strongholds. Whether we want to admit to it or not the Church is involved in a spiritual war. The enemy we more

  • Getting Tripped Up By The Flesh Series

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Mar 19, 2007
    based on 18 ratings

    The three things that trip up Christians after major victories for the Lord are arrogance, independence, and giving into the flesh. Learn how we can actually become our own worst enemy and how to stop it!

    The two greatest enemies to living a victorious life in Jesus Christ are the world and the flesh. While the world presents itself as an impenetrable walled city, the flesh appears much more subtly: as just a few small baubles, a little temptation here and there that surely can’t hurt anything. Our more

  • The Trap Of Temptation

    Contributed by Dr. Keion Parrish on Jun 9, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    This passage teaches how great the consequences of temptation really are and the necessity of resisting it.

    Sermon Scripture: Joshua 7:1­26, especially verse 12b The Trap of Temptation Introduction: Do you realize that a single sin can potentially ruin your success, your family, a lifetime friendship, or a reputation? Temptations are all around us, waiting to destroy us if we give in (Gen. 4:7). Our more

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