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Sermons on Jeremiah 42:19-22:

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  • Will You Reject My Counsel?

    Contributed by Bo Dunford on Mar 15, 2002
    based on 30 ratings

    God offers counselling, but many are rejecting it today.

    JER. 42:19-22 "WILL YOU REJECT MY COUNSEL?" * I have sat in my office, in my home, and in other people’s homes and counseled with them. * I always try to give them advise as to what the Bible has to say about their problem. A) Some people take my advise, and some don’t. * I have counseled about more

  • ¿qué Voz Voy A Escuchar En Tiempos De Crisis?

    Contributed by Moises Riffo on Jul 19, 2009

    En tiempos de crisis se presentan muchas alternativas, hay muchos caminos que se nos muestran como una salida a nuestra situación. No hay cosa mejor que escuchar la voz de Dios.

    Entonces se acercaron Johanán hijo de Carea y Azarías hijo de Osaías, junto con los jefes militares y todo el pueblo, desde el más chico hasta el más grande, y le dijeron al profeta Jeremías: —Por favor, atiende a nuestra súplica y ruega al SEÑOR tu Dios por todos nosotros los que quedamos. more

  • Unsafe Prayers

    Contributed by John Gaston on Aug 25, 2016

    Unsafe prayers are those which take us out of our comfort zone, which expose us to God, which thrust us out into the realm of faith and cause us to completely rely on God. Are you ready to pray unsafe prayers?

    UNSAFE PRAYERS Jer. 42:20 INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR: THE LUMBERYARD 1. A man went to the lumber yard and said to an attendant, “I want 5 4X2’s.” The attendant said, “Do you mean 2X4’s?” He answered, “Let me go out to the truck to ask.” 2. He went out more