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  • Enfrentando Los Mitos Del Matrimoniocon Honestidad Series

    Contributed by Jose Diaz on Feb 27, 2004
    based on 51 ratings

    “Y vivieron felices para siempre” es una de las mas trágicas sentencias de la literatura. Es trágica porque es falsa. Es una mentira que ha guiado a generaciones a esperar algo del matrimonio que es imposible.

    Enfrentando los mitos del MatrimonioCon Honestidad Tema 1 Mitos del Matrimonio “Y vivieron felices para siempre” es una de las mas trágicas sentencias de la literatura. Es trágica porque es falsa. Es una mentira que ha guiado a generaciones a esperar algo del matrimonio que es imposible. Mitos del more

  • Retaining Integrity During Difficult Times

    Contributed by Jose Cabajar on Jun 13, 2004
    based on 17 ratings

    Through the Bible, God instructs us on how to retain our integrity in times of severe crises.

    In times of trials and afflictions, when our physical and emotional beings are greatly affected, integrity must not be taken from us, but be guarded, be displayed and most of all be preserved for the glory of God. During darkest nights, integrity should not be exchanged in favor of some more

  • Little Maid With A Great Influence

    Contributed by Jose Cabajar on Jun 15, 2004
    based on 34 ratings

    Little maid with a giant voice whose faith inluenced big people.

    The story of the little maid has a great lesson to present to every believer today. If rightly understood, it will bring encouragement even to those believers who think they are of no importance in our society. Believers should not underestimate their value and their presence in this present more

  • Saul's Tragic Downfall

    Contributed by Jose Cabajar on Jun 15, 2004
    based on 36 ratings

    Saul’s foolishness and indifferent attitude toward God’s Word contributed a great deal to his tragic downfall.

    The rise and downfall of Saul convey both practical and spiritual lesson to every man especially to believers who want to glorify God continually through their God-given lives. King Saul’s spiritual blunder led him to a place he deserved. He pleased other people but overlooked to please God. more

  • The Overlooked Importance Of Chastisement

    Contributed by Jose Cabajar on Jun 15, 2004
    based on 24 ratings

    This life-changing message will surely guide us to understand the purpose of chastisement.

    Sometimes we miss many important and profitable things in life when we overlook their values and the great advantages they offer to us. Chastisement is a very good example of what we are talking about. There is always the tendency for a believer to despise the chastening of the Lord. Hebrews more

  • Self-Confidence: The Deceitful Destroyer

    Contributed by Jose Cabajar on Jun 17, 2004
    based on 19 ratings

    Knowing more about Samson’s life offers us a wider scope of understanding regarding the danger of self-confidence and spiritual leniency.

    Self-confidence is a misplaced reliance and it is offensive before the sight of God. Its deceitfulness is being revealed from generation to generation and sorrowfully experienced by its trapped victims. Samson, the strongest man who ever lived, is a warning example for all those who dare to put more

  • Being Established In The Present Truth

    Contributed by Jose Maldonado on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 54 ratings

    This morning I would like to speak on the subject of BEING ESTABLISHED IN THE PRESENT TRUTH.

    This morning I would like to speak on the subject of BEING ESTABLISHED IN THE PRESENT TRUTH. It is of utmost importance that a child of God be established in truth. If not he will be like the one that the Apostle Paul speaks of in Ephesians 4:14 "That we [henceforth] be no more children, tossed to more

  • When Less Is More

    Contributed by Jose Marin on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 129 ratings


    I. THE PEOPLE ARE TO MANY Vv.2-6a A. The Battle of The Lord ESDRAELON 1. Gideon means He that cuts down. They camped by the well of Harod. Harod means fear. 2. The valley of Jezreel which stretches across Central Palestine from the Jordan to the Mediterranean, separating the mountain ranges of more

  • Entendiendo Autoridad Biblica

    Contributed by Jose Favela on Jun 2, 2002
    based on 105 ratings

    Este sermon nos ensena respecto a las 7 relaciones de autoridad/sumision que nos ensenan las Escristuras

    ENTENDIENDO AUTORIDAD BIBLICA Romanos 13:1 Introducción: Donde quiera que nosotros vallamos nos encontraremos con una autoridad. Las Escrituras nos hablan de 7 relaciones de Autoridad/Sumisión I. DIOS Y EL HOMBRE. “Someteos, pues, a Dios… Santiago 4:7 a. Ahí esta la fuente de toda more

  • God Is On Our Side

    Contributed by Jose Rodriguez on Aug 22, 2002
    based on 41 ratings

    There times when it seem like we are on our own in times of troubles But God is on our side!

    GOD IS ON OUR SIDE Text: 2 Chro. 32:1-22 Introduction: A. When I was a young I played a lot of sports or pick up games 1) And I loved to win! 2) And because of that I wanted the best player on my side! Because I knew that with the best player I was going to be on the winning team! 3) As I more

  • Ten Things To Do

    Contributed by Jose Rodriguez on Sep 18, 2002
    based on 25 ratings

    WE all face time when we don’t know what to do. The Apostle Paul had ten things that cause him to go on in Victory!

    Ten things to Understand When you don’t know What to Do! Text: Psalm 73:2 Introduction: Asaph “I had nearly lost my foothold” v. 3-5 tells us why? We sometime feel like this! The Apostle Paul as you know was committed to the call of the Lord! He was willing to do everything possible to more

  • Don't Let The Fire Go Out On The Altar

    Contributed by Jose Rodriguez on Mar 24, 2001
    based on 150 ratings

    This is a sermon to challegne us to keep the fire burning on our personal altar !

    Don’t Let the Fire Go Out On The Alter Introduction : Lev. 6:12-13 A. How many know that we need a move of God in our World, Nation our cities our community ! I don’t know about You but I want the Power of God to fall ! That people may know that the God that I have given my life more

  • Los 7 Hábitos Del Misionero Efectivo

    Contributed by Jose Diaz on Nov 14, 2003
    based on 88 ratings

    Los siete pasos del misionero efectivo puestos en practica en nuestra vida haran que compartamos el evangelio mas fervientemente y asi cumplamos con la gran comision.

    Titulo: Los 7 hábitos del misionero efectivo Texto: Hechos de los Apóstoles 1:8 8 Pero recibiréis poder cuando el Espíritu Santo haya venido sobre vosotros, y me seréis testigos en Jerusalén, en toda Judea, en Samaria y hasta lo último de la tierra. Himnos: 351-354 Introducción 1 En 1904 llegan more

  • Victorious Moves Against Satan

    Contributed by Jose Cabajar on Nov 17, 2003
    based on 39 ratings

    Biblical warnings, instructions and reminders for every Local Church in order to avoid divisions and deceptions authored by the Devil.

    <PRE> All victories, past, present and future are Christ’s. What a wonderful Savior we have. What a great honor and privilege to be a part of His glorious victory over the adversary. God’s excellent superiority over the devil has been seen through the ages. God also wants His more

  • La Anatomía Del Amor

    Contributed by Jose Diaz on Nov 18, 2003
    based on 60 ratings

    ¿Qué es el amor? Es la conocida pregunta difícil de contestar porque el amor lo componen una composición de contradicciones: a. excitación y aburrimiento b. estabilidad y cambio c. restricción y libertad

    Introducción 1. Estamos reunidos aquí para unir en sagrado matrimonio a este hombre y a esta mujer. 2. El matrimonio es la máxima expresión pública de amor entre un hombre y una mujer. 3. ¿Qué es el amor? Es la conocida pregunta difícil de contestar porque el amor lo componen una composición de more

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