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  • Going To The Other Side Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Nov 20, 2014
    based on 9 ratings

    The essential characteristic of the Christian life is discipleship. This section is a warning to those who would become disciples of the Messiah.

    MATTHEW 8: 18-22 [THE MESSIAH REVEALED SERIES] GOING TO THE OTHER SIDE At this point Matthew interrupts the series of miracles. He is transitioning from the three miracles of healing (8:2-15) to three miracles of power (8:23-34; 9:1-8) over the forces of nature, over evil spirits, and over sin more

  • Power With Purpose Series

    Contributed by Alan Tison on Aug 17, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    As we continue our series this morning on the Life of Jesus, I want us to focus on the miraculous power of Jesus by looking at one of his miracles of healing. By looking at his miracles of healing, we discover why Jesus is a distinctive messiah worth foll

    Read Mark 1:29-34, then Play Video from movie Leap of Faith “Bring in the Flock “ What a contrast - There is a great deal of difference from the way Jesus performed miracles and in the way people perceive miracles happening today. Just as the video demonstrated, our world is full of more

  • Jesus As He Now Is: The Glorified Christ Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Mar 15, 2010

    When we talk about Christ being exalted at the Father's right hand, most of us have a pretty feeble picture in our minds; yet we do not serve a tired and shy Messiah who is but a man; we serve the Son of Man Who is the Son of God.

    Jesus As He NOW Is: The Glorified Christ (Revelation 1:12-16) 1. What is your Jesus like? 2. Weak Jesus or strong Jesus? Is He kind or nice, or both? Does He get angry? Is He a victim to our choices? Is He both man and God, or something less? 3. If you saw His face as it now is, would you more

  • Sudden Impact 5 Series

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Nov 26, 2003
    based on 25 ratings

    The I Am proclamations of Jesus in John’s Gospel reveal that Jesus is the Messiah and that He is the same God who spoke to Moses from the burning bush in Exodus 3. Jesus 6th impact statement reveals that he is the only path that leads to truth and to eter

    Sudden Impact 5: "I AM" statements of Jesus Thesis: The I Am proclamations of Jesus in John’s Gospel reveal that Jesus is the Messiah and that He is the same God who spoke to Moses from the burning bush in Exodus 3. Jesus 6th impact statement reveals that he is the only path that leads to truth more

  • Found By Jesus, And Finding Jesus

    Contributed by John Lowe on Sep 30, 2013

    Friends, is there anyone here today who feels like they need a Savior? You will never look for him, until you do feel your need for him. You must recognize that there is sin in you, sin for which you cannot make atonement, sin that you cannot overcome.

    7-30-05 FOUND BY JESUS, AND FINDING JESUS "The day following Jesus would go forth into Galilee, and findeth Philip, and saith unto him, Follow me. Now Philip was of Bethsaida, the city of Andrew and Peter. Philip findeth Nathanael, and saith unto him, We have found him, of whom Moses in the law, more

  • Prince Of Peace Series

    Contributed by John Oscar on Jan 9, 2020

    Sermon Series going through the names given in Isaiah 9:1-7 to the future Messiah Jesus. Heavily Adapted from a series offered by Sermon Central.

    Prince of Peace Sermons Series CCCAG Christmas Eve, 2019 Scripture- Isaiah 9 If you're visiting with us here tonight this is the last of a four part series where we went through the four names given to Jesus in Isaiah 9. We started off with talking about Jesus being our wonderful counselor , more

  • How Well Do You Know The Lord Jesus Christ? Series

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on Apr 2, 2022

    Everybody needs to know that Jesus is: 1. The Great Physician (vs. 14-15). 2. The promised Messiah (vs. 16-21). 3. The Prince of Peace (vs. 14-16, 19-20). 4. The only possible Savior (vs. 18, 21).

    How Well Do You Know the Lord Jesus Christ? The Gospel of Matthew Matthew 12:14-21 Sermon by Rick Crandall (Prepared April 2, 2022) BACKGROUND: *Please open your Bibles to Matthew 12. Remember that by this point, Jesus was in the second year of His earthly ministry. And in this chapter we see the more

  • The Power Of Contrast Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Jan 25, 2016

    There is nothing like a contrast to make the point; Jesus used the idea of contrast to highlight Who He is, and to distinguish external religion from true devotion.

    The Power of Contrast (Mark 12:35-44) 1. Illustration … a few years ago,. Trying to tell someone about the Windfarm on I-65 in NW Indiana. This person had never seen the big windmills, and was thinking of a place with 3 tiny windmills on US 31.. or the types farmers use to pump water in more

  • Sudden Impact 4 Series

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Nov 26, 2003
    based on 46 ratings

    The "I Am" proclamations of Jesus in John’s Gospel reveal that Jesus is the Messiah and that He is the same God who spoke to Moses from the burning bush in Exodus 3. His sudden impact statement 5 rocked the crowd when he raised Lazarus from the dead!

    Sudden Impact part 4 in "I AM" Series Thesis: The "I Am" proclamations of Jesus in John’s Gospel reveal that Jesus is the Messiah and that He is the same God who spoke to Moses from the burning bush in Exodus 3. His sudden impact statement 5 rocked the crowd when he raised Lazarus from the more

  • Mystery Hidden For Ages

    Contributed by David Anderson on May 5, 2001
    based on 81 ratings

    The many mysteries of Old Testament prophecies come together pointing to Jesus as Messiah.

    Sermon: "Mystery Hidden for Ages Past" 2 Sam. 7:1-11,16; Ro. 16:25-27; Luke 1:26-38 + + + Listen again to these fascinating words inspired upon the lips of the Apostle Paul by the omniscient Holy Spirit: 25 Now to him who is able to establish you by my gospel and the more

  • Is There Really A Point To Life? Series

    Contributed by Glenn Durham on Mar 11, 2008
    based on 5 ratings

    God shows the purpose of life to those who truly believe in Jesus as the Messiah.

    Scripture Introduction The events we are about to read occur after Jesus’ healing of a paralytic. An invalid for 38 years, this man’s only hope was the rumor of an angel coming down from heaven, dipping his wings into a pool, and creating a healing balm for the first person to enter the water. more

  • I Am The Light Of The World Series

    Contributed by Jefferson Williams on Sep 27, 2020

    Jesus declares that He is the light of the World - He is God, Messiah, Leader, and Guide.

    I AM: The Light of the World John 8:12-21 Pastor Jefferson M. Williams Chenoa Baptist Church 9-30-2020 Darkness that can be felt When I was a kid, my parents took me to Mammoth Caves in Kentucky. On the tour, we stopped and the guide told us that they were going to turn out of the lights. He more

  • Pomp And Circumstance

    Contributed by Jason Jones on Jun 3, 2024

    Palm Sunday, the entrance of Jesus announcing the long-awaited Messiah, the King of the Jews

    Background to passage: Sometimes called the Christ Hymn, it’s Paul’s passage about the person of Jesus, his incarnation/humiliation, death, and exaltation. Since today is Palm Sunday, I want to look at one aspect of the entrance of Jesus into the city - his kingship. At least some of the Jews more

  • Three Searching Kings

    Contributed by Elmer Towns on May 6, 2019

    Searching for Messiah.

    A. WHAT IS KNOWN FOR SURE? MATTHEW 2:1-12 1. They saw the star in the East and in Jerusalem. 2. Brought three gifts. 3. They were searching for Messiah. 4. They were told to find the Christ and report back to Herod. 5. Were divinely warned in a dream not to tell Herod. B. WHAT CAN WE KNOW more

  • Politicians Will Not Save Us

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Jul 15, 2024

    Every few years something happens to remind us we should never put our trust in princes, or politicians, but only in our Lord, Jesus Christ.

    Friday of the fifteenth week in course 2024 (7/19) It’s not possible for me to read the Scriptures today and ignore what happened just a week ago in Pennsylvania. I do believe that God, perhaps through angelic suggestion, arranged things so that the bullet missed the candidate’s head by a few more

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