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  • Through A Baby's Eyes

    Contributed by Jack Harris on Nov 25, 2004
    based on 5 ratings

    At this season of celebration of the Birth of our Lord, let us remember that the eyes that beamed tender truths as a Baby are later seen as coals of flaming fire when He stood before John in His glory! Rev. 1:14

    “THROUGH A BABY’S EYES.” Luke 2: 21-35 Int. In one of the issues of the Farmers Almanac has in it a list of poems written by school children. These were written about the child’s view of a perfect world. Although the kids who were selected as winners ranged over seven states and one foreign more

  • A Word From God For Sensible People

    Contributed by Jack Harris on Dec 15, 2004
    based on 48 ratings

    This sermon is designed to emphasize the importance and the benefits of the Lord’s Supper.

    A WORD FROM GOD FOR SENSIBLE PEOPLE. 1 Cor. 10:14-21 Int: The Apostle Paul was a man whose approach to life was totally reordered by his personal experience with the Lord. The wisdom, which he gained through this experience, had enabled him to see through the pressures and preferences that tend to more

  • Echoes From Eternity

    Contributed by Jack Harris on Dec 15, 2004
    based on 20 ratings

    More than any other teacher who ever lived, Jesus was qualified to provide a glimpse into the scenes that shall unfold in eternity.

    ECHOES FROM ETERNITY. Luke 16:19-31 Int: The verses that are just before this story, contain an emphasis that Jesus placed upon the importance of making provisions for the day of death. He showed that it is possible for a person to make friends that will be of use to him when death sweeps him out more

  • "One God, One Country, One Destiny.”

    Contributed by Jack Harris on Dec 15, 2004
    based on 50 ratings

    The principles of Christianity were so deeply entrenched in the establishment of America that one must conclude that without Christianity, there would never have been a country such as the United States of America. This nation is the first nation in all o

    “ONE GOD, ONE COUNTRY, ONE DESTINY.” Eph. 2:13-16 Int: It was the spirit of Christianity that changed the face of the ancient world. No other event has so impacted the human race as did the coming to earth of Jesus, the Christ. His message was so totally different from the prevailing world view of more

  • 911

    Contributed by Jack Warford on Sep 12, 2001
    based on 120 ratings

    We are a shameless nation that has invited the anger of God, but there is hope in Him who we have angered.

    911 Zephaniah 2:1-3 (NLT) I truly believe that these numbers not only represent September 11, 2001 another day that will go down in infamy. But, I believe with all that makes me a child of God, this is an emergency call (911) from God saying we are in imminent danger of losing His protection for more

  • Sometimes The Roof Falls In.

    Contributed by Jack Allen on Sep 16, 2001
    based on 40 ratings

    Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the lord our God. How can I trust God so completely that I do not hate the terrorists? How can I trust in God to rid the world of this evil?

    Sometimes…the roof falls in; Sept. 11, 2001 was one of those times. (Psalm 20:7) © 2001 Dr. Jack Allen “These attacks make us feel helpless and terrified, and can even make us think there is a force out there greater than God," says Christian counselor Steve Pettit (Steve Pettit, quoted by Jon more

  • Easing Back To Business As Usual

    Contributed by Jack Warford on Sep 18, 2001
    based on 79 ratings

    Has there been a change is your relationship with God since last Tuesday?

    We can never allow ourselves to ease back to business as usual after the 911 calls we received from God last week. Don’t we know that our lack of passion for our Lord is what brought His anger to us? God showed His anger for our sin and rebellion and we are considering resuming what we were doing more

  • Over My Dead Body

    Contributed by Jack Warford on Sep 28, 2001
    based on 79 ratings

    “Over my dead body”, was a phase that I heard many times while I was growing up in the fifties and sixties. But today it takes on a greater significance than it has ever held with me before. Today the one using these words is Jesus Himself.

    “Over my dead body”, was a phase that I heard many times while I was growing up in the fifties and sixties. But today it takes on a greater significance than it has ever held with me before. Today the one using these words is Jesus Himself and the one He is talking to is you. The only way any of more

  • Expect Casualties

    Contributed by Jack Warford on Oct 2, 2001
    based on 76 ratings

    We must expect casualties while doing the work of the LORD! It makes no difference whether we are a Samuel or a Saul, we will have casualties, and too often they are caused by friendly actions. It comes with the territory and the ministry.

    We must expect casualties while doing the work of the LORD! It makes no difference whether we are a Samuel or a Saul, we will have casualties, and too often they are caused by friendly actions. It comes with the territory and the ministry God has given each of us. Some are killed in action and some more

  • A Word Of Warning From The Amen

    Contributed by Jack Warford on Oct 11, 2001
    based on 94 ratings

    Jesus leaves the worst of the letters to the seven churches for last, because they received no commendation for doing what was right. They were a phony church, a church simply playing church.

    Jesus leaves the worst of the letters to the seven churches for last, because they received no commendation for doing what was right. They were a phony church, a church simply playing church. It is important for Pastors to remember that this letter was written to us by the Apostle John and more

  • The Prayer Of Agur Part 1 Series

    Contributed by Jack Warford on Oct 17, 2001
    based on 54 ratings

    The prayer of Agur (aw-goor) has challenged me to ask myself what two requests must I make of God before I die.

    As I was searching different web sites I came across a sermon preached last week by Pastor Robert AuBuchon at Trinity Baptist Church in Willow Springs, Missouri. I have enjoyed many of Bob’s messages in the past and they have sparked within me a message of my own. I want to give credit where credit more

  • The Hope Of Life

    Contributed by James Jack on Dec 14, 2005
    based on 5 ratings

    The hope we have in Christ is a living hope that will never perish, spoil or fade.

    1 Peter 1:3-12 You might have heard the old saying “where there’s life, there’s hope”. That saying tells us how important hope is to people, because if we reverse it, it says “where there’s hope, there’s life” – which means that where there’s no hope, there’s death. As humans, we live on hope. more

  • God's Grace To Nineveh

    Contributed by James Jack on Dec 14, 2005
    based on 14 ratings

    We don’t like our enemies receiving mercy, but God is gracious to all who repent.

    Jonah 3 When we read of the prophet Jonah many of us go away thinking, “what a fool!” What a selfish fool!” But what many of us don’t realise is that our reaction to the prospect of our enemies getting away with it is exactly the same as Jonah’s. There was one kid in my class at primary school more

  • Punishment For God's People

    Contributed by James Jack on Dec 14, 2005
    based on 17 ratings

    God expects faithfullness from his people, so live a life worthy of the calling you have received.

    When I was a kid I remember having a friend over and playing cricket in the back yard. We repeatedly hit the ball over the fence into the neighbour’s hard and trampled all over their flower beds retrieving it. We were caught mutilating the backyard flora and my mother proceeded to berate me more

  • Obedience Brings Miracles

    Contributed by Jack Valentino on Nov 1, 2004
    based on 144 ratings

    Miracles come from obedient giving

    OBEDIENCE BRINGS MIRACLES I Kings 17:1-16 1.And Elijah the Tishbite, of the inhabitants of Gilead, said to Ahab, “as the Lord God of Israel lives, before whom I stand, there shall not be dew or rain these years, except at my word. 2.Then the word of the Lord came to him saying 3.Get away from more

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