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Sermons on John 17:15:

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  • Securing The Success Of Jesus’ Mission-Part 2

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Apr 6, 2004
    based on 24 ratings

    Thru prayer, Jesus sought to secure the success of His mission. How does prayer secure the success of Jesus’ mission? 9 acquisitions securing the success of Jesus’ mission. Part 2 of a 2-part sermon.

    SECURING THE SUCCESS OF JESUS’ MISSION-II—John 17:1-26 Thru prayer, Jesus sought to secure the success of His mission. The success of Jesus’ mission is secured thru prayer. How does prayer secure the success of Jesus’ mission? 4 acquisitions securing the success of Jesus’ mission are.... 1. more

  • Jesus' Prayer For The Disciples

    Contributed by Mike Wilkins on May 5, 2004
    based on 21 ratings

    We are called into the glory-giving relationship that marks the unity of the Trinity.

    John 17:6-19 Jesus’ Prayer for the Disciples As we head toward Good Friday and Easter, I have been drawn to Jesus’ prayer in John 17. Jesus has entered Jerusalem triumphantly on Palm Sunday, he has been teaching in the temple and on the streets. What he has been saying and doing has offended the more

  • Christ's Prayer For His Church

    Contributed by Jason Horrocks on May 18, 2004
    based on 19 ratings

    This is a verse by verse interpretation of the prayer of Christ in John 17. Many issues are addressed in this sermon. What Christ expects of His church, what Christ expects of His Pastors, etc...

    Christ’s Prayer For His Church John 17:1-26 There was a little boy in a church service in Kentucky who was crying and interrupting the church service. After a period of time his dad took all he could stand. The dad picks him up and puts him underneath his arm. While heading out the back door, more

  • Prayer: Caring For Others Series

    Contributed by Dana Chau on May 25, 2004
    based on 40 ratings

    Learn why to pray for others, who to pray for when praying for others and what to pray for when praying for others.

    We return to our message series on prayer. We looked at prayer as communion with God and caring for self. We saw that prayer is not so much getting God to love us or getting God to do what we want, but prayer is getting to know the God who already loves us and who wants to show us His love if we more

  • Understanding Christianity

    Contributed by Don Schultz on Mar 26, 2003
    based on 35 ratings

    The situation in the Middle East, and our own situation - many comparisons help us better understand Christianity.

    John 17:1-16: UNDERSTANDING CHRISTIANITY During these past few weeks, it is virtually impossible to not know what is going on with the war in Iraq. Never before, in world history, have reporters had this much access to soldiers what they are doing. On TV, you’re able to see what the desert is more

  • Who Is This Man Jesus – Prayer Series

    Contributed by Floyd Johnson on May 4, 2003
    based on 149 ratings

    The sixth in a series looking at the life of Christ, this sermon looks at two prayers that Jesus delivers - the Priestly prayer of John 17 and the Lord’s prayer.

    Intro.: Pastor Joel Smith tells a cute story about his daughter: One night a father heard his young daughter speaking, although she was alone in her room. The door was cracked just enough so that he could see that she was kneeling beside her bed in prayer. Interested to find out what more

  • The Holy Spirit, The Soul Of The Church

    Contributed by William Baeta on May 15, 2003
    based on 45 ratings

    “No one has seen God at any time. If we love one another, God abides in us, and His love has been perfected in us. By this we know that we abide in Him, and He in us, because He has given us of His Spirit” 1 Jn. 4:12-13.

    Theme: The Holy Spirit, the soul of the Church Text: Acts 1:15-17, 20-26; 1 Jn. 4:11-16; John 17:6-19 The Church is often described in the New Testament using different descriptive images. It is sometimes described as a family and other times as a Kingdom. The only way to become a member of this more

  • Jesus Is At God's Right Hand

    Contributed by Charles Degner on May 16, 2003
    based on 38 ratings

    Jesus prayer shows us the heart of the Prophet, Priest, and King.

    11 I will remain in the world no longer, but they are still in the world, and I am coming to you. Holy Father, protect them by the power of your name--the name you gave me--so that they may be one as we are one. 12 While I was with them, I protected them and kept them safe by that name you gave me. more

  • The Time Has Come To Pray #7 Series

    Contributed by Larry Brincefield on Jan 14, 2004
    based on 28 ratings

    1. Joy 2. Holiness 3. Evangelism (3 qualities at all Christians SHOULD portray, yet so few do)

    December 16, 2003 Title: The Time Has Pray Text: John 17:13-19 Introduction 1. On these Wednesday Evenings, we have been observing Christ... we have been onlookers, much like those early disciples... watching Christ as He prays to His Father... listening and learning... drawing more

  • Praying For The Church Series

    Contributed by Guy Mcgraw on Jan 22, 2004
    based on 51 ratings

    Four Specific Prayer Needs for every church

    PRAYING FOR THE CHURCH John 17:8-24 A lot of talking can go on in the life of a church. Many words can be said. An evangelist went to one particular church and preached on a Sunday Morning. While standing by the exit door to shake hands with people a woman approached him. ‘That was the worst more

  • What Will It Take

    Contributed by Mike Rickman on Feb 22, 2004
    based on 58 ratings

    One thing we can be sure of, if the church is ever going to have an impact in the world, all we do must be surrounded by prayer.

    February 22, 2004 Morning Worship Text: John 17:20-26 Subject: Jesus’ Prayer for Believers Title: What Will It Take? I look back on our 2-½ years here at First Assembly and a lot of good memories begin to flood my mind. I think about the newlywed game at our first Christmas party and I laugh at more

  • Relatively True

    Contributed by Bill Sullivan on Dec 10, 2002
    based on 48 ratings

    We believe things because they are true - they are not true because we believe them.

    Relatively True TCF Sermon November 17, 2002 Open with the illustration below using jar of M&Ms and favorite food choices (NOTE: adapt this and do it with your own examples among the congregation - it’s an effective "grabber") A pastor named Stephey Belynskyj, starts each confirmation class more

  • Christ Our Sanctifier Series

    Contributed by Clyde Grimes on Dec 28, 2002
    based on 64 ratings

    Part 2 of 4 Advent sermons focusing on the Four-fold Gospel (C&MA distinctives)

    Christ Our Sanctifier (4FG-2) I. Why Do I Need a Sanctifier? A. What is sanctification? B. What is the relationship between salvation and sanctification? C. How important is sanctification? II. What Is God’s Plan to Meet My Need? A. A perfect man B. A perfect sacrifice III. How Do I Receive Christ more

  • It Ain't No Secret Formula

    Contributed by Dean Rhine on Jan 11, 2005
    based on 30 ratings

    Discipleship in the church

    Intro: When you think of buying friend chicken, what’s the first name you think of? Now maybe for you it’s Kroger Deli or Lee’s, but for me and most of America, we think of the name of Colonel Sanders and his Secret Recipe. One of the most closely guarded secrets in America is that special blend more

  • "Jesus' Prayer For You”

    Contributed by Byrene Haney on Dec 11, 2003
    based on 60 ratings

    Jesus before he left gave believers this incredible prayer.

    CHRIST’S prayer was for a special people. He declared that he did not offer an universal intercession. "I pray for them," said he. "My prayer is not for the world, but for those you have given me, because they belong to you." (v. 9) In reading this beautiful prayer through, one big question comes more

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