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  • Same Daddy...different Promise Series

    Contributed by Carl Willis on Aug 8, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Ishmael and Isaac. Offspring of the same biological father, but recipients of a different promise.

    Same Daddy… Different Promise Galatians 4:21-31 Galatians 4:21-23 (NLT) Listen to me, you who want to live under the law. Do you know what the law really says? [22] The Scriptures say that Abraham had two sons, one from his slave-wife and one from his freeborn wife. [23] The son of the more

  • Don't Settle For Ishmael When You Can Have Isaac

    Contributed by Kirk Devine on May 10, 2007
    based on 154 ratings

    Compromise has literally crippled the body of Christ… We see it everywhere… We compromise for various reasons: lack of trust, lack of patience, peer pressure… But you need to understand today, that God has not called us to a life of compromise, but He has

    DON’T SETTLE FOR ISHMAEL WHEN YOU CAN HAVE ISAAC GENESIS (15:1-4) 16:1-5 Compromise has literally crippled the body of Christ… We see it everywhere… We compromise for various reasons: lack of trust, lack of patience, peer pressure… But you need to understand today, that God has not called us to a more

  • Journey To Greatness

    Contributed by Segun Omole on Jul 13, 2013

    After these things.. After what? In Chapter 21 Abraham had been forced to send his 'other son' Ishmael out with Hagar. Ishmael, though was not his child of promise, was still his son

    Journey to Greatness- Genesis 22:1-18 After these things.. After what? In Chapter 21 Abraham had been forced to send his 'other son' Ishmael out with Hagar. Ishmael, though was not his child of promise, was still his son. Sending him out with the mother was a saddening experience for Abraham but he more

  • Part 2 - Genesis 21:8-13 - The Last Laugh! Series

    Contributed by Ross Cochrane on Aug 24, 2010
    based on 11 ratings

    All of a sudden Ishmael isn’t smiling anymore. THE LAST LAUGH WAS ON HIM.

    Part 2 - Genesis 21:8-13 - THE LAST LAUGH! It was a boring job packing books and I remember we would look for ways to have a bit of fun in the warehouse. When people found other work and left the warehouse they were BINNED! Usually it was TIM who organised a BINNING with everyone, and he would more

  • Abraham- No Child, No Problem--Or So They Thought Series

    Contributed by Jonathan Spurlock on Jan 13, 2021

    The LORD had promised Abram and Sarai a child. After ten additional years, and no child, they decided to help God out. The results weren't exactly what they expected.

    Introduction: Genesis 15 has the story where Abram asked God a question after God had told him, “I am your shield and your exceedingly great reward (Gen. 15:1, paraphrased). Abram’s question was “What will You give me? I’m childless, and the only heir I have is Eliezer of Damascus (Gen 15:2, more

  • The Two Sons Series

    Contributed by Robert Leroe on Jun 29, 2014

    Performance-based religion is a dead-end. We’re faced with a choice: -Slavery or freedom; -Righteousness by keeping the law, or righteousness by faith in God’s promises.

    Introduction: A man asked Jesus how to get to Heaven. In typical Jewish fashion, Jesus answered the question with a question: “What do you think?” The man suggested, “By keeping the law,” and Jesus said (with a smile), “Fine, do that and you’ll make it!” more

  • El Roi – The God Who Sees. Abram, Sarai, Hagar, Ishmael

    Contributed by William Akehurst on Apr 29, 2024

    GOD’s Plans are best and in HIS own timing. How many times have we tried to take matters in our own hands, only to find that had we waited on the LORD, HIS plans would have been fulfilled. But "The GOD Who sees" will redirect us when we go off track.

    2024.04.28. Sermon Notes. Elroi – The GOD Who Sees. Abram, Hagar, Ishmael, Elroi William Akehurst, HSWC BIG IDEA: GOD’s Plans are best and in HIS own timing. Sometimes with knowledge of what is to come, we try to take matters into our own hands, move things along, only to find that we’ve gone the more

  • Discovering Genesis, Part 16 Series

    Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Dec 8, 2011

    This message focuses on the birth of Isaac as well as the casting out of Ishmael and Hagar and God's sovereignty and protection displayed which reveals the coming redemption of Christ.

    Discovering Genesis, Part 16 (The Tale of Two Families, Part 2) Genesis 21:1-21 Introduction (Summary of Part 1) - Last time, we saw the response of Abram to God in a two-part phase - (v6) The Bible tells us 1) Abram believed then, 2) God credited righteousness - It is something that we have to more

  • The Best Is Yet To Be

    Contributed by Joseph Smith on Mar 21, 2010
    based on 30 ratings

    Senior Adult Sunday 1989: God wants to bless us in our senior years and to give us "laughter". He can work through our mistakes and even make those into blessings. From crosses He makes resurrections.

    As they passed through the middle age years and headed for senior status, they took some measures to make sure that those years would be manageable years. They took stock of their finances, for example, and made sure that there would be enough for everyday life and for at least a few emergencies. more

  • Unmasking Al Queda:biblical Propehcy Being Fulfilled

    Contributed by Kayode Eleyinte on Aug 7, 2013

    Not many christian understands that one of the bible prophecy is playing out in the Middle East and as regards the rise of radical Islamic terror groups. We are at the threshold of the fulfillment of age-long prophecy. We need to watch.

    The al queda terror group has been around for quite some time.They had been a big threat to the lives and properties of many nation in Asia,both Central Asia and Middle East.Their murderous activities has leap over the borders of Asia into Europe,America and Africa.The fear of al queda has more

  • Genesis 35 Series

    Contributed by Tom Owen on Aug 6, 2009
    based on 4 ratings


    The last time we saw Abraham he was preparing the next generation to be able to take over the family after his death. But guess what, he was going to live another 35 years! And not only that, he’d get married again and father 6 more kids! Let’s look at: I. Abraham’s final chapter [Read Genesis more

  • God's Extreme Faithfulness Series

    Contributed by Jonathan Twitchell on Dec 7, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    The story of Hagar and Ishmael provides a backdrop for a discussion of God’s faithfulness to His promises and to His people.

    Text: Genesis 21:1-21 Date: Sunday, June 23, 2002 Author: Rev. Jonathan K. Twitchell You and I live in a society in which it is common for people to look for loopholes. Lawyers look for loopholes in the legal system for the benefit of their clients. Insurance companies specialize in pages of more

  • Genesis 25:7-18 - How To Claim Your Inheritance Series

    Contributed by Ross Cochrane on Aug 2, 2011
    based on 14 ratings

    What is that inheritance that God wants me to receive? How can I receive it?

    Genesis 25:7-18 - HOW TO CLAIM YOUR INHERITANCE “MISHMA, DUMAH, MASSA,” (Genesis 25:14). Three of the children of Ishmael, maybe triplets. Their names became a PROVERB. Adam Clarke in his commentary on Genesis says "Mishma" means HEARING. "Dumah" means SILENCE; and þ"Massa" means more

  • Blinded By Emotion #4 Series

    Contributed by J. Brad Campbell on Nov 6, 2006
    based on 5 ratings

    Fourth sermon in the series "The Spirit of IShmael" dealing with people who are rulled by thier emotions.

    Spirit of Ishmael Blinded by Emotion #4 Text: Gen 21:9-19 And Sarah saw the son of Hagar the Egyptian, which she had born unto Abraham, mocking. 10 Wherefore she said unto Abraham, Cast out this bondwoman and her son: for the son of this bondwoman shall not be heir with my son, even with more

  • Trusting God

    Contributed by Matthew Oliver on Jun 24, 2002
    based on 14 ratings

    The experience of Abraham and Ishmael and Christ’s words tell us that we are to trust God, even to death.

    5th Sunday after Pentecost Trusting God. Preached at Saint John the Evangelist, Cold Lake, Holy Eucharist 23 June 2002 Genesis 21:8-21; Romans 6:1-11; Psalm 86:1-10, 16-17; Matthew 10:24-39 O Lord, we pray, speak in this place, in the calming of our minds and in the longing of our hearts, by more